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I'd love to someday but I just haven't had the extra funds yet. I do love the festival atmosphere, though, and I try to go to as many as I can afford. 
my suggestion for your age and this lifestyle<br><br>1). look for a job at a reinesance fair. there will be interesting jobs there. and there are many fairs. you could be a clerk at a booth. you will meet females. embrace diversity.&nbsp;<br><br>2). consider rock climbing or surfing or skiing hobbies. the culture associated with these hobbies tends to attract more youthful mobile persons. who you can network with.&nbsp;<br><br>3). stay away from drug type people. waste of money. you can get better high from meditation and exercise.&nbsp;<br><br>4). try your hand at construction. &nbsp; investigate small houses being built, as a culture activity &nbsp;many need volunteers to do labor and you get new skills. volunteer at habitat for humanity.&nbsp;
Vanlyfe- I'm 25 and have been living out of a TT (travel trailer) for almost 3 years off and on (mostly on). I find it very difficult to try to date. Whenever the word "trailer" comes up, they run for the hills. You wouldn't want someone that doesn't understand anyway right?<br><br>+1 for everything Offroad said, except I have no knowledge of the Renaissance&nbsp; fairs. Climbing is a great way to meet like minded folks. In the climbing community, I'm known as a "dirtbag" and it's not a bad thing at all. Lots of climber embrace the dirtbag lifestyle. I need to connect climbers and vandwellers because they are very similar.<br><br><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #000080;"><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: #000080; text-decoration: underline;">Here is a link to a dirtbag who lives in an old truck camper.</span></a></span> I might just have to start a thread about the commonalities between dwellers and dirtbags...<br><br>I was on the skirts of Burning Man when I lived in Tahoe and heard many stories about it. It sounds like it would be right up your alley.<br><br>The best advice I have is do what you want to do and you'll find someone doing it. Might take awhile, but at least you'll be having fun in the process!
<p>Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, I've never really been one to "actively" look for a partner or anything, I just figured throwing up a post wouldn't hurt.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
&nbsp; Now, we could use your perspective on all sorts of things here. Chime in, bring new blood and the way you see this world. You are a valuable resource, share!
When I first read the thread caption, I thought it was about pets, haha!&nbsp; :)
Good luck, dude! At your age, it should not be difficult to find women who are agile and adventurous.
after going to the georgia ren fair this weekend, you will find interesting friends there. but you have to work there. and then you have to network-discuss-confer with others about the lifestyle. talked to some folks who said their next stop is the colorado ren fair. &nbsp;
I'm way late to reply to any of this but what the hell? <BR>VanLyfe, I'm 24 and just starting out on my first van adventure. Most of the full timers I run into are much much older than I so it's rad to see there are some like minded youngin's out there. <BR><BR>When I was 18, I spent a summer following a bunch of bands around the US that were playing at different festivals. It was a great way to meet people that shared the same passion as I and they are people that to this day are still great friends. <BR><BR>