You Ain't Right Club

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I'm sure I didn't do this right but thinking about all you nutty ain't right folks I keep getting the image of a Benny Hill chase scene with yakity sax playing in the background.

Maybe someone else could post that. I can't seem to do it.
Cammalu said:

I'm sure I didn't do this right but thinking about all you nutty ain't right folks I keep getting the image of a Benny Hill chase scene with yakity sax playing in the background.  

Maybe someone else could post that. I can't seem to do it.

Hey now... THAT just ain't right!
No Hepcat, I'm right!

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Crow said:
Knew a gal that if anyone questioned her sanity would say "I'm not crazy and I have the papers that prove it!  Do you have papers?"

I remember one episode of The A-Team where Murdoch produced a piece of paper that said:  He is Sane.  Signed, A Doctor.  Everything written in crayon, every letter a different color.  Wonder if that's the kind of paper she had?
You know what we need?  Cards!

If we don't have cards, how can I say:  "I'm a card carrying member of the He Ain't Right club?
Aint right, never been right and don't want to be right either.

I wonder how many would see it as a political statement.
Cammalu said:
This guy really needs a posthumous awarded membership to your club...

YOUR club?  I'm pretty sure that you're on the list of charter members here, Cammalu...   :angel::D
Queen said:
Hmmm, seems like we should differentiate between "You Ain't Right" and Darwin award winners.   :p

Oh, h*ll...  hold my beer and watch THIS!
No Hepcat, I'm right! Not a club member. I don't try to walk on water with crocs hanging around. [emoji1]

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That guy is(was) just plain ******* ! Maybe an honorable mention from the Darwin's though.

Murdock was still a "You Ain't Right".
You just covered cards under letters , get out your crayons.....

Thinking you're "right" is one of the first signs of being Ain't Right .AND just posting that qualifies you anyway..
So're in.
That guy was in the "******* Club" of which "Hold My Beer" is a subdivision.

Jim just accepts reality , a shining example to all those that claim immunity !

Slowwww internet during the day , can't watch YT.
But I'll bookmark for later.
Anyone that thinks they are always right just aint right. :)
Damn, guess I ain't right after all [emoji849]

Still not wiping my butt with rocks and sticks though....
jimindenver said:
Anyone that thinks they are always right just aint right. :)

Whew!  Glad that ain't me.  I made a mistake once.  I actually thought I was wrong!  Turned out I WAS right anyway, but that's another story.

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