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I love a good riding lawnmower for a big property. I used to have a Toro when I had a house with a half acre of the property covered with lawn. But it took some effort to get the land level enough to have a lawn. The previous owners had logged off the land, pulled the stumps but the ground was not even close to being smooth enough of a surface to be able to use a mower on it. I rented a tractor and roto-tilled it then hired a guy to blade it and put a layer of sand over everything to smooth it all out. Sand was a lot cheaper than topsoil. It all worked out and the grass grew in just fine. No soggy wet spots in the yard.  I should go and take a photo of that place, the people who bought it won't mind that.

Day before yesterday I took a photo of the house I used to own in Poulsbo. It was a very small and homely rental property with no landscaping when we bought the place. Along with my ex I renovated it to have the look of an older Craftsman bungalow by adding a big front porch and lots of details such as shingles, brackets, stone columns. I terraced the yard and planted tons of plants and trees. The back corner has a pond with a waterfall. I also designed and had a company frame up a big garage with an attic truss system, that was my workshop space downstairs and the upstairs was the office space for our architectural illustration business. There was another small building on the property, seen next to the big workshop space that also got renovated. The original owners of the place were a Norwegian couple and that third building was partly a one car garage and the other part of it was the woman's kitchen with a wood stove in it. She did not cook inside the house. The house was really odd inside, someone had added a very tiny efficiency sized sink with a stove next to it. The fridge was over in the hallway. A great piece of land with water views in the distance from two directions. Terrific neighborhood but it sat on the market for a long time at a low price waiting for someone who could make it into something.
poulsbo 1.jpg
Poulsbo 2.jpg

So I don't just design and build birdhouses and little cardstock buildings and travel trailers. I have also done design and renovation work on 5 properties that I have owned. Plus landscape design too. I could have been on one of those "fixer upper" shows that give ugly places some curb appeal.


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Pretty cool how you took that house and made it look like a Craftsman bungalow - what a lot of improvements you made! It is really pretty now and I love the landscaping, the stone columns and the porch. I wonder if the current owners know the history of the house.
Travel-A, I am sure the new owners know the history of the house. The people we purchased it from live right next door, his parents owned the place before they did. But it was purchased to use for the rental income, they never lived there.
On other unrelated news, the forecast sees frost tonight in my neighborhood, so I decided to salvage some tomatoes (as many as I can spread out in front of a kitchen window).
The rest of them will have to fend for themselves. The same thing happened last year.

Anyone likes green fried tomatoes? The actual thing, not the film.


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Can't you put a tarp or blanket over the outside plants at night? You'd think the earth would absorb heat during the day, and give it to the plants at night. Are you still on schedule to start wandering, Sophia?
I have some heavy duty plastic left over from an attic insulation project, I'll drape some of that over the plants and see what happens.

My schedule has been ripped apart so many times so far, that I decided to stop putting up deadlines to myself as it only adds to the stress.

As of right now, I'm 2 or more months out, and if that means leaving in the dead of winter, so be it.
I'll just have to drive slowly.
I hope you guys will still be out there somewhere, so I will have a destination.
There is only so much one person can do...
I thought I would give everybody an update on Quartzsite. It’s still pretty hot mid to upper 90’s until Wednesday at least then cooling down to the 80’s which will feel great! At least no more 105 plus days in the near future. Very few people here in the LTVA’s as of now!

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Very cool frosty night in PA down to 34°. The kind of weather that makes the apples crisp. I’ve been down in the dumps lately but a friend took me to the mountains of Perry County today to see the leaves changing. at that elevation they were near the peak what a glorious day. bright sunshine on multi colored leaves sure is a pick me up. We stopped at an Amish bake shop where we got homemade donuts and I brought home a homemade pumpkin pie. On my way home a friend called to tell me he stopped At a fire company oyster fry and brought me a dozen fried oysters. I am going to be full over the next two days.

I have been using a little electric heater in the nights. But you know how little heaters cook you out of the van so I have to get up and turn it off in the middle of the night then back on in the morning. God bless the nomads and thank you for keeping us warm and filling our bellies.

Thank you sofisintown for adding to the haiku it’s somebody else’s turn now I just followed you.
As i
I  cant deal with 90s for temperature and I have a good spot to camp in I am hanging out in the land of drizzle for another couple of weeks.  But temps in the 50s and low sixties combined with the wet means things that wet wont dry out without the help of some heat. So today's build project was add some eye screws into the wood framing around my pop up top. Then some co,or coordinated red rope through the eyes. So now I have a chlothes line inside thast is safely above my heater. The heat can rise up into that space and as it has zippered screen windows the moist air can move on outside.

It will be handy for drying microfiber cloths and jackets. But the really important thing is to be able to dry the cutting mats that support cardstock when I run it though my vinyl cutter. the mats get coated with repoositionable adhesive that will last through about 6 cutting cycles but I have to wash all the chads and paper fibers off after each cycle then get the mats good and dry. Plus when I need to apply water based adhesive to them that too has to dry before use.

As I need to cut more kits this week I had to get that rope system installed today.

This is just one of those things you have to do to make life on the road work for a business you take along with you that needs to be done in all kinds of weather, hot, cold, rainy, windy, etc. So now I can have 16 mats drying overhead, out of my way, when the popup top is open. Problem solved for under $4.00  and not a lot of labor time. Plus it does not look weird because of using red rope that goes with the red canvas, a nice find at the dollar store. :)
Sofi:  Good save!

Nature:  Absolutely something amazing about sun through colored leaves in crisp air!  (When I lived in Ohio, our newly built suburb encroached on Amish farm land.  A family made the rounds in their buggy regularly, selling the freshest eggs, noodles and baked goods imaginable.  That's one of my best memories of the time.)

Maki:  I had never seen your rig before, and I must say it's very cute (and apparently quite functional, too).

TA:  You (and your family) are in my thoughts as you seek the way(s) forward.

As for me, we are managing to get out of the S&B in a very socially distanced way, but I really miss my friends and family.  COVID took 20 lives here the other day, and I hurt for my community.  Meanwhile, I am distracting myself with solar cooking (fun!) and engaging in low-level "forensic cooking" experiments to expand our options on the road without stops for supplies.  So far, it's been manageable with only the occasional ice machine.
Vanfan. my tra iler was made by a companynthat was only in business in Oregon for a little over 2 years. At 50 years old they are pretty rare and mostly found on the West Coast.

 the Hunter Compact fiberglass trailers are very similar in look, and also made during that same era of time. They were also 13 feet with a popup roof section and there are more of them still around as they had a bigger production run for a a few more years.  the brag was you could pull these trailers with a VW Beetle as they are lightweight.
Sofisintown said:
There is only so much one person can do...
It's amazing how much work it is just to get the final bits in place in the van, as well as closing down the S&B, in order to take off for 2-3 months in the winter. Are you trying to sell the house before leaving? Maybe easier to outfit the van and leave for the winter months, then sell the house next spring if that's on the agenda. That way you could leave next week, :).

FWIW, covid is horrible right now in Wisconsin, one of the worst hotspot states. It seems that a major factor is that social distancing has gone from 55% last April to just 10% today. People are very lax, whereas it has improved quite a bit in Arizona. 
Overcast today but no rain came down. I went for a walk in the woods this morning and enjoyed the color show the big leaf maples are putting on.

Today I was doing some repairs to those big birdhouses I showed photos of. They had over the years lost some of the brickwork on them. I cut new bricks yesterday and today adhered them in place. It was a pleasant workday, I was listening to a book on tape so the time went by quickly and the work went pretty smoothly. Tomorrow I will put grout in the joints and then dirty up the bricks and grout to color match the natural aging on the rest of the surface. One of the pieces needs a few shingles replaced so I will need to split some from a piece of cedar lumber which fortunately I do have along with me. I also have some aging solution I brought along which is essentially vinegar with some iron rust in it. When the iron containing solution is put onto the cedar it reacts with the tanic acid in the cedar, that reaction turns the wood grey which makes it look old and weathered. So nearly instant aging which is rather fun to do. Model railroad builders do a lot of that instant aging stuff.

I have extended my stay at this State park campsite until the end of this month because it is a good place to hang out in. I do not have to change campsites as the one I am in had not yet been booked by anyone else.
I have some vinegar and steel working right now to "stain" some new doors in the van....

Years ago I made a line of Photo Frames from Oak and treated with the same solution

............"Iron Oak" was my trade name
Sofisintown said:
... to salvage some tomatoes...
You can pull the plants and hang them upside down in a frost free place and the tomatoes will ripen on the vine. 
I have decided to transcribe my notepad info into a van notebook. I was so bummed about the bb errors this weekend thinking I would lose all the information I have gleaned from these pages. I'm sure some of the equipment sources will be gone due to covid, but some will still be in business.
crofter said:
transcribe my notepad info into a van notebook. 
I back up all of my important project information to 2 separate USB Flash Drives. Then I have 3 copies, including the one on the main laptop.
Uh oh the forecast lied, it is raining.  good thing I got my votdoors camp chores errands errands in town done earlier. 

But now I need to go to work. I have tiny bricks to grout and I need to cut some cardstovk castle kits. I am doing work camping but I am my own boss. It sure beats a screaming back ache tryng to do other types of work camping jobs.

But I have been considering being a camp host for WA state parks next summer. I think I will fill out the forms and see what happens.
@Sofi - speaking of fried green tomatoes, I had some lovely green tomatoes on my bushes... just prior to the fire. When I went back there was only a small pile of dirt on the ground there - the containers I had them in, the metal poles.. bushes of course - all were consumed without a trace. Your crop looks awesome, by the way.

@VanFan - can't imagine living in a community where 20 people die of covid in a day. I wonder about the size of your community. So sorry it is this hard hit and sad for all the families.

..... Hugs and kisses to the rest of you - I'm kind of tired tonight so it is the best I can do.

Yesterday I went out for a drive after church. First, let me say - I'm looking for a new church here in Yreka and so far I have not found it. Possibly I'm too picky but also, maybe I'll find just the right place eventually. It looks like I'm not going back to my Happy Camp church so part of facing reality is moving forward on that issue. On the other hand, I might not be staying in Yreka either. My future is so uncertain... but I'm having fun here.

On Saturday I participated in a Historical Society tour of the downtown area of this town - a historic gold mining town, with many old buildings intact. There are tunnels underneath Miner Street... didn't know that before. Occasionally they cave in. Old sandstone foundation blocks were pointed out as we walked along... and I didn't know there was a full carousel inside the old bank building! The owner is a collector of a lot of museum quality old stuff.

Sunday afternoon I did some Sunday driving and went to Dunsmuir and a campground where I took a hike. Here's the video.


Today I did more driving... got all the way to Mt. Shasta City on frontage roads... then to the other side of the freeway and drove to Big Springs, and found Big Springs Road which is unpaved for miles. Stopped out there and enjoyed being alone in a beautiful natural setting. Not forested but... volcanic with scrub brush. Got back to the hotel and wondered if I'm trying to run away from something, since I'm doing so much desperate driving... wishing I was traveling, I guess.

In other news my son took his stuff to Reno in my cargo trailer and got back to Happy Camp this afternoon... and will bring me the trailer tomorrow. It worked out well for him. I guess tomorrow he's leaving to go back to Reno more permanently... and at the same time my daughter and family are moving their RV to Happy Camp! I saw her today and gave her my mailbox key for the PO box out there. She'll let me know if I get anything important. I'm feeling deserted by my kids! I'm the only one left out here (of my family) with no home and no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing. I feel like I need to discuss things with FEMA before making a decision on what comes next.

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