Wheelchair nomad in the making.

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AJ Stone

New member
Jul 10, 2017
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Hello, my name is AJ, I am a disabled man from Grand Rapids, Michigan. On disability the only place I can afford is the projects. :-( As I don't smoke crack,  it sucks! The rules are designed for drunks and junkies, as I only smoke cannibis, it feels 1984ish. Although some of them are nice people. I own a Ford wheelchair van, but I need a license, I haven't driven since 2003. I physically can, but after a car accident in 2003; my mother took control of my finances and has kept me in living limbo ever since out of concern for my safety. I don't know how to gain control without suing. Being disabled brings me many difficulties with regard to vandwelling. I also have a youtube channel, AJ Stone, I haven't uploaded yet; but I plan to as I prepare to do this. After reading Bob's book, and inhaling his, and other videos, I know I can do this. :cool:
Welcome AJ to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

You need to resolve things with your mom before you can do anything.  It sounds like a selfish love hidden behind over protection and possibly her having you depending on her....and her depending on that.   She must realize she isn't going to be in the picture forever and to pass away suddenly just dumps you into the world older and without the skills to get on for yourself.  This needs to be addressed if you believe that you could make your way through life. (regardless of her views)

Next,  your choice of Vehicle would need to be something like one of these.


Some of these have the 7.3 Ford Diesel Engine and are the more choice Vans.

Here is a story of a man and his Shuttle for you to consider.


If you can get around and develop your strength such that you could live in this lifestyle.....all the best to ya !
CautionToTheWind said:
Is your mother legal trustee of your finances?

^^ This ^^ and are you of legal age? Get somebody else to help you get to the DMV, take the tests required, and let them determine if you are capable of driving. That should be your first step.
PS, Welcome to the forums. :)
CautionToTheWind said:
Is your mother legal trustee of your finances?

Yes, for now. But she has early-onset Alzheimer's.  I'm 35.
Thank you All so much for the encouragement and inspiration, I will keep you posted.