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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2013
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I posted in the regular forum about some efforts I'm making to get in shape, but thought I'd see if we gals could give each other a little extra support.  

We don't typically lose weight like the fellas do, especially after menopause BUT... we can do this!!  It's not like when we were young, but it's still doable, so dive in and give it a go, and holler if you need support.

Heading out for a swim soon, hoping to stick with yogurt and fruit and a green smoothie later.
Given my new-ish level of disability (stupid leg), I find swimming is not only my best form of fitness, it's where I don't feel disabled.

Hope everyone is managing to get out and enjoy their day in some way!
I'm wearing myself out in the yard, mowing, pulling weeds, cutting weeds, pulling weeds, etc. No time to exercise!
I am trying to get back into walking. Today it is so windy, it is dangerous to be outside or on the road because of flying debris. I jumped rope 15 minutes a day until I was 35 and have been walking for exercise since then. Formal exercise has never been my thing nor dieting other than trying to eat healthy. We went almost all "raw" with food a couple of years ago and the weight melted off without effort other than the effort to avoid the cooked foods. I don't know if everyone is aware of Dr. Gott, but "The No Flour, No Sugar Diet" (and making it a lifestyle change) is also just great, fairly attainable for many and combined with walking 40 to 60 minutes a day would keep me in shape, more or less. I know everyone has different "challenges", etc. that make what they can and can't do more difficult, so has to be a custom fit with such things. The weather is particularly challenging in KS, so moving around I hope to be able to get outside. I love being outside, love, love, love it!
I am buying this bike:

I get to pick it up in two weeks and I can't wait! My knees are shot and have to be replaced and I'm hoping this recumbent is going to be perfect for me

I'm also dieting and cut all sugar and junk food.
Sounds like we're all working it, how it works best for us.

My swim was heavenly, I glade like a fish and feel so free. Really tired now so grabbed a banana when I got out and am sitting down with a bowl of yogurt and blueberries.
Cammalu - that bike looks sweet! Hope it gets you out and about, and you enjoy it.

I cannot wait to get back to FL so I can ride my bike with it's adapter. Like SG said, it's really too windy here (illinois), and the allergies are awful, so no bike riding.
When do you go back to Florida Queen? Pretty warm down there right now! I was born in Miami Beach and moved to Lakeland at 11. Stayed there until after school then joined the Army. I've only been back a few times but you know how everything changes. I guess really I was the one to change!

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Heading down for two weeks in July to clean the place up, do a little painting, and have a vacation. Then we'll move back down in early October. I didn't enjoy some aspects of Florida, but did enjoy being outside a LOT, swimming, the beach, bike riding, kayaking, and even just sitting at the docks for sunset, those things made it pretty nice.
Yes those things do make it nice! Winters are perfection! I do miss the ocean!

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Cammalu said:
Yes those things do make it nice!  Winters are perfection!  I do miss the ocean!

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My folks lived there (New Smyrna Beach, just south of Daytona) for 30 years, it's like a second home to me.  And the winters are definitely perfect.  So nice when you've got messed up legs to not be sliding on snow and ice!
Right! I'm way off balance myself and been fighting a broken femur for some time now!

My late husband and I were snowbirding at RV parks down there for a few years. Love those winters!

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Head on down next winter, we'll go to the beach!!
Who knows where I'll be now that I finally got my rv back!!!

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I just can't get on track diet wise. I put on 40 pounds like overnight with menopause and it's been downhill ever since. I know how to diet and do great for a week or two then somebody brings in doughnuts... I love sweets and it's so bad that I will get in my truck and drive to the store if I have nothing on hand. Working in a camp store with tons of goodies and nothing healthy doesn't help. I've been single for 10 years and would love to date but the horror of somebody seeing me naked....
For me diet alone just doesn't do it, I have to move, and more than just day to day work movement. Anything else and the pounds just start creeping back on. Menopause sure does a number on us, doesn't it??
Lol decodancer. Find a guy who doesn't look good nekkid anymore either!!!! Then it will be even Steven

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I figure my activities of daily living are going to have to be enough. I'm a lazy ass.  

I told my doctor (he's Mormon) that exercise is against my religion.  He even got so far as to asking what religion was that until I couldn't stop giggling.  
I'm on prednisone and have gained 50 pounds this past year... HELP!!!!!!! I really, really want to be more active, but I'm finding it very painful. They say the ticket to arthritis is movement, but since this is rheumatoid and not osteo, I'm just in more pain after two weekends of walking for hours. I'm not gonna stop, but dammit, it shouldn't be so freakin' hard!!
I quit eating gluten anything and sugar and it's helped me with inflammation pain a LOT

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