Young Vandwellers

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Aug 15, 2011
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I haven't checked or asked anyone's ages yet but I was wondering how old the average age is for vandwellers. I noticed from the posts I've read that I may be on the younger end of the spectrum. I'm getting near my mid-life...34. Do you guys encounter people near my age or younger perhaps? I don't have a wife (never married), no kids, no house of my own (anymore), no career (anymore...used to be real estate), tons of bills that will never be paid, and I don't get disability but I do get food stamps and unemployment for the meantime. Any suggestions or reflections on the subject. I want to vandwell and work whatever may come my way but I'm very conflicted b/c my friend Australia wants me to come she's a love interest and the area's economics and government assistance programs are pretty nice compared to the US. 
dpro - sounds like you have more than one question you're trying to answer...<br><br>from my experience, it's harder to find love and maintain it than to find a van to maintain and dwell in it - if you think you might have found real love, don't casually discount the importance of that for sharing meaningfulness in your life<br><br>follow your heart, you'll know where to go and what to do <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src=""><br><br><br>
Hey, dpro<br><br>To answer one of your questions, in my view&nbsp;the age of vandwellers that post here varies from early 20's to mid 70's, with some in every decade.<br><br>You will also find every financial condition from quite comfortable to barely getting by.<br><br>Age and financial situation don't matter, but attitude does.<br><br>Be sure you know what you want from life, then go for it.<br><br>Bob (aka stude53)<br>
<font face="Courier">I'm in my late 20's but I've noticed a lot of college kids looking into the mobile lifestyle lately. Like Bob said, ages really vary.<br><br>Sounds like the life might work for you but it also sounds like you're not really sure what your goals are yet. Time for the pros and cons list!<br><br></font>
Wow. I haven't been on in awhile and I wanted to give an update as my life has changed significantly. Love interests aside for the moment.

In 2012 I bought a 2002 E150 cargo van with about 135k on the speedo! She runs great. and I have already had some amazing traveling experiences. Met so many people and had so much fun. I FEEL FREE! Oh man. Having a van has taken away so many of my life's little worries. Early on I found a fairly decent mattress on the side of the road one extremely hot summer day and threw it in the back. (hoping the heat would have killed any bedbugs) I eventually used it a few times but ended up taking it out. I had it temporarily setup with a platform to hold my futon mattress and that worked out great for a while as well. Now I'm going to start from scratch and do this the right way with a full interior. I'll post pics when I can!
I'm around your age, just turned 32. I haven't noticed a common age group in my travels, I've met all ages from young pups (20's) to seasoned veterans in their 70's.