FOR WOMEN ONLY: Straight razor shaving for women

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Aug 13, 2014
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Northeast US for now
One of the things I've done, based on my experience living out of a tent during the summer, to get ready for moving into a cargo trailer has been to stop shaving with cartridges. I have to shave my legs and so forth because I am a sideshow performer (I'm a fire eater, glass walker, whip cracker, juggler, blademistress, etc.), so I have gone to the most sustainable and least wasteful way of shaving I could find: straight razor shaving. I figure the less garbage I produce and the less I have to buy, the better.
Oh. My. Goodness!!! You are one brave lady!!! I can just see me focusing all my attention, being ever so careful, and WHAM! One of the dogs bumps the arm holding the razor! Excellent article.
Would have enjoyed trying that when I was younger and hairier.
Menopause? I have disovered that my legs are much, much less hairier since I hit menopause. Everytime I shave my legs, it seems less hair grows. Yet the hair on my head is just as thick as it ever was. I wondered if it was a good side effect of menopause.

I learned to shave my legs with a so-called "safety razor". Used one for several years.
Yup, menopause. I learned with a safety razor too... I think a straight razor would have been safer!
Still makes me shudder to think about it! "Safety" razor my butt! :p
I always thought straight edge razors were cool, and looked into getting one. But with them you've got to carry around the strop to keep it sharp. I got a good quality safety razor with high quality blades. A safety razor with blades is very economical.
My legs are getting less hair on three sides, only one side is hairy. I might just say heck with it, it's not worth worrying about one side. I can see the safety razor and blades in a campground garbage can someday.
Yes, less hair now that I'm officially "old". I always wear pants anyway. Always. My Daddy was very strict about a lady's attire (NO shorts in public!) and to this day I don't even own a pair. Not to mention I look like a baked potato on toothpicks in shorts. And since nobody has died or been married in the last few years, my dress hasn't seen the light of day. On top of all that, I love being a senior! Because now I just give a Big Fat Raspberry to the rest of the world and do what I want. Which does NOT include a blood letting to the shaving gods! Hahahahahaha!!!!!
I love being older too, the not give a **** factor is heavenly!!

I do wear shorts, every chance I get though, if I could get by going nekkid I would, I hate wearing clothes!!
bigsallysmom said:
One of the few perks of menopause. Cept it pops out on the chin.

I can SO relate! I'm tired of plucking hairs, too. I need to check and see if that tool thing advertised on TV that grooms the neckline and whatnot actually works on the chin. :D

On a brighter note, I don't hardly have anymore hair on my legs! :D

VanGrrl57 :)

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