2017 RTR in Quartzsite

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Introducing none native species is one of the most destructive things we do.
Good point HDR and Jim.
Look at places like Tucson and Vegas for example ....everybody moves there and want lawns , that have to be watered a LOT and then the water table goes down and they need more water piped in from further away and then......................cactus , creosote and other plants that are already in the desert can be beautiful too !
highdesertranger said:
I really don't think there is a protocol the area is huge,  the whole area is basically level.  you can choose a spot as close or as far away as you want.  the few aggressive dogs that are there are not unleashed.  others can chime in but I feel there is no reason not to bring your buddy  the coordinates are posted under gatherings its one of the headers at the top of the page.  highdesertranger

That doesn't really help when loose dogs can put themselves into the danger zone - my dog is always leashed but if another dog runs up to play, it probably wouldn't end well.  If your dog likes to wander and visit, you may want to keep him/her on a leash.
That's why we won't be at the RTR, as much as I'd love to.  I'd love to have a dog that plays well with others, but it is what it is and we make allowances.

I can't find any post where someone suggested non native elements.  The only non-natives are us! :D

There are native trees, just look at the forest north of there.  I did suggest local authority assistance too.

Tis ok.  Maybe some time in the future ONE tree could be planted with a sign WATER ME and everyone who visits (I hear thousands?) can help keep it going with AZ help  OR if it were a big tree, like the forest service could do, it could be planted deep enough to "soon" find it's own water.  It won't work, because you are all right saying it won't work.  Just pardon me, I  haven't learned the leave civilization think behind yet.

NP  I won't upset your apple carts (which came from other trees.)  I just think about how Shimon Perez envisioned Israel's desert...and now.. ;)
What trees there are tend to be down in the washes (dry creeks). Do not park in a wash. Palo Verde and Ironwood are the ones that can survive there -- multi-year dry spells and occasional floods.
Doc, native to the local forest is not native to the desert
Flatly, baldly stated, you cannot make changes to any ecosystem without at least some small level of harm, you can only try to minimize that harm
if nature wanted a tree there, conditions would favor a tree there, and one would have already grown there
If you plant one, it will die, unless 'tended'
That's how nature says 'no' when us humans want to make forrest out of dessert
Bob suggests 90% shade cloth for shade in the desert environment, but like others have said, it's winter and you'll likely pray for sun some days
Doc, This is the reality of Quartzsite.  There are trees and grass where there are people to water them every day.  If it is a little greener around the RTR site, it is because the guys "water" them for two weeks a year.  ;)

In the washes, the desert sage gets big and blooms in February or March.  Not to be missed ~~~


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DrJean said:
Just pardon me, I  haven't learned the leave civilization think behind yet.

I cannot grasp the concept of wanting to change a place you've never been to before you get there. Maybe i'm missing something?

I like different places because they are different.  I found the wintertime desert in the Quartzsite & Yuma areas to be good places, each with their own brand of 'good'.
mayble said:
That's why we won't be at the RTR, as much as I'd love to.  I'd love to have a dog that plays well with others, but it is what it is and we make allowances.

True enough. You do have to deal with what you have...
:cool:  folks, you don't know me so please don't chase me away, unless this site is that way then I don't want to be here.

You're making all kinds of assumptions about me, and I don't see any that are correct yet.

Let's just leave it lay okay?
My apologies if I've offended you, it was not my intention... I was just responding to what you wrote. best of luck to you & maybe I'll see you at the RTR.
Come on Doc, We may be gruff and grumpy,  ;) but we will share our last cup of coffee with your pet tree if asked.  :D

Give us another chance.   :-/
Apt description of the comradary around here! Though pet tree would have to fight me for my last beer.
Yeah I've never been the most elegant but I'd never intentinlly say something to make someone uncomfortable. Heck, you might be the doctor I need a referral to next week. I've seen so many this year it's a possibility. ;)
OK back to the no tree thing, let's get one of those fake trees that they install the repeaters on and we get better wifi. That's a win win a big pine tree in the middle of nowhere that does't need anything except the occasional green spray paint.
That's just wrong , your musician is showing !!!
It would obviously have to be a fake date palm............
Now my musician is showing !

Isn't it great being weird and always having the perfect excuse?
How about we open another thread about trees, if that's what you want to talk about.

The subject for this particular thread is the upcoming RTR