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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Everybody has a story as to why they do what they do, I was wondering if others wanted to share theirs.<br /><br />I truly&nbsp;believe I was born to be a traveler. ever since I was young camping, hiking, fishing and just plan traveling was in my blood. I am so miserable when I am grounded. My Dad having a stroke 2 years ago lead me back to LI,NY, and since me and my Dad are like oil and water, I started sleeping in my car to avoid his drinking and attitude, I started working down here for a bit and to put is simply money is better here what I make here in 10 days is equal to 1 month in PA. soI stayed, saved and in 7 months opened my own grooming salon, I have a 5 year plan, again it involves, saving some more, deciding what I wish to travel in that would be affordable and within the budget I am going to try and set......
I think&nbsp;this&nbsp;question was asked before many moons ago before we had this mad rush of new people. Wonderful van&nbsp;dwellers&nbsp;or to be dwellers.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;Before I bore you with details I am doing it because I need to save money. I also do NOT like to waste money. Let me tell ya a little story(oh god now I will bore ya sorry) Many moons ago I rented a small studio by the beach. I am only talking about 15 years ago and it was 300 bucks a month. Yes I was that cheap!! Anyway LICO at that time kept showing up because they thought my meter was broken. Really!!! It was that my bill was soooo low even for a single person they thought I or someone else was doing something to it. No It was just Miss frugal here. No TV no radio.....no microwave ..etc &nbsp;I like real simple find my entertainment with the outdoors. Books ,I crochet and pets are fun too. They finally gave up with me(LIPA now) LOL
Necessity on many different levels. Despite the fact that I am losing my home and possessions, (which isn't too bad anymore)&nbsp; I also NEED a change of lifestyle. I can't keep up with the fast paced rat race anymore and I don't care to. I am and always have been alternative in many ways. So, whatever happens I am on the road to self discovery and serenity... I need it!
&nbsp;I've always had wanderlust. My plan, after graduating from high school, was take a bicycle trip across the US - a bicycle trip because I didn't have a drivers license or the money for a car and gas. When my money ran out I would have had to go back home but that trip never happened because I met Tony and infected him with my wanderlust. ;-)<br /><br />&nbsp;We camped and traveled (including a whole year in a VW camper ) along with raising our daughter and working . When our daughter went to college and we had enough money saved we bought a little motorhome and started fulltime traveling. We wouldn't trade this life for anything!
Remembering the poster with the Mouse flipping off the attacking Owl in defiance... Well it is my way of flipping off the matrix in defiance to the robotic normalcy of the masses, control and lockstep... Excuse me while I adjust my tin foil hat...
I have been moving my whole life. The few times I've stopped have never been for long. Any time that I stay someplace for any length of time I start getting itchy feet, needing to get back out there. I am such a solitary person that I don't get to know the people around me before I get tired of the small world that they live in, by their own choice. People....you'ld think they'ld &nbsp;learn. Nope.<br />Every time I call my family they ask me what my new address is. LOL
Since 1993 when I was done with high school and moved out on my own, I have never lived in the same apartment/house/trailer for more than 2 years. &nbsp;I would be in the same city sometimes for years, but always moved to a different part of town every 2 years. &nbsp;I just got bored. I hate apartment living and just being in one place for so long and the place is not even really yours to do what you want, and I could never see me in a house at all.<br /><br />A couple years ago when I was&nbsp;separated from my ex-wife, I was really looking at moving to Thailand. &nbsp;Just for something&nbsp;completely different. &nbsp;That did not happen since we got back together, so I put it on the back burner.<br /><br />Now that we divorced at the&nbsp;beginning of this year, I was thinking about it again, but realized I have only been to 3 states in the US in my whole 37 years of life. &nbsp;All in the midwest. &nbsp;I have not seen anything really in the States and would like to. &nbsp;I found this website and a few others and was blown away by some of the stuff I was reading. &nbsp;<br /><br />I guess I figured if I wanted to travel, I was gonna need a good size RV like my grandparents had. &nbsp;I did not even think about converting a van or cargo trailer to your needs and be able to live like that for long&nbsp;periods of time.<br /><br />So now I am in the process of just saving money, been looking at vans on Craigslist, and just waiting for something I can get. &nbsp;I am hoping to find something soon and work on it and make it out to the RTR this January to meet some like minded people and see up close some other people's vehicles, but I might not have enough time for that. &nbsp;If not, then shoot for the next one.
I guess it is my turn now LOL.... sit back and enjoy this crazy ride everyone =)<br /><br />I come from a very well to do family (not bragging) but I never quite got the whole spend spend spend thing. I got married when I was young and of course started a family of my own. I had 3 kids, my son and my twin daughters... Nick, Megan and Mariah. My husband was a bum in all the negative aspects. I put myself through nursing school while working 3 jobs and he did nothing. So eventually I said good bye. That was after 3 years.&nbsp;<br /><br />I moved to greenbay wi and there met another idiot. Got into a relationship and had my 4th child... Mandy. This guy ended up beating me and torturing me in a basement for 3 days until finally the cops found me. Now I don't remember anything much from that time so that is good. No I am not a victim.&nbsp;<br /><br />So I moved back to Ohio and raised my kids all alone. Mandy is my youngest and she is almost 17 now. Nick is 23 and Meg &amp; Mariah are 20.&nbsp;<br /><br />I have always wanted to travel and see the world. But of course I had responsibilities. In the whole time I have been raising kids I have only had 2 breaks. One to go to New York to visit a friend and the other to Calgary to visit another friend. No babysitters for me ever! My parents are not the emotional supporting type at all. They would rather just hand me a couple hundred dollars and that is that.<br /><br />So now I am planning to travel as soon as Mandy goes off to college. Of course everyone thinks I am joking about this. My mom is now talking about buying me a new house. That is funny because that is all she ever talked about was me renting places. I have one sister and she lives in the house next to my mother's and of course drives her crazy LOL. So I get to put up with all the guilt trips of leaving my kids (which will be adults by then), leaving my poor old parents, leaving my sister, making wrong decisions again! and whatever else they come up with.&nbsp;<br /><br />But through all of this nonsense... I am still planning!!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;HuggZ
Always been the adventerous one in the family and enjoyed finding ways to live off the grid, go hunting and fishing, and finding some road I've never travelled.&nbsp; At age 24, life altering tragedies happened one after another with poor decisions made while in survival mode.&nbsp; I made some good decisions too such as getting my nursing degree.&nbsp;<br /> <br />Fast Forward almost 30 years:&nbsp; Finally moved to Alaska in 2005&nbsp; after obtaining a great position as a Homecare and Hospice nurse.&nbsp;Finally my original adventerous dream to come to Alaska and explore its wilderness came to pass.&nbsp; Six months later, my sister who was my best friend and confidant was killed in a horrible accident.&nbsp; At least I wanted to believe it was an accident.&nbsp; Three years later and 3 or 4&nbsp;other horrible deaths just like hers within a few miles of her small town, and I finally came to the same conclusion as the rest of my family--it was murder.&nbsp; Shortly after my sisters death, my boyfriend of 2 years left because as he states, "you changed".&nbsp;My father died in 2007.&nbsp; He was my hero.&nbsp; I've helped so many great people pass from this life to the next, I'm burnt, fried, whatever you want to call it.&nbsp; Then this spring I watched before my eyes as&nbsp;an 8 year old boy get ejected from the vehicle in front of me as it flipped through the air and then landed on him.&nbsp; He was dead, not a thing I&nbsp;could do except hold the mom who&nbsp;was not injured until help came some 15 minutes later.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />Yup, its time to&nbsp;do what I originally set out to do when I was young, explore this world, its back roads, rivers, valleys, and mountains.&nbsp; I am very thankful for my time in Alaska, but its time to&nbsp;explore the rest of America.&nbsp; I just gotta go!<br /><br />Rae<br />&nbsp;
It took me awhile to get to this point&nbsp;but now that I'm here I'm&nbsp;not turning back.<br /><br />Over the past few years I've become less than thrilled with living in one place&nbsp;for too long.&nbsp;I'm ready for a change of pace in my life.&nbsp;I've been in Vegas too long! I want to be able to work less and enjoy&nbsp;life more. I can't do that if I stay here much longer.<br /><br />The most important things in my life are not things. They are the people &amp; creatures in my life. I have family here in Vegas so this will always be my "home base" when I leave town. I'll be bringing my cats with me when I leave so they'll become travelers with me. That has me concerned the most. I've learned from reading some of your posts that cats &amp; dogs adjust to any given living situation so that doesn't have me concerned to a major degree.<br /><br />Still, at 55 years old I needed something new in my life. That's when I discovered the "CheapRVliving.com" website. That's when everything I was reading was becoming clearer &amp; clearer. This is where I want to be next year in the fall.<br /><br />Well, that's my story &amp; I'm stickin' to it! lol
DW and I met and married young, went to college together&nbsp;and, after 5 years moving about in the Marine Corps, we came back home where family lived. We both had our careers; twelve years into our marriage we&nbsp;adopted and raised a son (who's now on his own), DW retired early and I will also&nbsp;next year. We always loved to travel and prefer being in nature in unpopulated areas. We sold our camper&nbsp;van this year, bought a 4x4 truck camper, and next spring plan to take off for parts unknown.
Born in Detroit, folks divorced, long train ride with Mom and sister to Santa Barbara,CA at about 3 or 4 years old, raised in Seattle until 14...meantime, every summer from my 11th year to the 14th I rode the train across America, by myself, to New Jersey as soon as school was out and back west to Seattle just before school began. Those trips set me in motion and I absolutely loved it. <br /><br />At 14 stayed back east and we moved to Vermont. At 16 I left home in anger and hichhiked to Detroit to visit my brother, he bought my Dad an old, used panel truck for my Dad's general store in Weston, VT, which I drove back to Vermont...on a learner's permit, through a portion of Ontario..believe it or not...man the borders were easy then. At 17 I hitched across country to visit mom and stepdad in Seattle, took the bus back VT.<br /><br />I quit highschool the first day of my senior year and joined the Navy that December of my 17th year, Great Lakes boot camp, Key West, Fla Sonar school (during the 1962 Cuban Crisis) Whidbey Island NAS, Ship out of San Diego, WestPac/Vietnam, discharge, across country with a wife and friends, working our way camping out of an 55 chevy 4dr car, Carnying for the rest of the summer...Vermont, NYC, Denver, New Paltz NY, LA, Eugene, OR, Alaska, Orick, CA, Alaska, NM, ID, NM now....<br /><br />Meanwhile divorce, marriage, 2 kidz, divorce, present marriage to Kit. I drank and drugged through the 60's and 70's so all bets were off back then. Sobered and cleaned up in 1982.<br /><br />Our first livable vehicle was a 1949 Caddy hearse&nbsp; in Denver in 1968, next was a 1967 VW van which we drove to Alaska in 1976, then came a 1955 travel trailer we refurbished and a 1966 GMC suburban type raised roof logging crummy to pull it with, drove that back to Alaska in 1978, then came my first bus in 1981 a 1959 GMC 3/4 length military bus, then a series of vans, til we hit on the FourWheel pop-up camper&nbsp; on a Jeep Comanche, when that truck became untrustworthy, a 1994 Mazda B4000 pickup went under the camper. <br /><br />We now own that, a 1963 Dodge shorty bus, and my little 1987 Astro Shorty van/ Chinookie conversion.<br /><br />Since my ol' mom was adopted when she was a baby, and she never knew her ancestry, and she had a beautiful but swarthy complexion, black haired, etc. I get to choose and I say it is of British Romany extract.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> The rest of my family goes back eons to the Kentish area of England. <br /><br />So, to answer the question...I have never known different....LOL<br />Bri
I have always had the travel bug. I never thought about it as a lifestyle...just was a fantasy. I remember my whole life. I used to watch movies that had to do with traveling or trips across the country. Some of them were stupid, but I watched them just for the fact they were about travel. I remember getting lost in the movies pretending it was me traveling. I was born and raised in the seattle area. Born at ballard hospital. My grandmother was the head nurse on duty and helped deliver me. I grew up, joined the army and that was my only travel. I stayed in the states. I went to new jersey, virginia, maryland, georgia, A quick stop in texas, and oklahoma. When I discharged I came back home to washington. Met my ex wife got married, and had a son, Joey. We divorced after six years. That was many years years ago. I had a few relationships after that, but nothing serious. My son is grown now, and I lived alone. Always thinking about travel, but never considering it a reality. I started a transport business a few years ago...mostly because it was a way to travel. Made several trip up and down the west coast, nevada, and arizona....I loved it. Things happened and I lost the business and settled into my old life in the matrix, as steve calls it. Finally one day, I got fed up with living this way, barly getting by. So I started thinking about giving up the stationary house for a&nbsp;mobile one...not really thinking it would happen. Then I found this website and saw other people living my dream. It is what pushed me over the edge. So I did it. I gave up the house and moved into my truck with a small camper...very small camper, but I love it. I haven't reached my full dream of traveling, but I will make it happen sooner then later. It's funny, since I moved into my truck I see my mom now and then. She thinks Im destitute. She's always asking: are you ok, do you need anything. I keep telling her: mom I'm fine...I'm doing this because I want to. Then she says one day: well you know drew (my brother) said you always wanted to do this. It was validation for me. Even the people around me new I had a passion for it. So here I am living in my truck and shortly will be on the road. I've never felt more in control of my life. So excited about the future. See ya down the road. Sid.
I <img src="/images/boards/smilies/love.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> my van. "GypsyD! Take me away!" And she does...beats Calgon any day. <br /><br />Run, Run, As Fast As You Can!<br />You Can't Catch Me, I'm Ann-in-a-Van!<br />
<br /><br />Ann...I'm limping right behind ya!!!&nbsp; <br /><br />Rae

That's an old Calgon commercial. Way before MY time <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<p>&nbsp;Why ?&nbsp;&nbsp; Because&nbsp; the "american&nbsp; dream'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;has becomea nightmair unless your&nbsp;very well off&nbsp;. We have been&nbsp; systematicly&nbsp; targeted&nbsp; to loose everything&nbsp; so the&nbsp; capitolist vulchers can&nbsp;swoop&nbsp;down and devour the spoils,&nbsp; OR&nbsp; remain&nbsp; enslaved&nbsp; in corporate slavory and taxed to death,&nbsp;until&nbsp;we&nbsp;die&nbsp; and enjoy life&nbsp;so&nbsp;very little,&nbsp; because of the&nbsp; worry&nbsp; and&nbsp; stress of making&nbsp; ends meet leaves you&nbsp; broke at the end of each month, phyisically , mentally&nbsp;and monitarily. We couldn't&nbsp; "upgrade" anything&nbsp; even if we wanted too.&nbsp; What&nbsp;kind of&nbsp;life is&nbsp;that&nbsp;!? &nbsp;It's not! , it's self inflicted&nbsp;torchure !&nbsp;For&nbsp; what&nbsp;?&nbsp; to be considered "normal" ? I&nbsp; really&nbsp; question&nbsp; their defination of "normal" then.<br />&nbsp; I&nbsp;refuse to be enslaved and owe&nbsp;my soul&nbsp;to the "company store"&nbsp;And so&nbsp; I made&nbsp;the&nbsp;changes . I let&nbsp;it ALL go,&nbsp;and&nbsp;the&nbsp;very&nbsp;first night in&nbsp;my Van,&nbsp; I slept like I have not&nbsp; in a long, long time.&nbsp;I let&nbsp;go&nbsp;of&nbsp;all the torchure,&nbsp;the pain,&nbsp; and&nbsp; constant disapointments and let downs and self doubt. Free at last, &nbsp; and&nbsp; every night&nbsp; after, I&nbsp;felt&nbsp;better, I slept better,&nbsp; My&nbsp;dreams&nbsp;were of&nbsp;good things again, and&nbsp; my&nbsp; insperations&nbsp;and personal&nbsp;goals to&nbsp;achieve became&nbsp;real&nbsp;again. I owe&nbsp;Nothing, and&nbsp;I owe no one. I can live&nbsp;very&nbsp;well on the "hand out scraps" my&nbsp; employer has the&nbsp; audasity to&nbsp;consider&nbsp;a "wage"&nbsp;&nbsp; So be it . We'll see&nbsp; who comes out overall&nbsp;ahead in the long run.&nbsp; I have&nbsp;absolutly no&nbsp;desire to be in&nbsp;competition&nbsp;with&nbsp; anyone for the&nbsp; raise&nbsp; or promotion . Its&nbsp; not about&nbsp; what you know anyway&nbsp;,&nbsp; its always been&nbsp; about&nbsp;who you know,&nbsp; or&nbsp; what&nbsp; kind of dirt you&nbsp; have on someone as to&nbsp;where you go. Its&nbsp;Total BS! I&nbsp; refuse to be involved&nbsp;with such&nbsp;a petty existance. I do my&nbsp; job, and I'm damn good at it&nbsp;, and THAT is all that matters to me. They&nbsp; can fire me tomorrow ,&nbsp; It&nbsp; wont matter one little bit&nbsp; because&nbsp;I&nbsp; refuse to let them&nbsp; hold&nbsp; the&nbsp; "job"&nbsp; as an axe over my head to&nbsp; get more out of me&nbsp;than&nbsp;what&nbsp;I consider&nbsp;the job&nbsp;worth and&nbsp;what&nbsp;I signed on to&nbsp;do.&nbsp;They&nbsp; can go play&nbsp; king&nbsp; Vs slave&nbsp; somewhere else. I dont play&nbsp;that game anymore. I have many skills I can use else where,&nbsp; it's No big deal to me&nbsp; and they know it.&nbsp;So in a way&nbsp;&nbsp;I&nbsp; declaired and reclaimed&nbsp;my independance and&nbsp;they&nbsp;dont&nbsp;bother me&nbsp;with the&nbsp; "axe"&nbsp;thing anymore because&nbsp;they know I WILL&nbsp;walk out&nbsp;right on the spot&nbsp; and leave them&nbsp;hanging&nbsp; in a very bad situation that&nbsp; will last&nbsp;for&nbsp;quite some time&nbsp; and&nbsp; that it&nbsp;will not&nbsp; hurt me&nbsp;money wise&nbsp;or&nbsp;mentally &nbsp;in the least little bit to do so. They&nbsp;would be cutting&nbsp; their own&nbsp;necks , not mine, so its&nbsp;no&nbsp; "fun"&nbsp; for them&nbsp;. They can&nbsp;go beat their&nbsp; chests and&nbsp;play&nbsp; king Vs slave&nbsp; with&nbsp; someone else instead . Feel&nbsp;sorry&nbsp;for them though , but&nbsp;thats not my&nbsp;fight.&nbsp;I&nbsp;stay&nbsp;completely out of&nbsp;their politics and&nbsp; refuse&nbsp; to get&nbsp; dragged&nbsp;down&nbsp; in it. My&nbsp; responce&nbsp;to the insuing&nbsp;questions to&nbsp;try to&nbsp;drag me into&nbsp;the situation is&nbsp; " I&nbsp; have no&nbsp;clue, ask the person you&nbsp;want&nbsp;this info&nbsp;from directly&nbsp;" &nbsp;I have learned&nbsp;by&nbsp;Their&nbsp;example , Business is a&nbsp;cold hearted&nbsp; SOB . I offer nothing&nbsp;but&nbsp;what&nbsp;I signed on to do ..period. You&nbsp; want more&nbsp;,you pay more. If&nbsp; not,&nbsp;fire me,&nbsp;its&nbsp; that&nbsp; simple and&nbsp;I will take&nbsp;&nbsp; you and your company&nbsp;to&nbsp;court on labor&nbsp;ethics violations if you do. I have&nbsp; audio proof. Cell phones&nbsp;are&nbsp;such&nbsp;a wonderful&nbsp;invention. My very own&nbsp;pocket&nbsp; sized battery operated&nbsp;CMA device.(cover my&nbsp;ass) and that is&nbsp; as far&nbsp;as I&nbsp;get involved&nbsp;with&nbsp;their&nbsp;poly-tics . They&nbsp;tought me&nbsp;well. <br />&nbsp; Sorry&nbsp; for&nbsp; that&nbsp; employment&nbsp; vent ,&nbsp; But&nbsp; that is Just one&nbsp; aspect of&nbsp; my&nbsp; new life&nbsp;. Being&nbsp; free of&nbsp; stress from&nbsp; all sides and sources&nbsp;&nbsp;is&nbsp; maybe&nbsp; the&nbsp; biggest benifet&nbsp;to my&nbsp;health&nbsp; and outlook on&nbsp;things . I&nbsp;have taken&nbsp; back control over&nbsp;every&nbsp;aspect my life.&nbsp;I no longer&nbsp;have to bend&nbsp;and&nbsp;sway and alter my life&nbsp;, or&nbsp;&nbsp;cater to&nbsp;every&nbsp;whim or&nbsp;demand&nbsp;placed on me. I just&nbsp;say NO! if&nbsp;I want to. Very liberating. I can&nbsp; go&nbsp; where&nbsp; and when&nbsp; ever&nbsp;I&nbsp; want and&nbsp; stay&nbsp; as long&nbsp; as&nbsp;I want and&nbsp; DO&nbsp; what&nbsp;I&nbsp; want.&nbsp; Sounds&nbsp; selfish&nbsp;&nbsp; and in a&nbsp; way it is , But&nbsp;I&nbsp; would&nbsp;&nbsp;MUCH&nbsp; rather&nbsp; be&nbsp; selfish&nbsp; than&nbsp; exploited&nbsp; anyday.&nbsp; The&nbsp; choise is yours.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Journeyman said:
I have been moving my whole life. The few times I've stopped have never been for long. Any time that I stay someplace for any length of time I start getting itchy feet, needing to get back out there. I am such a solitary person that I don't get to know the people around me before I get tired of the small world that they live in, by their own choice. People....you'ld think they'ld &nbsp;learn. Nope.<br />Every time I call my family they ask me what my new address is. LOL
<br /><br />LOL Journeyman, what I have learned it what , makes a person happy is as individual as every person. That is why I guess life truly is a box of chocolates. I tend to compare life to trail mix...lol
Area51 you are very correct for the people who's eyes have been opened to the things gone wrong, for many they see the mess, for others they live blissfully unaware, God Bless their little souls!&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />