2017 RTR in Quartzsite

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tbivangirl said:
I'm new to the forum so I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, but I'm already in Ehrenberg and really looking forward to the RTR! Also, if it will help anyone that hasn't been to Quartzsite before, I just made a video about my favorite places there - vendors, food, laundry, shower, propane. I'll see you guys soon! 

Thank you for posting the video. It was really helpful.

It's always nice when someone shares their experiences with those that haven't been there yet !
THX for that video!
I watched the Q video plus the next one where you are not doing well the day before Thanksgiving.Thx for sharing your story and letting the public know that people with TBI's can be ok one day and in a mental fog the next. I have to make coffee the night before I drink coffee because I can't do "sequencing". Simple steps confuse me.

Many states have TBI programs to educate people with brain injuries and help them recover. I was in the one in my state for 2 full years. We were offered acupuncture (great for the brain), therapeutic massage ( it reduces PTSD associated with brain injury) and chiropractic treatments. We were also invited to attend TBI conferences and the National Disabilities Conference. I learned so much and had the opportunity to meet many others with brain injuries. Our state TBI program provided people who came to my house several times a week, a life coach and a brilliant creative case manager. They offered help with cooking and cleaning but I declined that. Just letting others know there are FREE programs to help them.

I was a working nomad for 20 years but the brain and spine injuries have taken me off the road since 2009. I bought a minivan this year and I watch CLRV videos, read blogs, etc. Can't wait to travel, but am DEEPLY CONCERNED about brain fog that leads to bad decisions. Used to be a safe swift driver. Now I move at a snail's pace. Lost my night vision due to TBI. Every brain injury is unique, but chronic fatigue is the most common symptom. In the past I could drive 500 miles day full speed with heavy load. Now I'm wondering what I'll do when trying to reach a destination and the fatigue sets in. My budget does not allow for sudden stops at motels. It's a challenge, but I hope to be in Q at RTR this year. Would be great to meet you. First saw you in CLRV video. Was excited to learn about another van dwelling lady with a TBI.
dragonflyinthesky said:
Exit one is Ehrenberg. Go on the side that the big gas station is on, go east where the sign says dead end. The few of us here are about three plus miles south.
There are a few of us and we are scattered. You won't be alone but you may be on your own, meaning, there are no formal functions planned other than watching the sunset and cocktail hour.

Thanks Diane for the info. I'm a newB and planning on getting to Q before the RTR and thought I would like to visit with RTR folks around Ehrenberg.
Hope to see you there-
MeNChewy - when you get here you're not going to find Diane and our little group up there on the plateau.

We went looking today and lucked out in finding one of our coveted spots open down on the river.

There's 6 or 7 of us here now and other single open campsites along the road.

I'm about to start a thread called "Party on the Bayou' that will have explicit directions to our camp. If you're here in time, feel welcome to show up.

There are still a bunch of others out there on the plateau and more arriving every day but it won't be Dragonflyinthesky.
Almost There said:
MeNChewy - when you get here you're not going to find Diane and our little group up there on the plateau.

We went looking today and lucked out in finding one of our coveted spots open down on the river.

There's 6 or 7 of us here now and other single open campsites along the road.

I'm about to start a thread called "Party on the Bayou' that will have explicit directions to our camp. If you're here in time, feel welcome to show up.

There are still a bunch of others out there on the plateau and more arriving every day but it won't be Dragonflyinthesky.

Thank you for letting me know and for the invite! I'm leaving Cortez, Colo. this coming Monday and headed to Tucson and then to Yuma over Christmas (plans as of today- but could change at any time) then to Q around the first of Jan.

tbivangirl said:
I'm new to the forum so I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, but I'm already in Ehrenberg and really looking forward to the RTR! Also, if it will help anyone that hasn't been to Quartzsite before, I just made a video about my favorite places there - vendors, food, laundry, shower, propane. I'll see you guys soon! 

Thank you so much for this... This will be my first time as well.  I just subscribed to your YouTube channel! 

Beth, are you guys where we were last year? I'm jealous ...
Ha, Rob, you can just turn a nice shade of green then!

No, we're not in the spot where we were last year, human pigs came along and soiled the site to the point where it would take 3 or 4 pick up truck loads to empty the trash...big trash, not little stuff we could pick up.

That beautiful big site beside the bayou opened up yesterday, the one down the little slope before you got to the one we had. I drove like a madwoman back to where we were camped and then back again to get in to the site before someone else snagged it. Diane had the crew packing her up (she's not supposed to bend over or lift for a few more days). She's still putting things back where they belong.... :D There's 6 of us here now!
Oh yeah I remember that site on the river. Spacious!
The misses and the pups and I will be leaving the northeast corner of NY shortly after Christmas. We head due south until we get to TN then turn west. We have a CRVL sticker on the back of the camper so honk if you see us and we'll wave back.
Speaking of the salt/sand truck in TX, last year the roads were wet and the temps below freezing and those folks were still doing better than the posted speed (some finding the ditch). I said "honey we gotta find a walmart and park before one of these idiots takes us out". I'm always amazed that folks won't slow down or put their phones down when the roads get bed.
Stepping down off soapbox [WINKING FACE]

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pnolans said:
what do you got against hippos?  Other than they're really mean and dangerous?  :)

Hippos would tend towards the river.

Hippopotamus - means River Horse.
wayne49 said:
Hippos would tend towards the river.

Hippopotamus - means River Horse.

The very informative responses I've received hint that at least some folks took me somewhat seriously.  Hopefully, those wonderful folks will realize that I was merely being silly and ridiculous when I mentioned hippos.  

A problem that I have is that I joke around so much, that when I'm really being serious, people still think I'm joking.  I'll continue to work on that... It's only been about  the last 40 years that I have been .   Hope springs eternal! :)
If you have a hope spring, dig it big enough for your hippo!   ;) (I would pay to see that!)
Lots of people don't take me seriously too !
Oh Well...............

Speaking of serious , it's seriously cold here .....wish I could go to RTR !
Oh My Goshk ! Me Olivesk ! Is That YOU?????
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh Well , blow me down !

I'm in Southern Maine , on the coast , of coursk !
rvpopeye said:
Oh My Goshk !  Me Olivesk ! Is That YOU?????
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh  Well , blow me down !

I'm in Southern Maine , on the coast , of coursk !

Colder than a well-diggin witch's left toe, I reckon.