Was watching the live feed on YouTube

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
Absolutely disgusting number of trolls posting hurtful and nasty stuff in the chat section.  It never fails to amaze me the number of people with no life that feel the need to bring down others because the others are happy.
There will always be those who are jealous and want to divert people away from cheaprvliving huh.
I don’t understand why this is even worth mentioning, here. What’s the point?
This is a great website though. I sent a link to a friend who is not interested in going nomad and he was very impressed with the way it is set up, the available information and the politeness of the members.
We used to belong to a Thailand forum with lots of good information, but it is overwhelmed with trolls, lunatics and fighting. This is nothing like that.
GeorgiePorgie said:
We used to belong to a Thailand forum with lots of good information, but it is overwhelmed with trolls, lunatics and fighting. This is nothing like that.

Give it some time, it'll get there.   

Hopefully the mods can keep on top of it, but as this site, much like the RTR did this year, grows, it's going to attract more trolls.
It's the nature of the beast.
First, I find that this forum is a very nice place to hang out. Most people are kind, genuine, sincere, mean well, and are trying to be as helpful and kind as they know how to.
And I find that the forum is quite well moderated.

So thank you to you all for being you.

Secondly, some years ago I was very involved with a local association that provided cable TV and internet to about 2000 apartment homes. And I were uniquely involved with customer service for this group.
We used about 80% of our time helping out about 2% of these people. And these 2% were rude, obnoxious, impatient, deliberately creating chaos and would never agreements. 

Since then, I keep reminding myself to focus on the 98% of people who can, are willing, who do and who are focused of solutions rather than problems or chaos. 
And though the 2% still do their very best to still be noisy, obnoxious and attention hogs, I do my very best to not focus on the negativity that is so pervasive in their lives. 

Unfortunately it seems that youtube has not yet found a good (or easy) way to allow content providers to manage the comment section of their live stream system. And thus the 2% currently seems to have a platform where they can make a lot of noise. 
My advise is to remember that they do not represent the majority, and then simply ignore them - and what ever you do - don't take the bait! 

So thank you all, and thank you to the moderators of this wonderful forum   ;)
Motrukdriver said:
Absolutely disgusting  number of trolls posting hurtful and nasty stuff in the chat section.  It never fails to amaze me the number of people with no life that feel the need to bring down others because the others are happy.

Solution: Stop reading those comments.
Bob and Carolyn were fielding questions from the audience there at the RTR and some from the live chat. So to interact with them while not being at RTR you had to use the chat to post your questions. Not reading the comments really isn't an option if you are wanting to be involved with the event. YouTube needs to have a way for a moderator to kick the jerks, as Bob would say, out of the live streaming. It just seemed to me that there were more than a handful of troublemakers doing everything they could to disrupt what Bob and Carolyn were trying to do, at least within the live feed side of it. I did find it amazing how well they kept their cool with all the crap going on. Kudos to you both Bob and Carolyn.
one nice thing about watching youtube on my tv through the roku is not having access to comments
i don't miss them at all