How much water do you use for showers?- survey

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Tinker Rising

Oct 13, 2017
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I'm on a quest to build a better shower system for myself, and I thought I'd ask how much water volume everybody uses assuming you're not connected to a external source (spigot, external tank,ECT.)

I take a minimalist approach just to simplify water storage, hauling ect. I was using about 3 quarts to a gallon (4L) w/ a sponge bath, but I didn't have good results, so I switched to a shower, now using 3.75qt to 4.15qt depending on the day. Using the navy shower method. It works but it's quite minimal. Just curious what others do and how they do it!

I looked for a survey option in the board features but didn't see one. If I missed it let me know.

Thanks everybody!
Length of hair is a factor in shower water consumption. Surveys work best when everything is a match including the type of shower equipment you are using. Otherwise the data return is pretty useless. Your survey is not properly setup to ask for such additional essential info. For instance what is your personal shower setup? You have not bothered to state that.
Length of hair is a factor in shower water consumption. Surveys work best when everything is a match including the type of shower equipment you are using. Otherwise the data return is pretty useless. Your survey is not properly setup to ask for such additional essential info. For instance what is your personal shower setup? You have not bothered to state that
All true. At the same time people are going to be all over the map with this, my interest will be focused on people using less water or getting better results than what I get for about the same water volume. Hard to ascertain through the digital lens.

First, I've cut my hair short (No. 5 or 5/8 clipper guide) mainly to minimize hair maintenance in all regards. I'm tall and have a large frame. That goes to water use too.

Shower setup. This is a inside setup. The water catchment is an oatey washer emergency drain pan. Light weight, but somewhat fragile. The bottom has minimal ridges so it doesn't hurt my feet like some others. The water supply is a 1gal insulated generic thermos from Amazon. The pump is a 1gpm(higher than optimal) self priming pump from Amazon rigged up to a switch and cigarette lighter plug w/ 8ft cord. It is connected to a low flow shower head(Europa I think) w/ manual shut off. It is important to use reinforced hose to handle the supply side (pressurized) tubing otherwise heat and pressure will blow out regular cheap vinyl tubing. Tubing secured w/ band clamps and mounted with spring clamps used for storing brooms and such to walls.

It's a work in progress. Looking to improve system in several ways. Built in hot water tank (approx 2 gal) w/ heating function from diesel heater(currently use stove) and fixed graywater tank. Maybe 10-15 gal capacity, plus some other minor upgrades.

Ps- more details. I heat the water to roughly 128-132F. When I did the wet towel method it was 140F. Basic navy shower method. Get wet, soap up, rinse. I have a little soap residue on the legs when I'm done. Try to minimize soap because it makes rinsing easier too.

If anybody has Q's let me know.
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I wanted to mention- regardless of what my interests are(water usage, efficiency, speed) I suggest you reply anyway if you have something others might benefit from. Many others will read this thread and hopefully benefit well into the future.

Thank you all for whatever contibution you have.
When I don’t have access to a campground shower, tho I have one in my ClassB my preferred shower is with a 1 1/2 or 2 liter bottle of water, warmed in the sun.

Use a large wet wipe with a little body wash on it, pour a little water on the wipe to get it good and wet, soap yourself, rinse with the bottle of water.

Makes a very satisfactory shower, no propane needed to heat the water and no water lost in adjusting temperature.

I use a 2 1/2 gallon solar shower to wash my hair outside, and usually there is enough left for the method above.
3 gal if doing smalls. 1.5 for a quicky. Class A shower cubical.
A very effective system is using a kitchen faucet sprayer. Also depending on your vehicle 1 or 2 pc of 4" PVC painted black on the roof & you'll always have hot water in sunny weather.
Depends on how much grime I need to remove.
For normal washing: Sunshower with ~ 2 liters of water.
I've used up to 5 gallons of water when especially dirty.
I use non-potable water for washing up whenever I can.
Doing smalls? I'm slow! What's that?

undies, socks, maybe a tshirt...

I have a class A with a 65 gal water tank that I can stretch for 4-5 weeks. I put a large storage tote in the shower cube to cxatch most of the water, then use that to flush the toilet, saving a gallon or more per day. So I toss the smalls in the bottom of the tote while I shower and do the agitation with my feet.
Use a couple of microfiber wash cloths . they will make all the difference is scrubbing yourself very clean with minimal water. One for soapy washing the other for rinsing which helps to remove soap residue. They help exfoliate the dead skin cells which makes you feel cleaner when done bathing.
I can clean the essentials with about 6 ounces of water, a wash cloth, and a no-rinse-needed body wash. Usually every other day.

My (shortish) hair requires about 2 quarts - a cup or so to get it wet enough to shampoo, the rest to rinse it out. I use a leave-in conditioner, and I only NEED to do this once a week or so. I usually do it more often just because it feels so good.

I have a sun shower for summer treats. Depends on how much water I have in hand.
In the past a number of members here were buying garden sprayers with a 2 or 3 gallon capacity and attaching a kitchen sink sprinkler hose to them to make an outdoor shower. To make it solar heated they simply painted the body of the sprayer tank flat black so that an hour or two in the sun could provide a fairly hot shower. Use the amount of water needed to feel clean. (what isn't used for a shower can be used to clean dishes etc) Best to buy these new so that there hasn't been any garden chemicals used in them.

Garden Sprayer Shower Rig

I've seen these smaller sprayers at places like Family Dollar or Dollar General for $7 dollars or less. (depending on the time of year as they are seasonal items) Adjust the nozzle to a fine spray to use less water.

Currently I use a usb rechargeable camping shower and a 5 gallon bucket. I'm not trying to be particularly conserving. 2.5-3 gallons of water. I have long hair.
When I was in my camper van with a tiny water tank that I was trying to stretch I used a gallon to a gallon and a half. Had more long hair at that time than I do now.
Use baby wash. It rinses quickly. It can be used for hair as well but I usually prefer shampoo. I used an empty dawn dishwashing bottle and dilute shampoo 50% or a bit more if it's thick. I squirt this directly onto dry hair slowly while working it in. Rinse water is in 2 gallon water jugs about half full. Easier to pour from a half full jug. Rinse hair which wets body. Wet washcloth and apply baby wash. Wash all over with sloppy soapy rag. Rinse while directing water with the other hand.
Hand towels are sufficient to dry off with! Occasionally I can find towels that are slightly bigger that are perfect. I especially like the material thin. Takes a lot less water to wash a smaller towel.
Like RvNaut I catch and reuse water when I can. I have a blue cube water tote with a spigot for outdoor water. I catch water in a 5 gallon bucket from washing hands, rinsing my face in the morning, etc. I use that water to rinse off dishes if I'm not going to wash them right away.....rinse off muddy wheels, muddy shoes, etc. I can almost always figure out a way to use water twice before discarding.
One of my biggest challenges is staying away from a water source for extended time. One of my biggest mental issues is that I can't stand being dirty. If I don't bathe (ie scrub the hell out of myself) at a minimum every other day I start getting jittery and will avoid people even more than I already do. Don't need to use a lot of soap as long as I can abrade sufficiently.

Yeah I know I'm kind of cracked.
When going conservative on water I washed my hair with water heated in pots on the stove, about 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 qts, and sort of sponge bath for the body. I didnt have a shower other than in the motor home. Need to work on this before I start the seasonal migration routine.
One of my biggest challenges is staying away from a water source for extended time. One of my biggest mental issues is that I can't stand being dirty.
I understand that completely, particularly as I am a woman whose head sweats.

I have found the the X-Large wipes, wetted a bit with body wash on it, scrub then rinse with a bottle of water warmed in the sun is a pretty good substitute for a real shower.

It’s the running of warm water over me that feels so good.
I have an camper with a nice shower. Maybe in a full hookup situation it’s ok. But I found it made dumping and filling tanks a constant job. So my thing now it to go back to a portable like a sun shower in my shower stall. I mostly just wash up.