How in the world did I miss another Tuesday night??? I think I need to stick a reminder on the wall or something.
I didn't miss the chat room, just didn't have anything to contribute at that time.......But now i do!
Bought a new deep cycle battery. Last one was 6 years old and didn't work well enough so for $68 I bought a new one. (bigger than the last one). Found out that the box it should have fit in was too small. To top that off the new one was heavy.
I carried it a few steps and sat it down several times till I got there. Now have to grind off the mounting screws to remove the old box.
The rails are just wide enough to hold the battery but not wide enough for a wider box so, the new one is going to be open to weather etc. Even at that, this new battery is going to outlive me. I'm going to put a piece of marine plywood down first and then strap the battery in place.
Next is to shop for some solar panels that can be put out when it's not practical to use a generator. (don't want to disturb other campers).
Started my crock pot. while still hooked up to commercial power. Will be ready some time tonight. Tomorrow I'm off again. I can stop at road side rest areas and run a gen to finish off the crock pot if needed during the day.
As I go along day by day, I find that being alone is what others prefer. More and more I find myself ok with that also.
So I stopped at a dollar store and bought myself a 4 cup coffee pot and retired my 12 cupper.
Something I have discovered is that many truck drivers are required to not move for an extended period of time (couple of days). Big fine if they do. So no food or bathroom. No wonder there's a shortage of drivers. I wouldn't want to live like that either. Just think, if you could not go home at the end of your work day or work week.
So, When I find one of those men stranded, I share a meal and my shower and a bull session. Look at the pictures of their kids and wife. Doesn't cost me much and breaks up my day now and then.
With all the "spare" time I have now, and wide spread internet access I can learn a lot about things going on around our country and how evil people can be.
I know, Speak of no evil. Reminds of those monkeys,
I'm not one of those monkeys except here.
Love ya all.