Unlimited Sprint LTE for $14 a month.

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After all my review comments am sending the unit back. My location is just very poor for sprint. Most connections are around 1mbps speed. That is just too slow and irritating to have Netflix and other shows constantly buffer and adjust video quality to even function. Am sure it will work better for those areas that have better sprint reception.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is too bad that it did not work out for you GH. Reception is key and you just don't know until you try it.
jimindenver said:
I found this on Howardforums. 4GCommunity.org has a service that for $250 the first year and $168 a year ($14 a month) after that you get unlimited Sprint LTE. The first year includes the hotspot and service but they have shorter term deals to.


There are no low income requirements and it's not on the shady side like the Verizon 3G. A pretty good deal for unlimited IF you have Sprint coverage.

First: Thank You BOB for all all ALL you do.  Reference your two videos about Jimindenver and internet access, Thanks!

Hi jimindenver: 4GCommunity.org seems non-communicado.  They don't answer my voice messages nor e-mail.  Any suggestions?  I liked your comment about blazing fast Sprint speed is why I was looking at Sprint.  $14 a month is much better than my Spectrum $45.

If I had the chance I would choose 4G, LTE or LTE-plus any carrier.  I don't qualify as low income and a year plan sounds great with me because there is less labor on my part.

FYI: an interesting article: http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/be...the-best-unlimited-data-plan-tmobile-one-plus

Any suggestions on finding a good price on 4G, LTE or LTE-plus any carrier minimum of 30-40GB?

Thanks! - Mike Colley
Yeah they are using the possible merger with T-Mobile as a excuse for not taking on new customers. I may have to go the PC for people route if I can not get my 4GC account renewed. I was not low income when I got it but I am no income now.

The AT&T Mobley with unlimited LTE Data has got to be the best deal running IF you can find a Mobley. They were giving them away free until they ran out of stock. You can check the website daily to see if any are in stock or find one on ebay or the like. I have heard of some pretty stupid high prices lately'

I will check around for Sprint deals. Everything changes so often it is hard to keep up.
Looks like they are shutting this service down in November.

Dear 4GCommunity.org Members,
We are saddened to inform you that due to circumstances beyond the organization’s control the Internet connectivity benefit of membership will be ceasing no later than November 30, 2017.  It may be sooner, so please begin looking for other Internet connectivity options right away.
The member online support center will remain a resource through this time next year. Member and support team volunteers will be providing their general assistance with questions about basic home computing, networking, and related technologies. It can be accessed through the Support Center page of the website.
Awww crude. Well at least I got the year I paid for out of it. I suppose now I qualify for the PC's for people program at $10 a month.
I know someone who started applying for both cell phone assistence and low income internet several weeks ago.  Last month a CENTUARY LINK rep said that Sept 30 they would no longer take applications for the internet assistence program. They had taken all the information, set up an account and said the paper work would be sent.  When it finally arrived and filled out and returned my friend finally got a "sorry program ended 9-30-17" and government assistence program is no longer being processed.  This was denial was from the govt' not the phone company.

ASSURENCE WIRELESS for free cell service seems to be having the same issues.

My friend qualifys on 3 low income programs for the cell & internet service assistence.

I don't know if these are nationwide cut backs in these programs or only in LA { lower Alabama }

This was not a government program, it was created from a lawsuit against Sprint when they bought the Wimax network and shut it down. This is either a tightening of the qualifications to resell the service or the lawsuit has changed somehow. It will be interesting to see if PC's for people shut down too.

In any event I will miss my little Sprint hotspot. It had the zoom zoom in a number of spots like in the Rockies where the big boys were either too slow or too congested.
If any such program requires gov admin oversight, in today's climate they can shut them down with impunity.
In the Internet for RVers Facebook group they are saying that,

Unlimitedville is offering a one-time coupon code available to affected members of 4GCommunity plans to cover the Unlimitedville's $99 membership fee. You will need documentation of membership in order to partake in this offer. Contact Unlimitedville for more info.


$99/mo Sprint
$149/mo Tmobile
$199/mo ATT
$249/mo Verizon
I don't know if this is related:


"Both T-Mobile and Sprint’s earnings announcements have come and gone without any peep of a merger, but new reports say that work on the deal is ongoing.

First up, a report claims that T-Mobile and Sprint as well as parent companies Deutsche Telekom and SoftBank are still hammering out the details of a merger. There’s no finalized deal, say sources speaking to the Wall Street Journal, but the broad outlines have reportedly been settled. That includes an all-stock deal that’ll see DT have control over the combined company, John Legere running it, and SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son and DT CEO Tim Höttges being co-chairmen of the board.

It’s said that there will be no cash breakup fee in this merger. Instead, T-Mobile will have to give Sprint an “attractive roaming deal” if the merger is blocked by regulators.

The companies involved are reportedly working out the business and network integration plans of the deal as well as prepping arguments for any antitrust scrutiny that may come from the government. The deal could be announced within the next few weeks, say the sources of this report, though it’s still possible that the whole deal could fall apart.
be signed once a final deal has been agreed upon.

It’s rumored that T-Mobile and Sprint have tentatively agreed on a range for a stock ratio exchange that’ll offer Sprint a premium to where it’s shares are currently trading. The deal could result in SoftBank and other Sprint shareholders holding nearly 40 percent of the combined company.

Finally, it’s said that T-Mobile and Sprint are nearly finished performing due diligence on each other. It echoes the other report in saying that the two companies are now working on a business plan and an integration strategy for the combined entity."
A deal between them would give better coverage too both but still not as good as Verizon or AT&T. Sprint roaming on T-Mobile would be interesting considering that they are on different types on network. T- Mobile is GSM, Sprint is CDMA.

From what I have gathered is 4GC lost their non profit status required to participate in the program. They were more expensive than say PC's for people and they did not require income verification to show they were providing a service to the poor as the program is intended. So either the IRS or more likely the parent organization Mobile Beacon pulled the plug.

As for me, I do qualify for the PC's for people plan. I called today to check on what I needed to prove it and found out they have a office here in Denver. Just like the 4GC hotspot it is only LTE but the service will only be $120 a year instead of $168. I will also have to buy their horspot at $74.

There are other differences too. 4GC offered hotspots that used all of the bands and said while it was listed as a 30g plan, they said it would never be subjected to network management. This is not true for the PC's for people plans. They have the same type of network management as other unlimited plans. They must think that network management sounds nicer than throttled or Prioritized.

One last note on 4GC. A person is reporting that they called them during the website re-do and was sold a hotspot and plan offline. Either it was a rotten thing to do or they really thought they were going to be able to continue.
There was a talk on how it would be similar to when T-Mobile took over MetroPCS. MetroPCS was CDMA. They left it alone for awhile, during transition period where they switch the bands from CDMA to GSM. After 2 years or so, they set a deadline and switched everyone over to GSM. I'm guessing similar thing will happen. So over time, you'd have to buy a GSM device.
jimindenver said:
A deal between them would give better coverage too both but still not as good as Verizon or AT&T. Sprint roaming on T-Mobile would be interesting considering that they are on different types on network. T- Mobile is GSM, Sprint is CDMA.

From what I have gathered is 4GC lost their non profit status required to participate in the program. They were more expensive than say PC's for people and they did not require income verification to show they were providing a service to the poor as the program is intended. So either the IRS or more likely the parent organization Mobile Beacon pulled the plug.

As for me, I do qualify for the PC's for people plan. I called today to check on what I needed to prove it and found out they have a office here in Denver. Just like the 4GC hotspot it is only LTE but the service will only be $120 a year instead of $168. I will also have to buy their horspot at $74.

There are other differences too. 4GC offered hotspots that used all of the bands and said while it was listed as a 30g plan, they said it would never be subjected to network management. This is not true for the PC's for people plans. They have the same type of network management as other unlimited plans. They must think that network management  sounds nicer than throttled or Prioritized.

One last note on 4GC. A person is reporting that they called them during the website re-do and was sold a hotspot and plan offline. Either it was a rotten thing to do or they really thought they were going to be able to continue.
I just bought a used Sprint smart phone from a lady in Denver for $30 and it works great! I now have a good Sprint phone and a pay-as-you-go low end plan with a MVNO. I am in the process of preparing to dump my home land-line with C.L. and replace it with Cell Phone(s). That way I can keep my DSL ISP with CL for a while so that I continue to get internet. One step at a time as I get used to using cellular instead of land-line. You are way, way ahead of me in terms of  using cell phones, hot-spots, unlimited data etc. but I am reading your posts and learning as I go. 
Thanks for all your communication on this forum!
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Be kind and trim!! :)
I am glad it helps.

Sprint in Denver and many metro areas is great. Not only are there many towers, there is also three LTE bands one of which can get 56 Mbps on its own. Add to that the ability to use C.A., connecting to multiple towers at once and you either get super high speeds or can stream when you device shows one bar of signal. Out and about you are likely to have at least 3G and stay connected, not everywhere but in places you would not expect it.
I wanted to report that the hotspot that was suppose to shut down on my birthday (the 30th) is still going. I am going to find some one in this group to use it until it does shut off. Might as well as I have a different unlimited Sprint hotspot to take its place already.

One difference in Ehrenberg this year is that I do have Sprint LTE out here for those two hotspots to connect to.
jimindenver said:
I wanted to report that the hotspot that was suppose to shut down on my birthday (the 30th) is still going. I am going to find some one in this group to use it until it does shut off. Might as well as I have a different unlimited Sprint hotspot to take its place already.

One difference in Ehrenberg this year is that I do have Sprint LTE out here for those two hotspots to connect to.

Jim, Did you find someone in Denver to take your Sprint Hotspot, the one you no longer need?  I just saw your post today. Anyway, I live in Aurora. It would be worth a try. I am new to the idea of an unlimited hotspot and have been reading your posts about the Verizon, AT&T and now the Sprint.