Water tap keys

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Sep 22, 2015
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Hi, am new here. I searched, but found nothing about this.

I just spent about a year and a half wandering New Zealand in my van, and found finding water to be a bit tricky at times, due to the habit local councils over here have of putting water tap (faucet) keys on everything. Luckily, about $5 will get you a key from any local hardware store.

Not this exactly, but you'll get the idea.


(I can't tell if that worked, so looky here)


There seems to be 3 types, btw.  Mostly the square one, but I have seen triangle jobs and occasionally half-rounded weird ones. Sometimes you can get away with using an adjustable wrench or locking pliers, but for the recessed ones that won't work.

I hope this is of interest to someone, sometime. Cheers.
Most of us are of the opinion that if a handle isn't provided, using a tool to access water means you're stealing. The image of a thief is one of many stigmas we as respectful vehicle dwellers try to avoid.

But I do carry a silcock key in my van and sometimes ask permission when I see a business that has an outside spigot with the handle removed. Places like grocery stores, food places, gas stations, etc. Often times these places are chains but the local management won't mind you taking water if it means they get your business. "Hey, while I'm buying groceries, I saw a spigot outside - is it okay if I fill the water tank on my camper?" If they say yes I'll use a key with permission. Mine is a 4-way I bought at Lowe's.
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I would always ask first. btw here in the states using anything except the correct key is frowned upon. in fact on fire hydrants and city parks it is illegal to use anything but the correct tool. however it is also illegal to take water from these places without permission.
here in the states I never have a problem getting water, by asking.
I want to be sure every one understands. It is illegal to open a fire hydrant. Big time illegal.
If you are in a public park, find an attendant and ask. Okay that's fine

Is it okay to take one gallon out of the public bathroom facet? Or five gallons? Ethical dilemma. --- you are using a gallon by flushing and washing hands. Five gallons seems a lot.
offroad said:
If you are in a public park, find an attendant and ask.  Okay that's fine

Is it okay to take one gallon out of the public bathroom facet?  Or five gallons?  Ethical dilemma.   --- you are using a gallon by flushing and washing hands.   Five gallons seems a lot.

I'm not sure it's even necessary to split this into a volume to define the offense. Even five gallons of water out of a tap is worth less than a penny from whatever city, or the electricity that went into a pump, that brought it there. I think this is more about keeping honest appearances and using a tool to open a faucet when someone obviously didn't want you to, is the threshold which defines the point of dishonesty.
Water keys are used as a deterrent against unsupervised faucet usage rather than actual water theft. Its the same reason you'll find sink stoppers missing from campground sinks, it prevents kids from flooding the bathhouses.
Water theft is a crime. Defined as Theft of Services. Enforcement is not consistent, yet. The point being, if a van is involved in opening a locked faucet, then all vans are stigmatized and we then deserve the harassment. Taking a few gallons of water from a unrestricted faucet is not the problem, nor a crime.
offroad said:
Is it okay to take one gallon out of the public bathroom facet?  

I wouldn't take ANY water out of a public bathroom.  ACK!!! GROSS!!!
OK, maybe after the apocalypse, I would.
Wow! I had no idea anyone would consider that illegal. Over here, it's just about stopping kids from leaving taps running and wasting water.

Obviously where you lot are from have a totally different mindset. If there's one(two) things we have down here is fresh air and clean water. The keyed taps are just to stop the idiot kids. Water taps are everywhere; using a key is just a shortcut to not walking 50M to the nearest un-keyed one.

There's no charge, and no stigma - this is NZ, folks, we're still stuck in the 50's.
Welcome Bruce,   and that is an interesting tap.  I've never seen those.

I am familiar with the unsupervised usage from childhood.   It seems to be a phase when there are
young kids filling balloons with water or water pistols during the summer.  That's when the neighbors
go to the tap and remove the screw from the tap wheel to remove the wheel.   They carry the
wheel to their shop until they need it and the kids won't be able to use their tap again.

In a lot of our localities here in the USA the Sewage fee is tied to the monthly water fee. 

Then you have to contend with picking up the burst balloons the kiddies leave behind.  LOL

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