My experience has been that more recently they are begining to verify if it is a business address or a residence. But not all states are that picky about such things unless you are trying to get an enhanced driver's license.
That license technically expired after you moved out of the state.I have a photocopy of the original Georgia license that expires in 2026 in my email.Sorry if I didn't clarify that
You are a licensed “resident” of Georgia using a Virginia address to receive FLORIDA benefits?I don't really have one
I use my parents address in VA for docs in Florida
I use the current sect 8 apt in florida for my chase bank but am transitioning out of there
I consider myself houseless though I'm staying with a friend in Florida for now
But is that mailing address printed on your actual license? Or is the use of an alternate address simply an offered convenience?^"Four or five states", is way short of "every DMV in the country"
Arizona allows a separate mailing address.
YesTo the original poster, have you been pulled over often? Rarely?
So a person dedicated to fair application of the law, which comes from consistent application (As I was taught at the GA State Academy) believes that they are god? ********.Your answer really can't be answered here. It's entirely up to the officer that pulls you over whether or not you get hassled. Many cops are great and understandable. A certain segment believe they are god and put here to enforce laws to the letter.
It's up to you what risks you want to take.
Do you have a smart phone that you can put the DDS app on? Ask a friendly FL cop if the copy of your license on your phone is OK. GA is right next door, so I'm sure it would be.Yes
3 times in Florida with GA license
3 warnings but no tickets.Cops are friendly down here
I've lived in AZ since 1965. On my license, I choose either my mailing address or actual residence for the license if the two are different. Additionally, AZ is now online for registrations and renewals. In my cases I was required to go to DMV because of corrected vision. Also a different card may be purchased which allows boarding domestic flights.But is that mailing address printed on your actual license? Or is the use of an alternate address simply an offered convenience?
So a person dedicated to fair application of the law, which comes from consistent application (As I was taught at the GA State Academy) believes that they are god? ********.
Especially since that’s where they will be mailing the new license.The OP hasn’t lived at the Georgia address in a couple of years, it doesn’t seem like.
I think it would be unwise to try to renew a license using an address that he hasn’t lived at in some time.