I'm curious about how everyone protects their belonging while their van is in the shop. I worry enough leaving valuables in my car when it's in the shop, I imagine I'd be completely on edge if everything I owned was within easy grasp of some mechanic I don't know and will probably never see again.
I suppose you can take the really valuable stuff with you to wherever you are staying, but that's still a lot of stuff you are leaving behind. I'd be creaped out if I found out a mechanic had gone through my underwear drawer or ate some of my snacks.
I saw one build where the person had padlocks inside and could completely lock the cargo area of the van, but I've only seen that from one person.
How do you handle it?
Has your stuff ever been violated while in the shop? What did you do?
I suppose you can take the really valuable stuff with you to wherever you are staying, but that's still a lot of stuff you are leaving behind. I'd be creaped out if I found out a mechanic had gone through my underwear drawer or ate some of my snacks.
I saw one build where the person had padlocks inside and could completely lock the cargo area of the van, but I've only seen that from one person.
How do you handle it?
Has your stuff ever been violated while in the shop? What did you do?