Vintage SM Block vs Big Block

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Yes sweet, I'd be ashamed to drive that north to a salt-spray state.
bullfrog said:
"...In my opinion that truck is too pretty.   I would be afraid to scratch it and somebody would want to steal it.  
If you could talk him down a little it wouldn't be a bad buy after all a 2013 Toyota with 100,000 miles books for more."

Bullfrog, I knew you especially would enjoy a look at his Jeep.

There is a lot to be said for a vehicle in excellent condition to
start.  One way or other, as you've stated, it's 'gonna
cost you.  Not being a mechanic, I am big on preventative maintenance!

That truck is pretty, but if it were mine I'd look after it.  Better that
she doesn't spend her days garaged with a collector & out of the action!
But I know what you mean.  That first scratch would be painful...

Does this truck require premium gas?  

Also, how are trucks stolen---aside from hotwiring?  Typically, how is it done?  
Are they towed away?  There are several good anti-theft options on the market.  

Could you post a pic of your Jeep truck?  
:rolleyes: Charlotte
tx2sturgis said:
Are you familiar with living on the 'Mesa' in New Mexico?

Brian, Thanks for the video.  I am aware of the Mesa, but it's not my
cup of tea.  Reminds me of the old Drop City of the 70s.  

My preference is a discreet locale with a compatible blend of old
school ranchers & small farmers---with more recent addition of
organic homesteaders/artists/musicians.  Peaceful, tidy, well kept.  

Strange (?) but all of a sudden I seem to have plenty of bandwidth...
Perhaps I have a guardian angel.

      :angel: Charlotte
Mine seems to run cooler and get better MPG on premium. The original engines and fuel systems were designed to run on much higher octane leaded gasoline. I have had cars that from the factory required no less than 101 octane. As you have probably found with VW's they will run on just about anything with a little tuning. With today's fuels it is hard to be sure what your getting and unlike modern cars with emissions systems that are not designed to run on the upper grades of gasoline the old engines seem to do better to me, but again just my opinion. A lot of these nice vehicles for sale don't show the plates because they don't want to advertise their location. Once you find it it can be stolen. Modern cars take a few seconds more than older cars. Watch some of the repo shows on TV. Check out YouTube. The best thief deterrent is to make it look not worth stealing. I'll see if my son tadpole can post some pictures for me again.
If you go to members list and find tadpole the pictures are his only post in "Off topic and chit chat" I checked and they are still there.
bullfrog said:
"...Mine seems to run cooler and get better MPG on premium.  The original engines and fuel systems were designed to run on much higher octane leaded gasoline.  

The best thief deterrent is to make it look not worth stealing."

Premium gas eh?  Ouch. 
At least I won't be filling up in N CA:  $4/gal for regular in my neck of woods.

As to theft deterrent, if I end up with a "pretty" pickup I'd better rely on method other
than your above suggestion, LOL.
;) Charlotte
bullfrog said:
"...go to members list and find tadpole the pictures are his only post in "Off topic and chit chat" I checked and they are still there."

Bullfrog, that is a nice looking Jeep truck.  Sharp, color too.  Thanks for sharing, as they say. ;) 
But not exactly a truck no one would want to steal...

     :cool: Charlotte
I live 40 miles down a dead end road. Nearest gas station is 66 miles. The few neighbors I have all know the sound of the truck, know I'm the only one that drives it and almost all are deputized. Person that steals it would be lucky to be alive an hour after they did, welcome to the wild west.
bullfrog said:
I live 40 miles down a dead end road.  Nearest gas station is 66 miles.  The few neighbors I have all know the sound of the truck, know I'm the only one that drives it and almost all are deputized.  Person that steals it would be lucky to be alive an hour after they did, welcome to the wild west.

Sounds like my sort of spot.  Not in Hachita, are you?

:cool: Charlotte
I work seasonally for the NPS in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area about 110 miles out of Green River Utah remote out of Bullfrog, Halls Crossing and Hite. Right now maybe 2 people at Hite, 5 at Halls Crossing, 60 at Bullfrog, and 30 at Ticaboo. 66 miles to Hanksville with 3 ranches 5 miles off the road and after Hite the other way, one ranch for 50 miles or so. Place has grown the last 10 years. I was looking for one of the most remote areas in Continental US, think I found it, at least most of the year. We shop in Grand Junction Colorado 225 miles away. So yeah I keep a lot of spare parts and try to keep more than one vehicle working well.
1979 Toyota Landcruiser HJ-45

While I ought to be washing up after last nights feast, procrastinating
instead.  Now just in case anyone needs reminding, I was *never* seriously
considering the Jeep J10, high desert beauty tho she was.  I presume HDR was
being tactful by neglecting even to comment, LOL!

This CL offering from Albuquerque was so unique---fascinating, even, that
I figure some of you will enjoy having a look at it.  Very much a Road Warrior,
so perhaps this time HDR will comment.  Imagine it's advantages...

So put down that turkey sandwich & take a peek!

:cool: Charlotte
My friend in ABQ is leaving on a trip to Missouri next week...should I call him up and ask him to go take it for a test drive for you before he leaves?

tx2sturgis said:
My friend in ABQ is leaving on a trip to Missouri next week...should I call him up and ask him to go take it for a test drive for you before he leaves?  :)
Which one?  The High Desert Beauty?  Or the Road Warrior? 
Tell you the truth, I would love to have both! 
If wishes were horses...
  ;) Charlotte
while I love the look of the old Jeep pick up. I could never recommend it for anything other then light duty stuff.

that Landcruiser is so cool it's even right hand drive. I had to send a link to my brother in law, he grew up in South Africa and loves those old Toyota's. he says that was the most common truck by far. while old Toyota's are rock solid vehicles parts are outrageously expensive. if you to ever blow an engine it's much cheaper to make it a chevota. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
"...that Landcruiser is so cool it's even right hand drive.   while old Toyota's are rock solid vehicles parts are outrageously expensive.   if you to ever blow an engine it's much cheaper to make it a chevota."

Stranger, this Landcruiser drives me wild!  I knew you would like it.
I wonder how fast it takes to become accustomedto right hand drive?  Easier, no doubt,
than learning to drive on the left side of the road...

And seriously, could diesel engine be swapped, if needed, for Chevy?  Gas or Diesel?
(And how 'bout that water tank & compressed air!)

;) Charlotte
highdesertranger said:
"...but that's down the road that diesel engine should last awhile."

Oh well then, that settles it.  Want to go in on it 50/50?  I'll make you a deal:
if you can find me in the Gila Wilderness I'll let you drive it when you come for a visit.
So long as you bring spare parts & throw in a Desert Bag at cost.  I'm also good
for plenty of mole enchiladas & apple pie.

:p Charlotte
+1 truck porn!

I drove a 1961 beetle right hand drive for a bit back in the 70s...
piece o cake shifting left handed, but the 'issue' that got the heart racing occasionally was passing larger vehicles on a two lane road. Once you got close, if you couldn't see through their windows to spot oncoming traffic, you'd have to pull left far enough to look and if something was coming, then a quick yank on the wheel was necessary to pull back right and not get creamed head on...exhilarating to say the least! Imagine leaning left over to the 'passenger' side as far as ya could to peek as you put half the car into the oncoming lane....right b4 ya **** yer pants! And if ya had a passenger, well they usually crapped first!
'Driving' a right hand drive was much easier than riding shotgun.   :p
johnny b said:
"...Once you got close,  if you couldn't see through their windows to spot oncoming traffic,  you'd have to pull left far enough to look and if something was coming, then a quick yank on the wheel was necessary to pull back right and not get creamed head on...exhilarating to say the least!"

Johnny, what a crushing blow!  
(And I suppose that means I couldn't drive with a large parrot on my left shoulder.)  

Tho I dread it---I'll have to tell HDR our 50/50 deal is off.  I know he was looking
forward to the home made chicken mole enchiladas.  Not to mention the apple pie.  

But let's just wait & see.  Perhaps HDR will not be the least put off by your harrowing
report.  HRD, after all, is a genuine Road Warrior.  Not a wannabe, like yours truly.  

And now, into the breach! (of contract)
   :p Charlotte