Taking the scenic route in the rain — seems like there ought to be a song for that.
500+ miles, 10 counties, 2 days of continuous rain or heavy overcast (+ stress because idiots don’t think water, mud, and perpetual orange barrels = any reason to slow down)
then somewhere between Sanderson and Marathon a ring of mountains became dimly visible and I’m thinking “OK, so a little more scenic than I-10”
and then the rain turned to snow
and then there was this astonishing light show with dark clouds, grey clouds, snow-covered mountains, and a bright white cloud with a shaft of light on it off in the distance between two snowy mountains. I could not have imagined that combination of lighting in my wildest dreams.
and Marathon looks like a Christmas snow-globe.
“Snowing on Marathon

/ by morning it’ll be melted through and gone / at least I hope so / but it was pretty effing spectacular in the meantime” (sorry Townes Van Zandt)
(PS sorry I can't figure out how to make this photo come in smaller, it's only 190 KB?)