Well-known member
Sweeeeet! Thank you for asking such a great question! And thanks to all the old hands who have, and may in future, answer the question. I'm in the planning stages and the information is invaluable.
I will be traveling alone with a dog...unless a small brown girl takes a fancy to me as I travel the desert SW and points south into into Central America. I plan a simple vehicle, but one that can let my practice my uke and write for four weeks at a shot comfortably undisturbed.
Putt, my step van housetruck, currently has a 60gal potable water tank, I plan another two 25 gallon tanks between the wheel wells. I'll have on-board a submersible pump, hose, and on-board filtration system, and will be able to fill and deliver the three tanks separately. (I've heard that rum is cheap in some CA countries.
) I have a composting toilet. And solar stuff of course.
I'll take a device that can text communicate with loved ones, so when I want to be "out there" I'll have no desire at all.
I'm thinking about once every 4-7 days. I'll use the plunger5gal method; from what I've seen 2 gallons is plenty. (Amazing the stuff I've learned in the last year lurking here.) So maybe 3 gallons a week on laundry and other cleaning activities.
Yeeeesh. That's a question that haunts me. I've started doing a lot of things lately to change my lifestyle to live aboard Putt, but the one thing I've consciously decided not to change is my water usage. I love a good shower; I don't shower long, but I do like to be clean. I don't think I stink too bad, but I sweat like a pig and get all salty pretty quick. Hence the 110 gallons of water. I'll have a cold water shower hose inside a hatch and and an astro-turf matt. I doubt I'll use more than a gallon a day showering.
Working on learning to cook various beans and rice with a small induction cooktop compatible pressure cooker. (Holy crap, I had no idea you could cook normal rice in about 15 minutes.) Beans/dhal, rice, dried meat, canned veggies, frozen stuff...should be able to pack 2 months...the second month would kinda suck probably. I should mention I'll be using an induction cooktop, so not limited by propane, sunlight and solar makes unlimited cooking capability.
I'm wondering that myself.
Someone said 6 weeks in this thread; I'm thinking three for me. But a shovel and a hole makes that a no limit item as well.
With 110 gallons at at 3 gal per day I've got a 35 day limit without creek/spring replenishment.
Thanks for the question, looking forward to more answers here.
I will be traveling alone with a dog...unless a small brown girl takes a fancy to me as I travel the desert SW and points south into into Central America. I plan a simple vehicle, but one that can let my practice my uke and write for four weeks at a shot comfortably undisturbed.
Putt, my step van housetruck, currently has a 60gal potable water tank, I plan another two 25 gallon tanks between the wheel wells. I'll have on-board a submersible pump, hose, and on-board filtration system, and will be able to fill and deliver the three tanks separately. (I've heard that rum is cheap in some CA countries.
AntiGroundhogDay said:- How long are you willing to go without decent Internet?
I'll take a device that can text communicate with loved ones, so when I want to be "out there" I'll have no desire at all.
- How long can you before needing to do laundry?
I'm thinking about once every 4-7 days. I'll use the plunger5gal method; from what I've seen 2 gallons is plenty. (Amazing the stuff I've learned in the last year lurking here.) So maybe 3 gallons a week on laundry and other cleaning activities.
- How long can you go with sponge baths before a real shower?
Yeeeesh. That's a question that haunts me. I've started doing a lot of things lately to change my lifestyle to live aboard Putt, but the one thing I've consciously decided not to change is my water usage. I love a good shower; I don't shower long, but I do like to be clean. I don't think I stink too bad, but I sweat like a pig and get all salty pretty quick. Hence the 110 gallons of water. I'll have a cold water shower hose inside a hatch and and an astro-turf matt. I doubt I'll use more than a gallon a day showering.
- How much food can you carry?
Working on learning to cook various beans and rice with a small induction cooktop compatible pressure cooker. (Holy crap, I had no idea you could cook normal rice in about 15 minutes.) Beans/dhal, rice, dried meat, canned veggies, frozen stuff...should be able to pack 2 months...the second month would kinda suck probably. I should mention I'll be using an induction cooktop, so not limited by propane, sunlight and solar makes unlimited cooking capability.
- How long can you go before you get bored or need a change of scenery?
I'm wondering that myself.
- How long before your composting toilet fills? (really not sure if this is a week or more/less)
Someone said 6 weeks in this thread; I'm thinking three for me. But a shovel and a hole makes that a no limit item as well.
So if my limits are "about a week" for most things...
With 110 gallons at at 3 gal per day I've got a 35 day limit without creek/spring replenishment.
Thanks for the question, looking forward to more answers here.