Wearing a mask now we are opening?

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Wearing masks, social distancing and good hand hygiene seem to be the most effective ways of keeping yourself safe and from infecting others, while close personal contact and in crowded indoor spaces the best ways to get it.


I don’t want my loved ones or myself to get this, but we’re going to be living with this virus for a long time and need to just dig in and do what we can.
sorry. i did not read through this whole thread. The cloth or paper masks folks are wearing do not protect the wearer. The mask, along with the 6 foot rule, is to reduce the spread of spit from the person wearing the mask to the other people buying groceries. It is our community responsibility to help our neighbors. Those arguing against a simple mask are not good neighbors.

I have a can of spray that I use on the outside of all packages before opening them. Sometimes then the contents. Plenty of EverClear hand sanitizer.
Seems as though there are large numbers of people in the remote areas now. I have a hard time taking a walk on an established trail without having to put on a mask so most times I just wear it. It is a good one so breathing can be difficult. I saw someone yesterday wearing a face shield so I looked it up and found it is really cheap and easy to make one out of a 2 liter plastic bottle with stuff I already have. Again it seems most effective if everyone is wearing them just like masks. It is much more durable, easy to clean, breath while wearing and I don't touch my face as much while wearing it. Before long someone will come up with something comfortable and practicable that will protect people from the environment. Just look at the sports industries, recreational and even tournament fishing for stylish face and eye protection. Maybe Darth Vader had it right!
A motorcycle helmet with a face shield would be good then. I just wear the paper mask. Don't really care if I get it but don't want to give it to others.
I was just looking for something that would hold up while exerting myself without a having to touch it so often, it looks like the tournament fishing gear might work well with a face shield. Wonder how good a 7UP bottle would do as sun glasses! LOL!!!
I wear a mask instead of makeup...rather like wearing a hat on a bad hair day! Plus it keeps me from touching my face.
I wear one whenever I pick up my cell phone. You never know who's calling.
If you don't like wearing a mask,you are really going to hate the ventilator.
1shemp said:
If you don't like wearing a mask,you are really going to hate the ventilator.

So, how many people do you know on ventilators?

Among my loose contacts (about 300 people) none of them know anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, let alone hospitalized or ventilated.  A lot of us don't wear masks.
Spaceman Spiff said:
Among my loose contacts (about 300 people) none of them know anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, let alone hospitalized or ventilated.  A lot of us don't wear masks.

A small sample out of 320,000,000 doesn't prove much. Good for you and your friends and I hope your luck holds.

Infection rates vary all over the map. Wearing a mask and distancing is the best way to stop the spread which is leveling off but does continue.
Spaceman Spiff said:
So, how many people do you know on ventilators?

Among my loose contacts (about 300 people) none of them know anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, let alone hospitalized or ventilated.  A lot of us don't wear masks.
I am very close to my parents yet I never knew they both had their gallbladders removed until I had mine done.
Get your family health history lined up. You aren't getting any younger and if you have any offspring, they will appreciate it down the road.
I have read that the hospitals here are full of people sick from Mexico (border is open to returning citizens who are sick). We are now a 'hot spot' not sure if it is locals getting sick or returning travellers, with 80% under 65 yo. Most people out and about are wearing masks here.
I know someone who has had it and recovered.

I don’t think it is an urban legend, but a real threat that we need to respect and modify our behaviors accordingly lest we get it ourselves and/or pass it on to someone we care about.
WanderingRose said:
....and/or pass it on to someone we care about.

That's one of the main reason for masks. Many people are asymptomatic and can pass it on to others.

It's like texting while driving. You not only endanger yourself but you endanger others.
A co-worker's uncle has died from Covid-19. Please wear your masks.
I plan to continue wearing one whenever I leave home until I feel safe. I don't know when that will be. It's too soon for me for precautions to be dropped, no matter what others are doing.
+1, first reputation. Good thinking. It's not over, despite what people may seem to think. 

If you look at the "actual stats", you see the number of new cases and deaths in the US are still climbing straight up ... in almost every state except for NY,NJ,IL,LA, and MI where numbers have come down enough to make the rest of the country not look so bad. Right now, the worst states for new cases are CA,TX,AZ, and FL (#1,2,3,5) where a lot of people on this forum are located. 

This website allows you to click on every state to see how things are going there.

I've done some recent stats and the typical breakdown is .... about 80% of the cases are in people < 60 YO, but 80% of the deaths are in people > 60 ..... So, stay smart and see how things go over the next couple of months.
Qxxx said:

....I've done some recent stats and the typical breakdown is .... about 80% of the cases are in people < 60 YO, but 80% of the deaths are in people > 60 ..... So, stay smart and see how things go over the next couple of months.
I have heard that in Arizona half of the deaths are people in nursing homes, but this statistic is hidden for "privacy" reasons. Usually such a statistic would result in an investigation of the nursing home by authorities, and with fixing the problem or closure of the nursing home as the only options. Now we are turning a blind eye to this. Consider "aging in place" for your elders, appears to be safer.

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