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Drinking more water, taking electrolytes supplements and extra potassium and magnesium were not fixing my dehydration. I think what was missing was increasing my salt intake. Fortunately I do not have high blood pressure issues so I just started adding a little more salt to my food as well as a dash of it into my electrolytes beverage. Result seems promising. No dizzy spells today when I stand up so maybe a little extra salt is the easy fix. I will add pretzel sticks, the kind with salt crystals on them, to my shopping list. They are not snacks I normally buy but I like them OK now and again.
There's a small Forest FIRE across the Quarry from us.....we're camping near Klamath Falls in Oregon

State police advised us of the fire......No evacuation necessary......BUT It's close to the only exit road.......

The Forest service had a bulldozer on-scene within a couple hours......I expect the nite will be smoky but "safe"
There's a small Forest FIRE across the Quarry from us.....we're camping near Klamath Falls in Oregon

State police advised us of the fire......No evacuation necessary......BUT It's close to the only exit road.......

The Forest service had a bulldozer on-scene within a couple hours......I expect the nite will be smoky but "safe"
Similar situation to my campsite last week.
Not so fast Mr-Bong-Breath..........The wind whipped up the fire and it jumped the "lake"......EVACUATION NOW !

Sat nite......No room at the nearby campgrounds/resort..........so Tonight it's a Sno-Park Boondock
Have a safe and non smokey night
WE finally got to 80 yesterday and today a tiny bit cooler and a few (not more than a dozen) raindrops a few times today.. I started working out at a gym 3-4 mornings a week when hubby got sick and a bit nutty cause gotta love when those endorphins kick in...
Abnorm, glad you got out OK. This wildfire stuff is very stressful. Hopefully the summer rains will begin.

There was a decent amount of rain at my camp late this afternoon. Just the right amount for a decent soaking but not enough to turn things into a muddy bog. Because of the rain prediction the weekend warriors stayed in town so the forest was relatively peaceful. Plus the rain kept the dust down.
Just finished the online training for election-day poll worker. Have to take a different training for early-voting poll worker but it's not ready yet. It's more complicated than I imagined. I'm glad there's a primary election in July to "practice" on before the Big One. After the main training there was an optional "conflict de-escalation" training. It said that you should remain calm and practice active listening. sure, okay.
I am feeling restless today with an urge to go into town and do “stuf”. Too bad that restless feeling never has me wanting to tackle any of the things on my To-Do list. Or maybe that restless feeling is all about wanting to get away from that list 🤪
I am feeling restless today with an urge to go into town and do “stuf”. Too bad that restless feeling never has me wanting to tackle any of the things on my To-Do list. Or maybe that restless feeling is all about wanting to get away from that list 🤪
Run! Or better yet. Drive!! With AC on.
The only driving that happened this afternoon was heavy driving rain from the afternoon thunderstorm. One of those events with thunder, lighting, intense rain and also a nearby rainbow showing the whole time it was raining. My solar panel got a very good washing off as did my windows! A very typical afternoon event during monsoon season. If this pattern continues and it looks like it will most days in the upcoming forecast, then the stage 2 fire restrictions will get removed after the 4th of July. For now I am enjoying the rain in the afternoons as temperatures have cooled off. But I am sure to tire of it in a few weeks. Too much of a good thing?

I did learn this area has the largest contiguous area of Pondersa Pine forest in the world! But it does not have the largest specimens. That honor goes to Oregon.
PSA: Please watch who you give your charitable dollars to. It might not be going where you think if is.

1000 x yes.
There's enough waste and high overhead even among the "legit" organizations. If you want to give, don't wait till there's some disaster that breaks your heart and give to the next place that advertises -- research it now, and give when /you/ are able (not when the news has the tear-jerkiest stories). Whenever you give, there's someone in dire need who will be able to use it.
There are various websites, like charitynavigator and guidestar, that rate the different charities. One of the things to look for is what % of funding actually goes to help those in need. Decide to give with your heart. Decide where/how to give with your head.
If you're able that's the single best way to know where your resources (you) are going.
“If you’re able” is different for different people. My poverty stricken disabled uncle before he passed ate a cereal he disliked almost every meal because with so many box tops sent in you would receive a free baseball. I only found out after he passed when a local coach came by the house to let us know my uncle had furnished his team with baseballs for years!
“If you’re able” is different for different people. My poverty stricken disabled uncle before he passed ate a cereal he disliked almost every meal because with so many box tops sent in you would receive a free baseball. I only found out after he passed when a local coach came by the house to let us know my uncle had furnished his team with baseballs for years!
That is an amazing true story. People think think of heroes in certain ways. Your uncle was a hero to those kids that didn't even know what or why he did what he did.

But they had baseballs to play with. And hopefully that improved their lives and was a positive investment.

That got my eyes a bit damp.
I give my unwanted stuff to local thrift stores. But I know some of them then sell things on to firms that do routes picking up those items. Plus of course there are quite a few people who go into thrift stores and buy things to resell at higher prices on the
Yikes Abnorm… stay safe…

A week and a half ago daughter Sadie and I heading to Cedar City from Salt Lake City found me overheating. Found a place to pull off and glad I did. Sadie took out dogs and started walking them. I proceeded to check out the situation. I’d put a second clamp as the initial one didn’t seem to hold. Well, I thought if I loosened the one and put it closer to the other it might help.
Little did I know the nipple from the radiator for my top hose was broke off. As soon as I loosened the one, the hose blew off and I got blasted in the face, neck, chest and left forearm with hot coolant.
I was thrown to the ground where I ripped of my shirt. A lady who saw what happened guided me to my trailer. I immediately flushed my eyes and kept throwing cold water on the hot areas focusing on my face, and neck. The worst after all that was my forearm to this day.
Fentinal seemed to help along with their “happy drug”. It was a painful night in the hospital. But got released the first morning. Guess I ate too much… haha!
Got one night with my daughter camping!
Now home in Minnesota…
Truck repairs and seeing my new miracle grand baby is my priorities…