Women Only: Lets talk about shaving!

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May 21, 2016
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Do you? If you do, whats your preferred method and why?

I just discovered the Schick Intuition razor.. I can literally shave super sonic fast and not get nicks or cuts (YMMV so be careful if you try it!!). In all my eons of "wet" shaving in the shower, I have never had it so easy.

For those that may not be familiar with the intuition, it has shaving cream built-in so you pretty much just have to wet your legs and start shaving. I figure this will translate well to living in a van possibly using a spray bottle with water ORRR I have a Simple Shower (use Bobs link to Amazon shopping pls) where you screw the shower top onto a two liter bottle or 2 liter platypus or similar.
Weellllllllllllllllllllll.... Get ready for 'TMI':

This last 'winter' in which my shower/RV hot water does not last long enough for the whole body/shampoo/shaving deal without me freezing before it's over. I decided to go all FRENCH lady. (They don't shave, right?) I was wearing pants, or opaque hose and really don't have much fuzz left after 50+ years of shaving anyway.

I didn't actually start out with this intention. It just sort of happened.

I like the Venus razors. Sooo smoooooooth. I did find it a little difficult to get rid of the pit hairs in one shaving. I felt like a mountain man comin' back to society once a year - like - where's the scissors to start with?!

The only complaint: Sometimes it was just weird to see a few smashed hairs after taking off leggings and my legs kind of itched. Not sure I'll do this again.
I like those waxing strips. Rip out that hair! Yup, I'm tough, lol.
I still shave three times a week (former swimmer/lifeguard), just can't stand how hairy legs feel. When I had my knee replacement I couldn't get in the shower too often the first few weeks so I bought a mens Norelco electric razor (the kind with three round blade heads), worked great and held a charge for quite a while.
I love the Schick Intuition razor, been using it for years.

Although I just came across a video the other day about sugaring and I think I want to try it out. The girl in the video says that the more you do it the lighter the hair grows in and the less frequent it needs to be done.
I've never been a fan of shaving my legs...not uncommon for me to go months without shaving legs and as it turns out I really don't have much hair on my legs, but even if I dud I'd be fine going 'o natural'. Even my underarms I'd like to give up shaving, except that I sweat a lot and deodorant doesn't seem to stick as well.
michele0203 said:
Even my underarms I'd like to give up shaving, except that I sweat a lot and deodorant doesn't seem to stick as well.

Have you tried aerosol deodorant?
My MIL swears by it, as does pretty much every British or European lady I know (a fair few).
I think the theory is that aerosol does a better job of getting to your skin, where as stick/roller deodorants just kind of coat the underarm hair.
I shave my head more often than I shave my legs lol.
I shave my legs about 3 or 4 times a year, usually in the very hottest part of the summer when I want to wear shorts. Otherwise, nobody will see my furry legs except my husband and my kid, and they don't care.
I shave my armpits about once a month, but lately it's been less. I switched to a "natural deodorant" (Tom's unscented) and it seems that it makes my underarm hair grow back more slowly.
It got hot again today and I actually was debating on whether to wear a sundress or jeans and a shirt because I haven't shaved my pits in awhile. That got me angry because my comfort should come before whether someone will be offended by pit hair. I wore the D*** sundress. :D

My arm and leg hair have gotten so fine that it's hard to see so I don't worry bout that. Woulda been nice if the pit hair did too so I wouldn't have those kinds of debates with myself. :mad:

If I shaved my head at this point I don't think the hair would grow back. *sigh* LOL
anewbiewannabe said:
If I shaved my head at this point I don't think the hair would grow back. *sigh* LOL

I just shave the bottom part at the back of my head.  It makes summers a lot more tolerable :)
KASibson said:
I just shave the bottom part at the back of my head.  It makes summers a lot more tolerable :)

Oh duh. Then again, ya never know. :p But really what a great idea! I wonder why nobody's ever suggested that to my daughter. She's got such thick hair that when it's long it makes summers miserable. I think I'll mention it. Thanks! :D Still for me, I need every hair I can get since I wasn't so blessed. :(
anewbiewannabe said:
Oh duh. Then again, ya never know.

I like it because I just look like I have a totally normal haircut.  (see avatar pic)
The only time anyone knows it's shaved is if I have my hair pulled up in a pony tail or a hat.
I had a salon buzz it the first time, but now I just use a Wahl electric shaver I got at Target.
It's really quite easy :)
For regular days, when you're not sweating a lot, plain old baking soda makes a good deodorant -- just puff it on (I use an old talc dusting container & puff).  The problem that I have with commercial deodorants is that stale 'old used deodorant' smell near the end of the day.  ICK!  But on hot days -- at least when I'm out in public -- I have to break down and use regular deodorant.  At least, alternating this way, it lasts a long time!  :D
Been trying the aerosol deodorant on non shaved pits and so far liking the results! I would really love to find something more natural for my body and the environment...may have to try baking soda
A mix of baking soda and coconut oil works well for me. Sometimes I add a little lavender oil. I haven't found a commercial brand that works better.

On the shaving: Ain't no one got time for that! (or at least I don't)
Had my armpits lazered over 5 years ago. Three rounds, $75 a pop, not too unbearable pain. That was when I was making pretty good money. Anyways, it did a really great job, a few hairs came back, since they were in that life cycle fdead phase the lazering didn't work on them. Over time, a few more came back. It's still not too bad, a quick swipe or two with a razor takes care of it and it's good for days. Not like before, when it was very painful to shave, and I couldn't two days in a row without lots of razor burn (don't ask me why). Literally had to plan clothing to alternate between days I could wear sleeveless and second day sleeves. If I could afford to now, I'd go get a few more rounds to take care of the small amount that has come back. Well worth it, in my opinion.

Legs, while in the van, I did try the electric razor, a Remington brand I had picked up at Walmart. It did a fair job, it was rechargeable (which could be an issue with having to charge it to 110 volt). It occasionally pulled a hair or two. :/ Like I said, fair enough job, but not razor smooth. I've also just got a bowl of water, washcloth, towel and shaved legs on the floor. (How's that for a visual? haha).

If I ever won the lotto, lazer all around, and ditch the dang razor for me!! :)
"Not like before, when it was very painful to shave, and I couldn't two days in a row without lots of razor burn (don't ask me why)."

Sometimes that problem is caused by using a commercial deodorant right after shaving. If you shave in the p.m. and apply deodorant in the a.m., it give your pits a chance to calm down from the irritation.
kayell said:
A mix of baking soda and coconut oil works well for me. Sometimes I add a little lavender oil. I haven't found a commercial brand that works better.

On the shaving: Ain't no one got time for that! (or at least I don't)

LOL!  No kidding!

How much coconut oil to baking soda do you use?  I'm assuming you mane sort of a pastewith the 2?  Essential oils is a nice touch!
michele0203 said:
LOL!  No kidding!

How much coconut oil to baking soda do you use?  I'm assuming you mane sort of a pastewith the 2?  Essential oils is a nice touch!

Hello ladies,  I am new to the site, but this one caught my eye right away.  I am still packing to leave in Dec. and the first thing I did was throw out all the razors.  Well, actually I donated them to the food pantry here in town that I helped run.  I thought at 70 years old, that would be about 55 years of shaving my legs and that was long enough.

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