Seriously! No joke! There was a time I did lots of that. During film days with my Hasselblad 6x6 cm film format gear, the cost of lab processing was very expensive at roughly $25 to process a roll of 220 film, plus a pro-pack of 5 film rolls for $55. <br><br>When digital came along, I shot endless frames! I simply kept buying larger and larger external storage drives to hold all the images accumulated. Back in the beginning of digital photography, digital storage space was hugely expensive. You can't believe how much I've spent on digital memory cards and storage drives, not to mention camera gear. <br><br>I would post some of my pictures of the aforementioned topic, but I'm afraid I might get a stern warning from it! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">