2017 RTR in Quartzsite

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rvpopeye said:
Oh My Goshk !  Me Olivesk ! Is That YOU?????
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh  Well , blow me down !

I'm in Southern Maine , on the coast , of coursk !

Seen any Typhoon class subs lurking about in the Penobscot River?
Me and my adult daughter are coming down there to be free for a bit. About potlucks, how often do you have them and what kind of food is liked? My daughter is an amazing cook, I am more of a ramen and cliff bar person lol. It will the first time in over 20 years that I have hung out with full time free people, in the 80's and 90's I had a 1970 20' class A RV and traveled full time on the road. I really look forward to hanging out around a fire with you all just chatting about the good life. My daughter is a really neat person but has never experienced this lifestyle, I am hoping to influence her to have an enjoyable life, and see how I lived before, her income is internet based which is perfect too. Please stop and say hi if you see me. My name is Donnie and my daughter is Amanda.
Hi Donnie and Amanda! As far as I know we've never had potlucks at the RTR. Bob started two shared dinners - soup and chili. Everyone supplied a can of soup or chili, beans, meat, etc. The different soups were combined. Same for the chili ingredients. I didn't attend these gatherings so I can't testify about the tastiness of the final product. The last couple of years we had a very good cook mix the provided soup and chili ingredient into wonderful soup and chili combinations. Unfortunately he will not be attending this RTR and the gathering has become so large that the shared dinners may become just a memory.

Another CRVLing couple has provided baked potatoes (small donation requested to pay for supplies) with toppings supplied by everyone but I'm not sure if they'll be attending this year or if they want to continue because with the increasing attendance baking all the potatoes has become time consuming.

However even without formal potlucks there are a lot of smaller gatherings which include sharing of meals, coffee, goodies, etc. in the morning or around campfires. The RTRs have a very friendly, open atmosphere. Walk around, introduce yourself to everyone, and you'll have a bunch of new friends even if you don't remember their names the next time you see them. :-D
Well i just found out about this! I'll be there!!! Can't think of a better way to start off my van life :D
Ok, for everyone who got really silly about the Hippo's, including that video of the little girl singing the All I Want For Christmas is a Hippopotamus, I walked into Whole Foods and there in the stuffed toy bin was a giant Hippo, about 2.5 feet long and at least 2 feet tall. Life cracks me up sometimes, seems like a mirror!

BTW, Wikipedia offers a fascinating background story on why that song and video were produced. May be of interest to all you Hippo lovers out there.

At least this group has a sense of humor!! :angel:
That I can agree with.  

I make up in humor what I lack in tact.   :D

The Hippo is considered by many to be the most dangerous animal in Africa.  I DON'T want a hippopotamus for Christmas!
I'm running late, came down with a cold so I won't be on the road as soon as I wanted.
Kathleen, get the stuffed Hippo and bring it to Q, it'll be a Laff riot!
Hell, I'll chip in on the purchase price, when I get there :D
I'll post here also..are the signs out for the event? I might come today.
Unfortunately, Ghost and I aren't attending this time as we are getting ready for our big move in a few months. Have fun and take lots of pictures.  Hope to meet up in the summer. I miss all of you Nelda/Jerry, Cheri/Tony, Nancy, Karen/Tony.  :heart:
I am on my way now. May be there as soon as Sunday night. But, as I don't like to drive at night, I may crash out in a parking lot somewhere Sunday night.

Hoping to meet some friendly folks over the next week. If anyone knows any cool places to do short hikes or other places to visit, let me know. Always up for some fun exploring.
OMG How I wish I could go this year! I'll just live vicariously through these posts and the ones to follow talking about it.

Y'all have fun for me. :)
X2 what Lady T said ^ !
Hi Lady Theadyn ! How's life in that new home?
I hope someone will volunteer to be a "roving reporter" for some of the festivities at RTR. Each RTR I miss only strengthens my resolve to make RTR 2019!
See ya then!
I expect to be there this afternoon if someone sees me lookn lost guide me in!
White Suburban & 2 Door Airstream
GotSmart said:
I hope nobody is foolish enough to bring a hippo into Quartzsite.  Camels have a history though.  


:D While reading these posts my eyes were bothering  me so put I my eye drops in.   While my vision was still blurry I read this post and nearly fell over, laughed so hard Queenie came to check on me!  
My eyes cleared up and it doesn't say " foolish enough to bring a HIPPIE to Quartzite "   :D :D

Jewellann & Queenie
Don't feel bad Jewellann I was speed reading it and my speed brain saw hippie too !
Had to slow read it again to see hippo.........