Hi Donnie and Amanda! As far as I know we've never had potlucks at the RTR. Bob started two shared dinners - soup and chili. Everyone supplied a can of soup or chili, beans, meat, etc. The different soups were combined. Same for the chili ingredients. I didn't attend these gatherings so I can't testify about the tastiness of the final product. The last couple of years we had a very good cook mix the provided soup and chili ingredient into wonderful soup and chili combinations. Unfortunately he will not be attending this RTR and the gathering has become so large that the shared dinners may become just a memory.
Another CRVLing couple has provided baked potatoes (small donation requested to pay for supplies) with toppings supplied by everyone but I'm not sure if they'll be attending this year or if they want to continue because with the increasing attendance baking all the potatoes has become time consuming.
However even without formal potlucks there are a lot of smaller gatherings which include sharing of meals, coffee, goodies, etc. in the morning or around campfires. The RTRs have a very friendly, open atmosphere. Walk around, introduce yourself to everyone, and you'll have a bunch of new friends even if you don't remember their names the next time you see them. :-D