Vandwellers and Social Media, Forums, etc.

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2012
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<p>Hi friends,<br /><br />This is meant to be a constructive thread for people to share their opinions.&nbsp; I don't want to blast this or any other forum or any individuals.<br /><br />I'm&nbsp;weary from&nbsp;the Internet.&nbsp; It's a cyclical thing for me and apparently for many other net users... Facebook is becoming boring.&nbsp; I've heard lots of people say that and have seen even more examples of people simply vanishing into the woodwork and lurking in that area of cyberspace.&nbsp; (Thankfully, I wasn't an FB investor, 'cause it's been a rocky road for them).<br /><br />My attitude&nbsp;appears to be changing a little with respect to forums.&nbsp; Where it used to be&nbsp;enjoyable being on here all the time and exchanging ideas, it's just not been much fun any more.&nbsp; I appreciate the job the moderators are doing but some recent hurtful (and personal)&nbsp;posts&nbsp;have been enough for me to give serious consideration to resuming a more "lurker" type status.<br /><br />Even the personal blog is becoming a labor.&nbsp; It's always been a sort of personal journal with conversion notes as well as trip pictures and such.&nbsp; Lately, I try to think of posts that will interest readers but then realized if I have to jump through a lot of hoops to titillate folks, I'm missing the reason it was begun.&nbsp; Comment moderation is in&nbsp;use because I&nbsp;think you would be shocked at some of the&nbsp;comments received&nbsp;that I was able to intercept.&nbsp; People can be so rude!<br /><br />With all this being said, this&nbsp;person's&nbsp;"pendulum" is swinging back toward more of an introverted lifestyle with less Internet.&nbsp; Social media had turned me into an Internet who*e.&nbsp; To some degree, the&nbsp;change in perspective&nbsp;can be attributed to living in a vandweller's&nbsp;shoes.&nbsp;&nbsp;Sleeping in the van every day with minimal possessions has been a great self-discovery process.&nbsp; As things have evolved&nbsp;it seems like&nbsp;increased solitude is needed.&nbsp; After all, the van was purchased to get away from people! :)<br /><br />So what is the reason for this&nbsp;post?&nbsp; I was curious if there are others who feel this way and are ready to pull back just a bit from the connections of social media, forums, etc.&nbsp; It seems like sort of a natural&nbsp;step in our evolution.&nbsp; It might also why so many lurk and never do participate.&nbsp; Have they tired of the Internet or never wanted to jump in to the rat race?&nbsp; <br /><br />I will be on here from time to time in the future, lurking and adding to discussions but with much less frequency.<br /><br />Take care.&nbsp; Live long and prosper!<br /><br />Bradford aka&nbsp; "VanTrekker" (or simply "V.T.")</p>
Brad, I have already pulled back a bit from internet use.&nbsp; Since I am a moderator on one forum, I'm compelled to stay there and I still frequent several forums but for various reasons the internet is not as attractive to me as it once was.&nbsp; Useful, but not as attractive.&nbsp; Never did do Facebook and never will.
It always goes from exciting and new, to the every day, to boring till the next fad comes along and the cycle starts all over again... This is from fashion to music to diets to Politics... it is all part of the bloated over reaching Matrix...
I think you need moderation

I limit my friends on FB, and many of them aren't on my newsfeed. I use it mostly to keep track of family, and follow a few informational pages.

This is one of the few social forums I visit - I like the attitudeand determination of most people here. Those who offer hurtful comments are few and far between, and often unintentional misunderstandings. Sometimes not, and these can be ignored.

All things in moderation - Internet usage included - else you get burned out.
Brad, I think that's a normal cycle.&nbsp; I'm going through a phase where the RV boards I used to almost live on are boring to me.&nbsp; Also I find the news stressful and depressing so have to take a break from that every now and then.<br /><br />And sometimes I just need more quiet time.<br /><br />
&nbsp;I find this is one of the most interesting forums ( I only participate in one other and don't FB ) because of the wide variety of personalities and helpfulness of the members but you can get burnt out on anything and need to take a break. However I really like your blog.You've given me some good ideas about places to visit in Iowa. It's not necessary to post new stories all of the time or struggle to make them interesting. Just post whenever you feel like doing it.<br /><br />
My job is computers and the internet. This is an over simplified explanation of what I actually do, but you get the idea. There's no getting away for me but that's ok since I'm used to it.&nbsp;<br /><br />I'm ending my Facebook account because I've concluded that it's not enough of a benefit to my life to keep. I have a Google+ account, but I don't use it as is.&nbsp;<br /><br />Everything else I'm ok with, but only because I balance things out. Or in other words ... I second what Seraphim said about moderation. Unless you're into something to the point of rubber spock ears, as much fun as it is, you will burn out if it's not a true passion for you.<br /><br />
Normal cycle in my personality to detach periodically. Once a forum tone and/culture frustrates me out of proportion to the actual impact it should have on my life and mood... I check out for a while. By the same turn, if things in my life make me so stretched that it carries over into relationships online negatively... I try to step back.

Hi Brad, It is like others have said for me too...I come and go with my interest....depends on what i am doing too...if I am into motos at a specific time I visit more moto forums...if it's vans I come here...I enjoy facebook and have not gotten bored with it. <br />If I am on the road in a vehicle I just about stop my forum presence. Too hard to find coverage where I go....whether 3G or wifi.<br />Toodles to well. <br />Bri
I used to be into fb big time. I got real bored with it. When I found this forum I was ecstatic, people who thought like me, had the same dreams as me..... I stopped fbing immediately and didn't even know it. Weeks later family asked me where I'D been. I only about once a week check fb to see if a family member sends me something.<br />I've spent sooooo much time here that it is home. When I started here I was ALWAYS here and I loved it, I still do. I read EVERY post and EVERY article. I was having a blast and learning so much, and I still am on both. But...... I find that I look at what is being talked about before I read past the first few posts. Things have been so tense around here for while and this makes me a little uncomfortable. Though I know it won't continue indefinitely, I'm still more cautious.<br />I won't ever leave this site because it is too important to the life I will be living in the future (Wait a second, I'm already living in my van). And all of you are so much more knowledgeble and experienced than me. But also don't forget funny, entertaining, klutzy (oh, that was me). I AM AN INTROVERT, A LONER. But I don't always want to be, so I can always come here to socialize without all the crap involved in face to face, day after day, blaahblahblaahblahblaah.<br />Sometimes I need you all so I can get away from myself. And sometimes I need you all to remind me of myself.<br />No part of the internet that I've found has been as fulfilling as that which I have found you at. You will always find me here if you need someone to talk to. You are all the best that I have found on the internet.<br />I'm proud to know you all and hope to someday meet all of you.<br />And those of you who need a break...we'll be here when you are ready to come back.<br /><br /><br />
I feel the same way, Dennis.&nbsp; I plan to lurk a lot more but this is definitely a comfortable place with a lot of supportive people.<br /><br />V.T.
same here. i read alot but don't feel like i have alot to offer. but i do limit my internet time. in the morning with coffee and at night to unwind. i quit the fb thing too because i got so sick of peeps using it for attention, or using it to moan and groan about petty complaints "i'm so bored cause i got so much money and have no life" kind of thing. i find when i limit my internet time, unless there is something really need to research (like the boil on my finger) i get alot more done and i am more calm.<br />for the record Brad, i really enjoy your posts and blog and recipes. i've tried several of them and i have to say the tortilla ones are my favorite. i like the way you write too. all your stories of where you go, do and meet. how you did your van and all the learning along the way.
I liked reading your blog, just keep it real and post whatever you want.&nbsp; I don't think anyone who goes there to read it is looking for fabricated content designed to entertain them.&nbsp; Of course, dont swing tooo far the other way and painfully describe how you cut your toenails etc&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />As for the net in general, I use and abuse it for my own purposes. &nbsp; Ive been online for like 20 years so i know how to weed out or avoid the crap.&nbsp; If i find myself in some annoying or BS online situation I learned to just take a breath and slip out of it and do something else.&nbsp; My FB only has my family and friends, and maybe a couple others.&nbsp; I have no qualms about blocking my own sister from email or fb wall if they spam me <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> &nbsp;<br /><br />I dont think i could live without being able to get online though.&nbsp; I'd be bored out of my mind, and since im a social introvert irl I'd never talk to anyone otherwise.
<p>As most of you have already commented to some degree, we've all&nbsp;become increasingly less&nbsp;than thrilled with all the&nbsp;social media outlets. The more I get involved in them, the more I'm getting closer to media overload. It's time for a change.<br /><br />Between Facebook, Google+, Twitter, emails, Yahoogroups, etc. it's becoming easier &amp; easier to stop using them to some degree. It only became worse when I started working at a local hotel&nbsp;here in Las Vegas. One of my duties was maintaining the business Facebook &amp; Google+ websites. That's when I realized that something had to give.&nbsp;Not only&nbsp;did I have to monitor and maintain my own social networking sites but I was expected to maintain the work networking sites as well. At&nbsp;some point I just started&nbsp;to re-evaluate how much time I was required to be online in front of a computer monitor.<br /><br />In the last few&nbsp;months&nbsp;I've&nbsp;scaled back my use of&nbsp;the social networking sites to major degree. It has&nbsp;gotten to the point where I find going to those&nbsp;websites is more a burden than anything else. Now&nbsp;the&nbsp;only social forum I tend to spend most of my time is THIS FORUM!<br /><br />This forum actually has helped me realize something that I've been ignoring for&nbsp;quite some time. Before I became active here I was a lurker for a&nbsp;few&nbsp; years. Now I spend more time here than in ALL&nbsp;my other social networking sites combined! I do check my FB account for&nbsp;family updates but that's about it.<br /><br />I also enjoy reading&nbsp;the blogs&nbsp;here as well.&nbsp;I find them very informative, interesting and educational on the way you all deal with living on the road.&nbsp;It was after reading so many of your blogs that&nbsp;I realized that is what I want to do! It took me all this time to realize that as well.&nbsp;This decision to "hit the&nbsp;road" has been a long time in the making!<br /><br />Yes, you can say that I'm&nbsp;a case of media overload! I went "online" in&nbsp;September of 1998.&nbsp;Ever since then my life has become so complex at times I don't even know if the quality of my life has become&nbsp;better or worse.&nbsp;But it is truly sad when I feel obligated to go online everyday&nbsp;as if it's on the same level as eating &amp; sleeping! It shouldn't be that way!<br /><br />Again, I'm ready to&nbsp;leave&nbsp;what has become for me a case of media overload. I'm ready for a change to simpler life. It took me&nbsp;a&nbsp;while to get here but I'm going to embrace it! I will escape&nbsp;Las Vegas!</p>
Bradford, you've been an interesting one on here&nbsp;and I'm gonna miss your frequent posts.&nbsp;We all get&nbsp;burnt out on things from time to time and need to take a break,&nbsp;just&nbsp;don't forget your friends here. <br /><br />People do get edgy from time to time and the great moderators on here have to put us in our corners.&nbsp; We are humans&nbsp;that have&nbsp;issues within us no one else sees but most get to feel&nbsp;the side effects.&nbsp; Sometimes before the moderators can reign in the high horse someone's on, a person's feeling gets trampled.&nbsp; Luckily the great people here have the sense to understand and give support.&nbsp; Great people here and the info is outstanding.&nbsp;<br /><br />Don't be gone long Bradford, but get a new breath of fresh air and come back.&nbsp; You'll always be welcomed.<br /><br />Rae<br /><br /><br /><br />
Brad, it hit's most people at one time or another...internet, social media, etc. is just a tool. Use or misuse. It is, like another said, part of the Matrix. And unlike another said, I don't think you need "moderation,." Lurking is fine. After all, this is your tool. Use it as you wish.
<a style="color: #000000; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap;" href="/profile/1842986">VanTrekker<br /><br />M</a>E TOO !<br />tired of the trite and stupid comments, tired of all the wise cracks by people who are so jaded with life they have to attack others for fun.
Well, I'm grateful for the bump. I see this post originated while I was on my way to Texas after Ron died. I wish I had seen it sooner.

This brings me to a question. What do you expect out of your moderators? I find it very disturbing to hear when people get tired of coming to a place they like, because of snide remarks or tension or whatever. It makes me wonder what I could be doing to serve you better. But I so feel trapped between wanting to ban some people outright because their sarcasm or trolling or unkindness far outweigh their contributions, and wanting to be tolerant and fair and inclusive.

No matter what I do, somebody is gonna be unhappy. I get that.

If I banned everybody who irritated somebody else, I'm not sure how many would be left. Quite a few of you think I scold to much, move threads too much, interfere too much. And then there's the implication is that I'm not doing it enough....I'm letting the nasty ones run amok and ruin the atmosphere.

Is there an acceptable middle ground out there?
katie you can never please them all<br /><br />if they keep posting their drivel.. boot the poopoo heads out<br />I have not been here for 2 months, and reading through the comments today I already am fed up with two of them! are doing a great job. There are times it is me unfortunately, who get the idea they need to straighten people out....You remember the cartoon where the guy is on the computer and his wife says, "are you coming to bed?". He says, "Not yet, there is still someone wrong on the internet!" Well that can be me at times...not a fun admission. <br /><br />I see there are those on here who have taken on the job of doing that in one form or another and to "translate" what someone means... pretty funny really. It makes me realize once again that when I have one finger pointing at someone, I have three pointing back at meself! In other words, if I spot it I got it!<br /><br />I come and go according to how irritated I get, or how much I don't like my response to someone. As usual, it makes me wonder what someone would be like in F2F contact. My experiences is that I would like most of you all. My experience is also that there are some I walk away from the minute they open their mouths...I find that true in every area of life. I think that is life on life's terms...<br /><br />Peace,<br />Bri<br /><br />