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Uh Oh, bad side effect to the cold gloomy weather this past few days. I find myself eating more snacks. Fortunately the weather pattern will change to sunny again tomorrow. Wintering in Arizona should be a big help.

Today is sorting and packing day.  That will have to happen between the lingering showers.   I will also be consolidating and downsizing as much as possible while doing the packing up.   Hopefully I will also get to the laundromat.

I guess I had better get to it instead of just talking about it.

More self control needed in my life, less food intake, more calorie burning by getting work done.
Wow! did we skip a whole day? no post on the 25th? That is unusual. We’ve got a chilly damp drizzly day in PA. It’s amazing how dampness cools off the camper as much as cold or maybe more. Dampness seems to go “ into my bones” quicker than cold. Had a neat experience two days ago I’m not far from a private airport where they have a air museum. a bi-plane was flying Over and around this farm doing acrobatics. whoever was flying it was very very skilled. a little scary to me I wouldn’t have the nerve. I got some video with the iPad but nothing good quality because I don’t know very well how to do video with the iPad. I’m learning. I do envy those of you moving to the south. I want to be here for Thanksgiving to see my children. Now I,m Thinking of going south for a little more warmth but not as far as Florida then back for Thanksgiving and then Florida. I make lots of plans but They all don’t pan out God bless the Nomads all of them as we fly to warm weather.

PS - I do appreciate those who keep the haiku going because I’m finding that I enjoy that. It gives me something to look forward to.
I have not piloted a bi-plane but I have flown in one when the pilot was doing aerobatics. I loved it, big smile on my face the whole flight.
Forum software gets updated regularly, once a week or sometimes more. When that happens the persons who are the admins of the forums that are hosted on that software have to log in to install the updates. As the admins of this forum are van dwellers they are not necissarily online constantly. So yes sometimes the forum will be down for a while until they can get around to logging in and installing updates. It is just something that is a natural part of our lifestyle that the updates wont be taken care of in a millisecond. Could even take days now and again if the admins are not in range of a signal or have other issues with their equipment.

Just go with the flow and help the impatient sorts understand it is part of being nomadic and they need to get used to  loss of communication now and again. It is part of the life.
I wasn’t trying to be impatient or critical. I was just amazed that this chatty group didn’t have anything to say for 24 hours. Glad to see were all up and running and I’m happy for what the moderators do for us. God bless the nomads the moderators too.
One day the forum is done (this was happening all the time a month or so ago, but had normalized a bit), and the next day, Sofi has been dematerialized once again. Atoms scattered in Wisconsin to remateralize in Arizona.
Not close to being done with minimizing but at least I did make some progress on it today because the weather cooperated and did not soak me and all my stuff. Lots of black clouds overhead but they decided to hang onto the rain inside them. No doubt it will start raining shortly after sunset but at least I was not stuck inside all day today :)
Hello, I'm having a low energy day.  Should take vitamins. Had Zoom meeting with siblings and cousins today, and all spouses. I'm the only single one of them all. Hope I have more energy tomorrow. Made a new Booktube video last night and it was published today.
Fogged in this morning. But by the time i get things sorted and packed into secure places for travel it should have burned off.  iI think I will do a few days of urban boondocking. That will put me close to some stores in case I need some parts for the wiring work.

Starting October 1 I can get cheap really camping in WA state parks. That would be a big help while waiting for cool weather time in the Southwest.  But much depends on how rainy the weather in Western WA is going to be in October. Sometimes October is dry, sometimes it is endless dreck. Living life one day at a time while waiting on Mother Nature to make decisions for me :)
A nice sunny start to the day here in Montana. I've been doing some maintenance work on the rig, but we are still stuck at home for health reasons, non-covid related. Going out for a long walk in a bit.

Maki2-do camping rates drop significantly for fall/winter in WA? I looked at their site and don't see anything. I know Oregon had some nice rates for fall/winter camping. We once stayed at Cape Blanco, it was beautiful, the storm winds were fierce and amazing to experience!
Drop drop drop. It seems it’s only threatening to really rain here. We get a minute or two and then just drop drop drop again. I had quite a Sunday morning. I woke up early on the chicken farm In Berks county and packed up camp to leave because after visiting a friends church I am returning to my main camp at the pond in Lancaster County. First mistake - I left my Full trash can (5 gallon bucket) at my friends house. (not a nice way to say thank you for letting me stay) Second mistake -Then I went to the German Baptist meeting house and no one showed up so they don’t have church there today. Third mistake - Then I started driving back to the pond and realized I don’t have much gas. And I’m out of money. I counted my change And had enough for 1 gallon. Fourth mistake - Then I got in an argument with the convenient store manager he didn’t want my change and he can’t set the pump for less than a certain amount. So I prayed my way back to the pond with the warning light on and I made it. I hope the rest of the day goes better. I can’t wait till the third that’s the Social Security day for me. I don’t find Social Security very social or very secure. But I’m thankful I have it. God bless the nomads everyone of us.
Let us pray you don’t have a bunch of crud/water in the bottom of the tank!
nature lover said:
 I don’t find Social Security very social or very secure.
Yeah, but it's the only thing keeping you alive right now, isn't it. That's why it was invented in the first place. It is also keeping me from starving to death. I paid into it for 40+ years, so I am happy to be getting something back ... now.
Oh yeah I’m thankful for social Security i paid into it for more than 48 years but the idiots in Washington that took the money out of that fund to spend on other things are now telling us whoops it disappeared there won’t be enough money. That’s what ticks me off; that’s why Social Security isn’t social or secure. God bless those who try to get something out of it in the next generation even though they’re paying in now. I will say it again I’m very thankful that I have it. Course I paid for it so why not have it It really is a government run Ponzi scheme. If they to put that money away like they said so they could roll interest it wouldn’t cost the government as much as they’re paying now.
nature lover said:
It really is a government run Ponzi scheme.
Yes, it always has been. What comes in today is immediately paid out tomorrow to someone else, going back to day one. It was never intended to be a personal retirement account, although everyone who is getting a "decent" amount back today rationalizes it in that fashion.

For that matter, I recall talking to my gramma in the 1970s, and she was getting just barely enough to buy groceries, $30 a month I think she said. Nowadays, people in general get enough to both buy groceries and also cover a good deal of their rent too (unless they live in California, of course). I believe the "average" pay out is around $1000-1100 a month.
nature lover said:
... those who try to get something out of it in the next generation even though they’re paying in now. 
Yeah, almost forgot. The corollary to what I said is that ... if the youngsters were to suddenly "stop" paying into the system today, then you and I would be getting "nothing" out tomorrow. That's the exact definition of a Ponzi scheme, in fact.
Used my data time to do microsft updates on my la top. It doownladed then sid they were installed. Next I was instructed to restart. After all that time spent it says it cant fnish installing them, click to undo the changes......grrrr....grrr...grrr such a waste of time.
Qxxx said:
Yeah, almost forgot. The corollary to what I said is that ... if the youngsters were to suddenly "stop" paying into the system today, then you and I would be getting "nothing" out tomorrow. That's the exact definition of a Ponzi scheme, in fact.

You also forgot that the 'top' recipients die out, some in a really short time after starting to receive the 'benefit' they paid for during their lifetime.
I don't think there is any shortage of money.
The unique position of the USA is, that they can always print more, as they do for everything else.
Yes the USA can print all the paper they want but it’s not money it’s monopoly money. Not backed up by anything and not really worth anything but I’m living on it so I guess I should stop complaining. I know that Social Security was never intended to be a retirement fun but a supplement. The problem I have is that when it was first set up it was said that that money would be going into investments so it had a return. It never went into investments it went into other government programs so there was no earning. Yep I glad I’m an old fart because I won’t be around long enough to see when it all collapses. I do pity my children and theirs if they ever have any.

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