Lafnbug, thanks for the comments and for following!
I never done this before, everything is new to me. I did lots of reading -different van builds on you tube, our own forum here, all the people who tirelessly answer the same question over and over every time a newbie comes on board- and lots of thinking, and double thinking, and triple thinking...and more thinking. Maybe lots of overthinking. I found that when I actually got the van and decided; this is what I'm going to do, then things became a little easier.
Lafnbug, sorry I posted prematurely before.
I just got my Fantastic fan today, next step deciding where to put it. I'm leaning more towards the front, maybe centered and across from the side doors. Why? Because if I ever cook in there, the stove will be in that general area. But your idea of placing it in the back and having a vent in the front is very interesting. I'll have to chew on that one. It's something I'll might do myself.
Last nigh was in the eighties when I went to sleep, and all I did was crack the two front windows down about two inches and I was comfortable enough. Slept all night.
The Reflictix, as far as I can tell, does not have a shinier side, both look the same to me.
When are you going to start and what van are you going to use? Sorry forgot if you already mentioned it.
No time for the van, finishing the cooler insulation. Next I'll build a plywood box to keep everything together.