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Jul 19, 2018
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Hi guys! I am obsessively watching videos on people living this way, conversions, hacks and more. I am female, in my 40s and I have a physical disability but I am quite strong and very capable. I travel with the my man - Trooper, a 5yr old disabled beagle. I am an artist and I have worked in a ton of different types of careers/jobs because my health changes. I am currently building an online business.

I own a 2007 dodge caravan with only 84k km on it... which is even less in miles. It is in excellent shape with just a little bit of rust on a few places. I took out all the seats in the back. I built two large storage boxes with lids that have memory foam and patio fabric that form the bed. I have a 5 sided cube of mosquito netting and a nylon tent fly from a 6 man tent and together they fit on over the back of the van so when the hatch is open I have bug protection, ventilation, privacy and a bit of extra room/light. 

I did just one or two days at a time camping but I want to do weeks or more at a time. I need to create some storage/organizing spaces so I can stop toting huge bins in and out. I need a set up where I can easily cook without getting out fully. Atm I have to unpack too much when I go and stealth isn't possible. I have a yearly campsite at a tiny rustic (no services) campground so I can explore ways to do stuff. 

My big ticket items I need are:
solar panels ( I have an older model goal zero escape 150 battery bank/power station)
some kind of "kitchen" 
storage for clothing and food (to get rid of the totes)
nylon tarps to replace the regular ones so they take up less space
a small popup screenhouse 

The internet and solar are imperative if I want to stay more than 4-5 days at a time. I need to keep working. My yearly spot has almost no cell signal... would a booster help? if so please explain... I know nothing and have very little money. My online business streams have real promise so fingers crossed! :)

I also need a potty system... I am a bit obsessed with potties right now. I have a small pee potty which I made from a container that came with swiffer wet pads in it - solid rectangle container with a snap on clear lid. Works great and easy for that 3am urge. lol. For more I use the campground outhouse, gas stations etc and in a pinch the bucket and bag it method. 

For me, in this vehicle, space is king. It is in any mobile dwelling but a mini van is only a step up from a car with regard to space. I looked at luggable loo and Hasock (sp?) styles but they take up so much space and I want most things to have dual purposes... what would anyone want to keep in their toilet? Once used, until I can empty it, I am sort of stuck with a bucket of unhappy.  :D  I saw a thing called a fold-n-go version but not sure if it is worth the $50. I don't have a steady income right now so spending isn't an option... it has to be free or dirt dirt cheap

I have a square ottoman, one with a lid for storage, and I currently keep my pots/dishes in it. If I make a plywood lid that also fit on that thing... and I used a double bag system or those double duty bags, I could use it as a potty and then maybe store some other gear in there instead of food related items. I would only have the extra lid to store... but then I'd need another thing in which to store my pots and dishes. See what I mean? I spent 2 hrs wandering around canadian tire looking at materials trying to figure out how to do it. The fold-n-go is better because it folds down so no bulky bucket issue... but I would have to spend $50+tx and shipping. So for now... I will prob go with the plywood lid with styrofoam for a comfy seat for now bc i can get that for less than $10... but the trade off is space, again. 

I am NOT a carpenter or an architect. I can build some basic stuff if I have clear plans. I want to preserve the interior of the van as much as possible in case I need to trade it in at some point. I am getting less attached to that idea because if I want any time in it in colder weather I would need to modify the walls and consider insulation. I am really excited to tap into the experience and ideas of new people who have done this!

I want to end up full time... but I don't think my van will work for me for that. Maybe but I doubt it. I want to be able to stand up. I want to be able to be ok in cold weather.

So... sorry for the ramble but that is my set up. I will post more pics when I have this open on my ipad so I can access my photos.
Welcome troopersworld to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. check your PM's. highdesertranger
Wow. What a let down. ONE reply and that was from an Admin with the rules/welcome.

I was so excited to join up... wanted to share what I am doing already and what I will need to keep going... and wow... talk about getting the cold shoulder.
I don't know how I ended up with the "angry" emoji on the start of my post... I have dexterity problems so probably my weird fingers. Can you edit out that somehow? I doubt that is why no one bothered to talk to me but it is a typo
If you ask some questions, you are more likely to get answers.

Hi and welcome. I edited out the angry emoji.

Try to have some patience while waiting for responses. There are plenty of valid reasons for a slow response time. We are living life, NOT on the internet, sketchy signal and/or limited data to name a few.

Members will join in conversations as interest and time allows.

In the meantime, feel free to start new threads in forums that interest you.

If you ask individual questioms in separate posts they would be much easier to answer. Although, nearly all your questions have been answered dozens of times on this very forum. You might want to acquaint yourself with the search feature here.

Good luck
Hi there,
Welcome.  I haven't been online all day trying to figure out a converter problem on my rig, but came here to see you had written.   As a fellow artist, I want to give you a heartfelt welcome and let you know that you're now part of a growing phenomenon of people who want to live simply and in freedom.

Your beagle looks sweet.  There are others on this board with disabled pets too.  Cammalu will want you to post bigger pix of your fur baby. 

I LOVE your set up ideas!  A permanent place where you can park is an awesome plan.  I've thought of that too.  I have looked into getting on hunting leases.  People park their rigs there and use them when they go hunting, not expecting to stay there all the time.  I'd just stay there, and probably I wouldn't use it to hunt.   There are other ways to get access to land too that some who are creative have done.

I was on another forum and one lady said she went around asking farmers for a small piece of land to put a garden in and put the camper on and she was able to lease a tiny place for a fraction of what it would cost to live in town.  She kept asking till someone said they would be willing. 

So many great ideas and you are most of the way there.  Congrats!  Hope to talk to you more soon.

Edited ~ cyndi
Hi...great to hear your plans. 

I am currently sucking up every single thread I a vacuum. And youtubes too.

I.m planning for the trip to Rtr in January with hopes of being full time by spring. I think there's alot to learn and online is difficult for some.

I ask and will be asking a load of questions too.

I'm still working and living S&B so don't get on here all the time. I stay patient and stay with it.

Trying to figure out potty stuff too. Girls do. Lol. Honestly haven't gotten that far yet. Currently just tryin to lay out the basics of space.

Hope you hang in and talk some more. Questions are good. Folks are happy to share their experiences.


Bow to the ground.
Walk into the lion day.
- Jane Hirshfield
Hey Trooper...just stumbled onto this...

The mods have set up the newcomer section basically to introduce yourself and maybe ask a few basic questions....but we are generally encouraged to ask (and answer) specific questions in the relevant areas on the forum. 

Please dont take the lack of replies here, as a cold shoulder. 

Intros tend to be fairly short most cases.

If you start a few threads with specific questions or topics, its very likely you will get a flood of replies.

Anyway, welcome, pull up a campchair, and fire away!


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