Woman's Forum: Potty Issues

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Hi, Nomadic Notion! I don't know if you have found a solution to your original question, but I too, often urinate while going number 2. I'm wondering if it would work to sorta scoot to the edge of the 5 gallon bucket or whatever you are using and then hold a wide mouth container under the front part of your body to catch any urine? I think i may test this out myself.
Ha ha ha! :D I should really have my first cup of coffee before reading in the morning. My rubbermaid containers are of the 18 gallon variety for storage with the smaller ones still having the same footprint so I was having a hard time figuring out how on earth that was going to work. It was some odd mental calestinics (sp-too early for spelling app to be warmed up for that one) twisting my brain around for that.

I've been practicing, err paying attention to the order of things, just to see what I do so I can figure out the portable pee/poo fest and it's a crap shoot.  It all really depends on what I eat and drink as to whether or not using the baggie bucket system will be challenging or not.  It sure beats squatting though at this point in life. :)

I love starting the day with a smile and a chuckle even at my own expense. :D
(Oops, I initially posted this reply in a different thread, how embarrassing!)

It was mentioned on page one, but I think a pstyle is pretty easy to use.
I use one if I'm out hiking and the bathrooms are either non-existant or are disgusting.

It's basically just a plastic chute, kind of like the gutter on the outside of a house, but obviously a whole lot smaller. Once you get over the hesitation of peeing while your hand is down there (holding the device) it's really easy to use.

They come in a few different colors, so you've got some choices. They also sell a carry case that goes with it, I'd totally recommend getting it. You could use some other sort of container for it, but the cases are made specifically to fit the device.

The a lot of the reviews are from FTM trans folks. But it's really just an awesome device for almost everyone (well, everyone with female plumbing).
I plan on getting a pstyle or shewee once on the road and I have the spare bucks. Right now if I drop trou and squat in the woods and somebody sees me they are trespassing and shouldn't be there in the first place. I do make sure there's no poison ivy nearby in case I tumble. hehehe

For the dual output situations for the bucket systems I wonder if one of the pstyles could be adapted somehow to fit a container so one wouldn't need 4 hands---hold the pstyle in place, do both businesses, and the bottle collects the pee. Or some kind of long neck container maybe. Then set it aside and finish cleaning up. ???
TMI, but I can use the pstyle hands-free, my chubby thighs hold it in place for me.
(Finally a benefit to being overweight! lol)

I think the shewee has a tubing extension that you can use. It's just regular tubing you could get at Home Depot. I could see using a length of tubing and then setting the "pee bottle" on the floor or something? That might work. I've no personal experience with the she-wee though.
I've got big thighs, but I also have a very big tummy and I don't know how easily I will be able to reach out it to hold these contraptions and pee at the same time!!! I'm going to just have to practice with some variations until I figure out what works for me!
"I wonder if one of the pstyles could be adapted somehow to fit a container so one wouldn't need 4 hands ... and the bottle collects the pee."

I bought an oil funnel that might do the job, $2.50 at Home Depot (might have to trim it just a bit): http://www.google.com/shopping/prod...io4GAWDWClyp2-atgYbFNzyUxA7cLvFmw4aAlu38P8HAQ

Also, for bottles, the wide opening of the Gatorade bottles look useful -- and their lemon-lime flavor LOOKS like urine, so it wouldn't stand out much!
Great idea Train Chaser! I actually picked up a set of 3 oil type plastic filters at the dollar store a few months ago thinking I needed them for an art project. I haven't used them and they have a much wider mouth that I think would help me. Love the Gatorade bottle idea, too!
TrainChaser said:
Also, for bottles, the wide opening of the Gatorade bottles look useful -- and  their lemon-lime flavor LOOKS like urine, so it wouldn't stand out much!

I bout spit my coffee out from reading that! :p My twisted humor automatically went to an unknowing person thinking it was gatorade and taking a big gulp...

That said, when thinking about pee containers I've given thought to what smallish containers would "hide" the contents in plain sight. Apple juice, lemonade, lemon-lime drinks. I think the apple juice is out because might grab the wrong one thinking it was tequila. :D Also, if the color matches apple juice then somebody's probably dehydrated or something. :angel:
Any input on the pstyle from women with regular body hair down there? Everyone I know who uses one is younger and ascribes to the body hair = yucky, I was wondering if it was really messy for us au-naturale gals??
A little TP should take care of that. I'm not very experienced in this, but here's an idea.

Find a source of smaller opaque plastic bags that will hold your funnel or whatever, a bit of TP and a twist tie. Keep it as a 'kit'. Use as needed, wipe, put both back in the bag and seal it closed. Clean the funnel when you can, put it into another bag (ready to go), and dispose of the used bag and TP when you run across a place to dump your trash.

Just don't do what some of the truck drivers do: fill a bottle with urine and toss it out the window.
TrainChaser said:
Just don't do what some of the truck drivers do:  fill a bottle with urine and toss it out the window.

I've seen that. Luckily from far enough behind to not get splashed. YUCK!
Queen said:
Any input on the pstyle from women with regular body hair down there?  Everyone I know who uses one is younger and ascribes to the body hair = yucky, I was wondering if it was really messy for us au-naturale gals??

Nope.  No issues.  :cool:
The pstyle channels the pee away before it would get you wet.
You can use the pstyle to wipe, but it's usually only a drop or two.
*Your mileage (and anatomy) may vary.
I was just reading their site, love the "practice in the shower" instruction.  :D
I have to clean the shower, I don't want to pee in there lol.
I would practice in a "normal" bathroom though, either not some kind of mobile set up.
Or out the wilderness would be good too.

I didn't have any issues the first time I used it, but the second time I was a little too sure of myself and ended up peeing on my foot.  (doh!!)  Luckily I was at home and barefoot.
Made me LOL!!

I keep thinking how handy this would have been when I had my knee replacement, it was an absolute bitch getting up and down off the toilet for the first six weeks... standing for a quick pee would have been a blessing.
"I have to clean the shower, I don't want to pee in there lol."

Fresh urine is sterile unless you've got a bladder infection or some disease like Leptospirosis. Just rinse it down.

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