Women Only Women Only: To avoid confusion and hurt feelings ...

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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Please preface your the title of your thread with 
"Women only:"
in the subject line
And now I see why that is necessary. I learned yesterday that not everyone can see where the post is coming from, i.e a male may see a post, not realize it's been posted in the Women's Only Forum, and innocently post on the thread. I'm catching up.

Mary Ellen T.
Please preface your the title of your thread with
"Women only:"
in the subject line
I never knew we were supposed to do that. Also, I always thought only women could enter/read the Women's Forum. Why have a Women's Forum if anyone (males & females) can read the posts?
"...I always thought only women could enter/read the Women's Forum. Why have a Women's Forum if anyone (males & females) can read the posts?
In order for the males not feel excluded ...? Everyone should feel comfortable & welcome & all.

Several years ago there was a thread re: an "alleged" molestation of several women incident @ a van build which got a bit ugly on this Forum. Shortly thereafter the Women Only was added.

If you'll notice, there are only 1 thread re: sex assault, 2 re: women-centric safety. In the entire Women Only Sub Heading.
So, am sure everyone feels comfortable & welcome in discussing sensitive topics here.
Last edited:
If you'll notice, there are only 1 thread re: sex assault, 2 re: women-centric safety. In the entire Women Only Sub Heading.
So, am sure everyone feels comfortable & welcome in discussing sensitive topics here.
Why have a Women's Forum if anyone (males & females) can read the posts?
Because most or all of the people who control this discussion board are delicate and politically correct.

Can you IMAGINE any conversations here that would be forbidden to men? They simply wouldn't allow it!
Because most or all of the people who control this discussion board are delicate and politically correct.

Can you IMAGINE any conversations here that would be forbidden to men? They simply wouldn't allow it!
Just seems that women may open up more, if they knew that only women would be reading the posts. Or, mostly women. Male Mods would be ok.

I'm thinking that more women would feel comfortable talking about safety while on the road, boondocking in remote areas, sleeping at rest areas, etc.

Have any admins ever explained their reasoning for leaving it public? I'd like to read the post.
All this stuff has already been talked about in earlier conversations in this women only area. I suggest people scan those historical conversations instead of pushing for regurgitation of answers.
I never knew we were supposed to do that. Also, I always thought only women could enter/read the Women's Forum. Why have a Women's Forum if anyone (males & females) can read the posts?
Men can see what's posted but they're not allowed to comment. There's no practical way to stop men from reading the posts. It's an open discussion board. Even if they added a question about gender and restricted access to this sub-forum to women, anyone could just change their answer to gain access. Even FB groups that are women only have problems with men attempting to gain access to their groups. Restricting the sub-forum to just women commenting is pretty much the only practical solution that I can think of anyway.

That being said, the board is under new management so if you have some idea of how it could work, I would bring it up to them. Never hurts to try.
All this stuff has already been talked about in earlier conversations in this women only area. I suggest people scan those historical conversations instead of pushing for regurgitation of answers.
Hi Maki,

I was looking for the thread where it (the reasoning behind making it public) was originally explained. I did a search, but didn't know which keywords to use. I found the 'men bashing' thread in the search results.

The weird thing, to me, was that the thread wasn't deleted after the first post. It was allowed to continue for two pages. Allowing two pages of it didn't help the women who may want a private forum. And, it is still visible.

Anyway, I don't care anymore. I'll keep looking for safety advice on youtube:D
Men can see what's posted but they're not allowed to comment. There's no practical way to stop men from reading the posts. It's an open discussion board. Even if they added a question about gender and restricted access to this sub-forum to women, anyone could just change their answer to gain access. Even FB groups that are women only have problems with men attempting to gain access to their groups. Restricting the sub-forum to just women commenting is pretty much the only practical solution that I can think of anyway.

That being said, the board is under new management so if you have some idea of how it could work, I would bring it up to them. Never hurts to try.
I was an admin at a somewhat large message board. And on a FB page that was public. On this type of board (not on FB) it is very easy to make a directory private. After thinking more about it, I can see why they leave it public. Otherwise, they would need to add multiple private forums. Eg. one for men

It's probably hard enough to find Mods as it is.
I was an admin at a somewhat large message board. And on a FB page that was public. On this type of board (not on FB) it is very easy to make a directory private. After thinking more about it, I can see why they leave it public. Otherwise, they would need to add multiple private forums. Eg. one for men

It's probably hard enough to find Mods as it is.
What do you mean make it private? How would people get in?
You set parameters. If, when ppl sign up (register) for the Forum, they list themselves as female, they are allowed to access this sub-forum. Nobody else has access, except the Mods & Admin. If no sex is listed, then no access.

If that doesn't work, the Mods can manually add names to allow access. You send a PM to a Mod, or to the Forum, requesting admission to the Women's Forum.
The first way would work but someone would only need to change their sex to see what's on the board so it's really not that effective. The second way may be too much work for the mods but it never hurts to make the suggestion.
I really don’t see a benefit here in creating a sub forum that worked vigorously to identify and exclude unwanted others of any ilk, and this would seem to be a massive and ongoing undertaking for the moderators.

It would also seem tailor made to create conflict and an atmosphere of exclusivity in this forum that otherwise works very hard to be inclusive.

I am not a Facebook user, but understand their platform has the ability to create private pages that only members can view and post to.

There is also private messaging here, and email, plus groups that can meet in various private forms to speak to issues one wouldn’t want to post and discuss publicly.

My two cents.
There's been a woman's only forum here ever since I joined. (There used to be a men's only forum as well, but it died for lack of interest.)

Bob Wells has always expressed a particular interest in the plight of older women having to live in vehicles because they simply have no other option. They're just one tiny step from living on the sidewalk out of a shopping cart. One of the reasons why women can wind up in this situation is because they have been abused. And some of these traumatized women are so damaged and paranoid that they will not post anywhere where they have to deal with posts from men. Just posting in public is already a huge step for these women. And that, my friends, is the real reason why we have a women's only forum. It's here if it's needed. The rest of us can continue to use it for the things we use it for.

I've had a couple of private PM's from men asking me to amplify something I've posted here, and I have been happy to respond.
Just to clarify, I fully and completely support a women’s only forum here, and also the need for abused women to have a safe space within which to talk and receive guidance.

I was responding to this and other suggestions that a sub forum here be somehow made private, people having to be vetted as to their sex in order to even view, etc.

I don’t see how this could work within the long time purpose and atmosphere of this forum, also see the ability to have something completely private being met elsewhere.

If I offended anyone, I apologize.

Sometimes what is clear in one’s mind is not always transmitted so clearly in type.

You set parameters. If, when ppl sign up (register) for the Forum, they list themselves as female, they are allowed to access this sub-forum. Nobody else has access, except the Mods & Admin. If no sex is listed, then no access.
If that doesn't work, the Mods can manually add names to allow access. You send a PM to a Mod, or to the Forum, requesting admission to the Women's Forum.
I really don’t see a benefit here in creating a sub forum that worked vigorously to identify and exclude unwanted others of any ilk, and this would seem to be a massive and ongoing undertaking for the moderators.

It would also seem tailor made to create conflict and an atmosphere of exclusivity in this forum that otherwise works very hard to be inclusive.

I am not a Facebook user, but understand their platform has the ability to create private pages that only members can view and post to.

There is also private messaging here, and email, plus groups that can meet in various private forms to speak to issues one wouldn’t want to post and discuss publicly.

My two cents.
I don't understand that point of view. An atmosphere of exclusivity? And it would create conflict? I don't get it. I'll ask my daughter her POV, because she corrects me if I'm wrong about these kinds of things:)

Regarding Facebook, you must use your real name on FB. Otherwise, you have to make a new FB account, which isn't even allowed. And would be a PITA. But yes, the FB Group can be set to private... by invite only. Same thing could be done here in a sub-forum.

The sub-forum would still be moderated here. So the same rules would apply about bashing others, etc.

Someone could fake their account and say they are female, when they are male. It is the internet. That can be done anywhere online. Including FB.

At least with a private sub-forum, you can exclude search engines. That would be a big help for those who want privacy. I assume the search engines pick up these threads.

Just seeing both sides. I was surprised to find out that the Women's Forum wasn't restricted to Women only.
If I offended anyone, I apologize.
Nothing you said was offensive. I'm slow to see both sides sometimes. Trying to understand.

I wasn't aware this was for mostly abused women. Doesn't seem to be the best venue for such a forum, if that is the case.

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