Welcome from Minneapolis !

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New member
Mar 1, 2018
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN

I'm Brian.  I've been investigating van life for a year now and am on the path towards the great outdoors. 

I'm leaning (and it's a big lean, I'm 6'7") towards a chevy 2500 but have plenty more to read/digest here.  With the forum's help I won't be doing it alone !  What a wealth of experience and information.   My goal is shorter outings until my ducks are in a row in 2 years.

Safe travels !

Welcome to the CRVL forums Brian!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the forum.. all I can say is brrrrrr... I ran out of Eagan and Coon Rapids for a while back when I drove the big truck.. so brrrrrr.
Welcome Tall Brian! 
I'm lookin forward to your T&NTT's  :D
True & Not Tall Tales of your future adventures 
Maybe at RTR in a couple years?
Hey AG,

Even though I try not to exaggerate (many don't believe the truth anyways lol) I guess anything coming out of my tall body would be a tall tale :)

RTR looks like a fun meet !
Welcome Brian, I think you will like a Chevy van.