What would you pay for a dozen eggs?

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I've read that the factory farms in Mexico feed their chickens marigold flowers so they will produce the bright yellow yolks that people like.
Almost true. Perdue's feed contains marigold to put a pretty color to the processed chicken skin. I have nothing against anyone's food choice. My choice my business. I only know 4 true vegans, and they have a hard time with health issues. Not as much when they were younger. What use is living to 110, except to be a burden on someone.
A lot of us think organic eggs are equal. There's two types, back yard chickens and free range chickens.  BYC are fed table scraps, grass clipping, grain and what ever insects they find in their closed in yard. FRC, which I have, they have same as the BYC and more insects, plus they keep the insect population down, and the eggs are higher in vitamins.
I've seen on news several years ago, there was a chicken farmer who was cricket farmer also. The only food the chickens got were crickets. They grew just as fast as the commercial farmers poultry did, no hormones in the food.
I also heard on news years ago, in South America boys grew breast, because of the hormones in meat products.
You be the judge, I'll stick with my free range chickens.
flying kurbmaster said:
the reasons to become a vegetarian is not about killing or not killing, and yes there are people that smoke all their lives and live to 100, not many but some do. Think how long they would have lived if they hadn't smoked or even better imagine how long your grandparents would have lived if they would have adopted a plant based diet, instead of clogging their arteries, if they managed to live to 90 with a bad diet, they would have surely made 110 with a good diet and likely would have felt better in the morning and not taken as many pills. I am not here to convince you or anyone else to stop eating meat, but my point was to counter the fact that you said there was no point to becoming a vegetarian or at least that you could not see a point, there are many very good reasons, stopping the raising and slaughter of animals is only one more importantly it is by far healthier, for you and your familly, you will live longer, reduce your risk of cancers, coronary diseases, and all other diseases including simple things like the common cold, not to forget the benefits for the planet, the information is out there if you want to wade through the propaganda that those with something to loose have flooded the waves with, heck some people still feed their children milk and are convinced that it is good for their bones, go figure.

Even if this is true and I don't believe it to be........I've known many vegans who have gotten very sick and malnourished trying the various meat free diets.  But why digress........humans already live an unnaturally long life span, it's why the world has become so over populated.  The more people the further all the ecosystems are burdened, the more animals that suffer.......like previously mentioned......lost habitat, miners in areas they wouldn't otherwise be, etc.  No matter how you slice the vegan mindset, it sounds worse for humans and ultimately worse for the planet.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Even if this is true and I don't believe it to be........I've known many vegans who have gotten very sick and malnourished trying the various meat free diets.  But why digress........humans already live an unnaturally long life span, it's why the world has become so over populated.  The more people the further all the ecosystems are burdened, the more animals that suffer.......like previously mentioned......lost habitat, miners in areas they wouldn't otherwise be, etc.  No matter how you slice the vegan mindset, it sounds worse for humans and ultimately worse for the planet.

don't be so silly, I have been a vegan or a vegetarian for more then 25 years and over the years I have filled my mind with a fair amount of knowledge about plant based diets, I don't claim to know it all but  you are misinformed, sure there are people who get into this type of diet and do it wrong, as hard as that is to do, but there are far greater problems with individuals eating meat, and especially the so called American diet, I am not here to argue, the facts are out there, you can start by reading " How not to die" , or " Diet for a new Planet" if you are interested, some day everyone will be vegetarian or almost everyone unless you are very rich,  land will be too valuable to raise animals on, ninety percent of all soy bean grown today goes into feeding cattle, that is like driving 90 miles to get 100 miles worth of gaz. it is not efficient and that is not even taking into consideration you are buying bad gas that will likely damage your engine on the way home. But as some of you said getting home doesn't matter and for those, that it does matter to, you are not likely to make it home without at least a few stops for repairs along the way or at the very least some kind of gas treatment.  Meat is killing you or making you sick, believe it or not, all I can do is lead a horse to water, there is nothing in it for me.
gsfish said:
There are several people that bring yard eggs to the flea market here in Pensacola. They go for around $3 a dozen. Some are Araucana if you are into them. Quail eggs too! If you had an incubator you could have a flock of a dozen chickens for $3. I can remember being at the feed store when I was a kid and they had a stack of drawers that held chicks, seems like they were around a dime each. Lots of peeping.

Somewhere I have a picture with two shelled eggs in a bowl. one is from the store and one is from a friend's yard birds. One yolk is yellow and the other is a bright orange.

Picture of Nicole and Polly.


Love the bracelet.
kurb I seen you post stuff like this before. "ninety percent of all soy bean grown today goes into feeding cattle", I don't know where you are getting this info. I have worked in agriculture off and on for 50 years. I have worked on small farms, cattle ranches, and horse ranches in CA, OR, NV, and AZ. not once in those 50 years were cattle ever fed soy beans, I have never seen it. in fact the only time I have seen cattle fed anything that would resemble food for people was the chafe after the harvest.

some one else mentioned the land that cattle is raised on is unsuitable for raising crops. this is basically true, out in the western US. on our family ranch it was in hill country some neighbors tried citrus and avocados. just wouldn't take the soil and climate isn't right. a lot of cattle is raised in forested land you can't grow much in a forest unless you cut down the trees, is that what you are implying. or in the desert where are you going to get all this water to grow crops.

another point, animals die on farms to. farmers do not let animals destroy their crops. where crops are grown ALL native animals are forced out if they don't leave they are killed. believe me when I say I have nothing against vegans. made plenty of money off them. highdesertranger
I was at the doctor about 20 years ago and he and I had a little talk. I told him my grandparents died in their late eighties and in their
nineties. They ate pork and beef and fried everything in lard. Grandfather made home brew and smoked a little. He also did eat his share
of veggies. The doctor told me, back in those people on farms people worked hard and today nobody works compared to them. That's why we have to eat healthy foods. If you work out, I guess you can eat more junk foods.
So I guess you're both right, depends when you were born. I raise cattle and I  eat very little beef. Chicken  is my main dish.

I take that back, it's been less than 20 years, about eight years ago I was putting metal roof on my house and a sheet come sliding off the roof and like a fool I tried to catch it and got a deep cut in my arm and had some stitches.
The thing about food and science, it always seems to change. For a while eggs were bad, now they are good. Cholesterol was bad, now it may not be . Coffee was bad, now good to some degree. They are now rethinking saturated fats. You can find a study to support just about anything you want.
The strict Vegetarians I have known look like they spent summer camp at Auschwitz. I would have to assume nature set it up so man could eat most anything they came across if they had to. Plants, animals, insects.
"Science" can't seem to tell the difference between fact, theory and opinion. I guess it depends mostly on who's paying the bills.
highdesertranger said:
kurb I seen you post stuff like this before.  "ninety percent of all soy bean grown today goes into feeding cattle",  I don't know where you are getting this info.  I have worked in agriculture off and on for 50 years.  I have worked on small farms,  cattle ranches,  and horse ranches in CA,  OR,  NV,  and AZ.  not once in those 50 years were cattle ever fed soy beans,  I have never seen it.  in fact the only time I have seen cattle fed anything that would resemble food for people was the chafe after the harvest.

some one else mentioned the land that cattle is raised on is unsuitable for raising crops.  this is basically true,  out in the western US.  on our family ranch it was in hill country some neighbors tried citrus and avocados.  just wouldn't take the soil and climate isn't right.  a lot of cattle is raised in forested land you can't grow much in a forest unless you cut down the trees,  is that what you are implying.  or in the desert where are you going to get all this water to grow crops.

another point,  animals die on farms to.  farmers do not let animals destroy their crops.  where crops are grown ALL native animals are forced out if they don't leave they are killed.  believe me when I say I have nothing against vegans.  made plenty of money off them.   highdesertranger

HDR I get what you are saying, perhaps much to your surprise, I grew up around dairy cows,  as an adult I  worked as a cowboy on one of the largest ranches in North America, 300,000 acres, I know what happens and what goes into cattle that end up  in the grocery stores,  most cattle destined for market end up in feedlots and that is likely where they are fed the soy, I doubt those numbers are made up,  they come from a good source, they may also include dairy cattle.  I am not an expert nor do I want to convert or preach, I am just a vegetarian vandweller so what do I know, I am only repeating what I have read and learnt over 25 years interested in plant based diets, the reasons I became a vegetarian had nothing to do with the anything other then my personal health, and that has worked for me, you should be able to google  those numbers  and find out for yourself if you are really interested, by the way Israel have done wonders with the desert so has California, so growing stuff with little water is possible. We used to irrigate large fields of alfalfa from a small creek with no issues in a semi arid forest.  Those of you who think vegetarians look like malnourished biafricans, think again, many of my friends are vegetarians and their builds vary from obese to buff like me :) and everywhere in between much like the general population none are skinny waifs, very few are overweight however some people think glazed jelly doughnuts are a vegan staple.
I'm not a big egg eater because I don't like factory farmed eggs; fresh eggs from backyard hens taste much better. I used to work on a farm that sold their free range eggs for 4 bucks a dozen. They had about 80 free range hens and half a dozen roosters. Buyers were pretty much busting down the gate to get the eggs in one of the most economically depressed regions of the country. With 50 acres of prime Alabama pasture and woodland to pick over, we hardly even had to feed the chickens. Of course, a couple vigilant dogs were necessary to chase away foxes and the like, and we had occasional trouble with stowaways hiding in the back of the farm truck, but overall it was a great egg operation.

If I had more money, I would spend it on healthy organic eggs, greens, and all that good stuff. However, with a food budget around $4/day when I'm on the road, I have to make do with junk food.
Diesel4Life said:
I've been eating whole farm raise egg's chicken and duck when available, nearly everyday for decades started when I was a youngster. And have never been sick from them ever. And most of the time unless I've bought a lot of them I just keep them in a nice basket on the counter. Not the refrigerator.

Ever had a raw milk eggnog smoothie?

Or home made raw milk eggnog ice cream?

Disclaimer: I do not eat general store bought type eggs though and would not suggest anyone do that with those versions.

Once, back in the 70s, I got a gallon of raw unprocessed goat's milk form one of those old school health food stores that smelled like the supplements they sold
Put it in my cereal for breakfast, and wasn't hungry till dinner that night
flying kurbmaster said:
 Obviously you haven't had the pleasure of visiting an abattoir, If you can't see the point you haven't looked, you are a reader, you should pick up the book " How not to Die" or at the very least log onto his videos, he makes a lot of very good points on plant based diets, and backs it all up with science, if he doesn't convince you read a bit of  John Robins,  also I don't get the thousands of lives lost bit to keep vegetarians or vegans alive I don't follow that. 
I love eggs and have a couple of chickens but I am not so sure about how good they are for me, I read a lot on both sides of the fence I am still unsure or maybe in denial about the goodness of eggs maybe I don't want to hear it, It is easy to justify  things you love even harder to let them go..
Then you have never been on a farm, especially a factory farm, after a field has been plowed, dead / mutilated animals everywhere, and the meat just goes to waste, unlike the animals raised for food

flying kurbmaster said:
the reasons to become a vegetarian is not about killing or not killing, and yes there are people that smoke all their lives and live to 100, not many but some do. Think how long they would have lived if they hadn't smoked or even better imagine how long your grandparents would have lived if they would have adopted a plant based diet, instead of clogging their arteries, if they managed to live to 90 with a bad diet, they would have surely made 110 with a good diet and likely would have felt better in the morning and not taken as many pills. I am not here to convince you or anyone else to stop eating meat, but my point was to counter the fact that you said there was no point to becoming a vegetarian or at least that you could not see a point, there are many very good reasons, stopping the raising and slaughter of animals is only one more importantly it is by far healthier, for you and your familly, you will live longer, reduce your risk of cancers, coronary diseases, and all other diseases including simple things like the common cold, not to forget the benefits for the planet, the information is out there if you want to wade through the propaganda that those with something to loose have flooded the waves with, heck some people still feed their children milk and are convinced that it is good for their bones, go figure.
Logical fallacy based on the belief that plant based diets are inherently more healthy, and that saturated fat is bad for you (it's not)
I've read lots of vegetarian / vegan info on the wonder of plant based diets, often citing badly done studies that were skewed for confirmation bias
veggies are good for you
so is meat
Humans are eveloved as omnivors and predators, biologically
ArtW said:
Then you have never been on a farm, especially a factory farm, after a field has been plowed, dead / mutilated animals everywhere, and the meat just goes to waste, unlike the animals raised for food

Logical fallacy based on the belief that plant based diets are inherently more healthy, and that saturated fat is bad for you (it's not)
I've read lots of vegetarian / vegan info on the wonder of plant based diets, often citing badly done studies that were skewed for confirmation bias
veggies are good for you
so is meat
Humans are eveloved as omnivors and predators, biologically

I have a feeling that we likely evolved eating a lot more leaves then meat and that is based only on the observation that plants don't run as fast. if I was a meat eater I would be following tractors or at least checking out freshly plowed fields, can you find fresh salmon behind tug boats?
eating meat is perfectly healthy,eating meat that was raised on steroids,kept alive on antibiotic and dyed red so city folks will buy it is not healty
same thing with veggies thats unless you like pesticides,herbicides and all that

oh yea,you kinda want to cook your eggs so you dont get sick from them
ArtW said:
Then you have never been on a farm, especially a factory farm, after a field has been plowed, dead / mutilated animals everywhere, and the meat just goes to waste, unlike the animals raised for food

Having been raised on a farm where we averaged 2,500 hens, I do not know where you are coming from.  

Your argument is illogical, and does not make economic sense in the slightest. What I am seeing is a page out of the PETA handbook. Pure hyperbole.
I grew up in farm country. I remember a neighbor that raised hogs. One year he was winning all sorts of awards showing his prize hog. From local Chamber to 4H to county state and even national. He had ribbons from ever fair they could get to. That Christmastide we went visiting to our neighbor. I asked about the prize hog and was invited out to the barn yards. There was a huge hog hobbling about with three legs. I asked "WTF, that can't be the prize hog!" said he, "Oh yes, when you have a hog that good, you don't eat him all at once."

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