You Ain't Right Club

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Sounds a bit too close to Grand Poobucket if you ask me. :dodgy:
Can I have this job?

"Red Fraggle serves as the Mind-Reader who sees if a potential member is worthy of joining the Poohbahs"

from the link above
Yes, crazy grandma (Abuelaloca)

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But can crazy grandma read minds ?And.....does she need to have red hair? Abuela? :huh:
^^^ Bingo! (I think the only "right" folks probably don't even visit this forum, so I should have no problem admitting members!!)
I submit to the club that we that are labeled "Ain't Right" are actually the normal ones and those that look at us funny are the ones that have lost their minds (IE:the ability to think) .............never tell them though.
I feel we need a club pledge !
(Thanks to Red Green for the inspiration)

I'm not right , but I can change , but I don't think so , NO WAY!
For those who remember Night Court, and John Astin's INSPIRED performances as Judge Harry's father, two of my favorite lines:

Am I interrupting a delusional episode?  I can come back.

But I'm feeling MUCH better now!
Been reading all these posts -- peeps sayin they ain't right and why and I'm nodding my head and thinkin "they're right" but then maybe I ain't right about that?

Respectfully submit the following folks I know for membership:

David and Karen:  live in an old Avion TT, and go camping in an antique little trailer, both towed with an old Buick (not at the same time).

Mark and Terri:  live in a fiver but go camping in their Lance truck camper on a one ton dually, which also is used as a tow vehicle for the fiver (again, not at the same time).

Me:  live in a fiver, travel in a Class B, no tow vehicle for the fiver but Mark above will gladly move me if I need.

So when these people go on the road, they unload stuff from their campers that are parked out in the boonies into their campers so they can get away from it all.  Seriously.  Makes perfect sense to me, but I hang my head in shame and admit that I'm fixin to take my Class B into the city to an RV park for a month and that sure as hell ain't right!!  

I'm so confused but you folks will set me to rights, I'm sure.
Well Stargazer , I don't think we can set you to rights...
but we can read you your to Ain't Rights !
Welcome aboard the Crazy Train.
Skuh kub kuh kuh kuh kuh

And of course any friend of someone that Ain't Right couldn't possibly be right either , so you're ALL in !

I'll put you on the waiting list for your stinkin' badges right away.
(Our badge maker Ain't Right either so it might be a while..........)

"I Ain't Right , but I can change , but I don't think so , NO WAY!
rvpopeye said:
I'll put you on the waiting list for your stinkin' badges right away.
(Our badge maker Ain't Right either so it might be a while..........)

"I Ain't Right , but I can change , but I don't think so , NO WAY!


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