Vandweller Chatroom (Closing)

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I lost count but maybe 10 or 12 kinda constant...hey btw KK I think you forgot to disconnect when you turned in for the evening, and I'm not sure but I think we heard you snoring!!

I lost count but maybe 10 or 12 kinda constant...hey btw KK I think you forgot to disconnect when you turned in for the evening, and I'm not sure but I think we heard you snoring!!

Hey! You said audio didn't work.
nope, you didn't hear me snoring. I was awake for quite awhile after I left, and at one point realized I hadn't left properly and came back and did so.
It's been another week and today, 'by golly' it's Terminator Tuesday! You had to know...I'LL BE BACK!


Did you like the Terminator movies? Did you watch them all?

Or no idea what a Terminator movie is all about?

When Heron and Stewie visited here a few weeks ago, we dialed up the original 1984 Terminator movie on streaming and watched it on the big screen....Arnold was certainly at his 'peak' back then!

If you have a lot to share, or nothing at all to say about the Terminator movies, we want to hear from you! TONIGHT!

Till then...Hasta la Vista.....BABY!
More thinkin
Originally (couple of years ago) I thought I needed some insight into living after my wife died. How others lived.
My reason for day to day living HAD been focused on day to day responsibilities and challenges. being a husband and father, a provider. I never looked too far ahead into the unknown, maybe week to week or further out month to month. At times even years ahead in a more abstract way into retirement, life insurance, things like that.
The idea in my mind at that time was that men did not live longer than women so the responsible thing to do was to make sure my wife was cared for properly after MY death.
Linda had given her everything to me and our family.
It was unsaid that I would continue to be a husband even after I died. I believed that I had all of my ducks in the row. It was one of those things that made me feel manly. Call it ego, patting myself on my own back for a job well and properly done.
She died first, not part of my well laid plans. So here I am still alive, relatively healthy except for the ache in my stomach, no pill for that. lonesome is impossible to describe.
In another post I described about giving up on being alive. No point.
Well anyway, woke up in a hospital with needles and tubes sticking out of me. Skin and bones was me.
Next stop was the head shrinker of course. Got my brain washed, That is what they do ya know.
Anyway, I now have a schedule. I get up, take my pills, wait half hour and the then eat something. Just now had a cookie. Perk a pot of coffee, go outside and sit in my folding chair and watch people. waiting for time to pass, walk around some, check my tires and then engine oil. go inside my trailer and bring up the interweb and check the news. look at the calendar to make sure what day it is. Look at the weather report and forecast.
Over the course of the day, just repeat till evening when I open a can of something like soup, I don't know, just something. Heat it in the microwave and stuff it down my neck.
Anyway, my shrink told me that I need a social life. What social life? old men and women with canes and walkers, not me. Other people who tell me I am all wrong and that I must change something or everything, become a vegan or go for walks or get a pet.
After considerable thought, I've decided that I want some one to do things for and with.
Not going to happen.
I have visited several senior centers, just for something to do between cookies and soup. weather and news.
mostly women there, very few men. Most of the women just knit with heads down and the few men can hardly move without help.
So in three days I am going to move again, usually every two weeks. Takes a day to pack up and tied down. Then drive for a couple of hours to my next destination which some times proves to be closed or costs too much. At least then there is a little adventure to find an alternate place, Then more of the same schedule. Wake, take pills, eat a cookie, perk coffee, check weather and so on.
Hope springs eternal though. Maybe tomorrow I'll find someone to do stuff for, to care for and about, some one to listen to, some one to argue with about nothing.
I know! lets save the planet! Nope, a million years from now this planet will have shaken us humans off like an infestation of fleas.
Oh- dear moderator, I know I don't think like you and don't share your thoughts, In fact I don't live in your skin, I'm not a clone of you or anyone else. You might say I'm one of a kind.
I will not be upset if you delete this post. I have gained from writing these lines, filled about an hour of nothingness with something. So I am thankful. Now I am going to go sit in my chair and watch people for a few minutes or more. You know the rest of the story.
Ken please join us in the chatroom tomorrow night...Tuesday night.

And yes, many of us have to deal with some isolation as we get older...a couple of my best friends have died and it's hard to replace them. But I try.

Ham radio is a great way to keep in touch with old and new friends, I hope you are able to stay active.

I operate my HF station almost every day and talk all over North America and enjoy these helps keep me sane!

If you can't do HF there is always Echolink and VHF-UHF repeaters.

Don't give up on us, cuz we havent given up on you!
Isolation can be self imposed and can therefore be self unimposed.. however.... I have been a loner all my life, I just didn't really understand it or why... a childhood shaped me that way... that was a long time ago... At this point having shuffled through all my issues and figuring out why I have them over the past 15-20 years, has left me as a loner still, but at least I understand it now.

Reasons to stay on the rock? Honestly, that is a tough question I have dealt with a lot over the last 20+ years... there is this sliver of hope for humanity, it ain't much hope, but it is there.. it is a beautiful planet... and as Brian Cox has said.... even a blade of grass is so impressive...

perspective... this thing we exist in .. is something... billions of star inside billions of galaxies, and here we are... It took 1 billion years for the planet to evolve slime, and then 3 more billion years to evolve a sentient species... it is staggering..

Here.. listen to this Audio book.. its free... it is about science and the how and why of us being here.... its good stuff and there is much wisdom... so in a way, my awe of us actually being here and the amazing thing we call life and all the life forms on this planet... I think that is what keeps me going...
For me at 70 years old, starting a new job did the trick. Started shuttle driving a few weeks ago, mainly international J1 employees which challenges me to learn a little of several languages and customs in order to get them to and what they need in this remote location, but also visitors as well. I work 4 ten hour shifts driving a van and on my 3 days off really sort of miss it. I always thought I would be happier not working and avoiding people but turns out I need a little of both, who knew!
For me at 70 years old, starting a new job did the trick. Started shuttle driving a few weeks ago, mainly international J1 employees which challenges me to learn a little of several languages and customs in order to get them to and what they need in this remote location, but also visitors as well. I work 4 ten hour shifts driving a van and on my 3 days off really sort of miss it. I always thought I would be happier not working and avoiding people but turns out I need a little of both, who knew!
I would love a job like yours.
I so looked forward to retirement...and then nine months after I got that dream, I went back to work. I drove part-time for NAPA for 5 years and really found pleasure in working. Maybe because I didn't HAVE to work? I retired again last August and then spent the winter in Puerto keep busy there I spent a lot of time baking and discovered I enjoyed it.
Ken, I don't know what you did for a living, but if you didn't write, you missed your calling!
So, I just sat my alarm for tomorrow night! Don't want to miss the chat!
Chatroom is open tonite but once again we have severe weather at my location which means electrical problems and possibly hail and very high winds so I may be in or out depending on conditions here.

Yes, this gets old!

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