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Well-known member
May 18, 2019
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My plan is to work one more year to pay off my van ... but I know working for another year and other circumstances I’ll have to deal with will drain ALL my energy and I hate like hell to do this....but if I don’t my life will be tougher on the road and I’ll have less money .....should I stick it out this last grueling year or FUUK it ????
Thank you WanderingRose .... I think you’re right....the easy way out will make my life harder ...funny that ....
kind of like the ol' early SS or wait until full benefit (currently 67). i've always thought i would
wait until full benefit, particularly since my mother hounded my father relentlessly for retiring
early, but because of this site i may be thinking differently? good luck on whatever you decide!

Yep...i think you're right too.
Now i feel more energized to do the right thing...
Thank you everyone for the input !

Feed your soul with long weekends whenever you can, get out there and enjoy your down time. makes the working toward the goal more tolerable ?
tav-2020 said:
 working toward the goal

Good advice tav-2020 (to feed my soul)....I will also have time to work on getting the van ready....(in increments.)....especially if i do it myself....i made a few phone calls to handymen...one wants $85/hr....the other one  was reluctant to do the job as he had never worked on vans...only houses...so this will be a good test to see how my survival skills in being self sufficient/reliable work out...i am not afraid to tackle it myself.   I also would like to take some classes in mechanical work to fix things...not only in changing tires...but other common problems....i also took out a 7 year warranty on it...in case i need to have it towed to a shop for repairs...but i chose a van with only 40,000 miles...and in excellent condition with a good reputation for utility strength....
I'm also having to learn how to build out my van... taking baby steps, or small increments as you say. I believe we can do this. You have a whole year to work on making the van into the home you'll need for the future. Good idea. I think it is a good idea to keep working this year if you don't have a massive savings account already.

I'm taking my first trip in a couple of weeks but it will probably last less than a month and then I'll be back here in my apartment, doing everything that needs to be done to work more on the van and empty the apartment. I would like to get to the point where I'm not tethered to the apartment... but it won't happen quickly.
travelaround said:
 I think it is a good idea to keep working this year if you don't have a massive savings account already.

I'm taking my first trip in a couple of weeks

My apartment lease is up in November...(.i'm not renewing)...i will be able to move in with someone and NOT have to pay rent .  I will still be working and most of my income will go towards paying off my van in BIG CHUNKS.  So it WILL get paid off in a year.   I will try to save money too...but i still have CC payments to pay off too :(    

So did you get the floors done yet ?   Have you insulated yet ?   Fan ???    All i've been doing is thinking how to do it all in my head....i plan on getting that book on how to build a van too....i know i want to use wool for insulation (walls)  and that poly foam  board for the floor/ceiling.   I've been thinking about doing the interior with all cedar paneling, except sheet vinyl for the floor (?).   I picture it very Zen.   I want to stay where it's cooler rather than hot.  But i love the desert (dry heat).  I lived in New Mexico for a year when i was in the military & LOVED it.   

I hope you make videos of your maiden voyage !!!!!   Have fun &  good luck !!!!!!!!   I'm excited for you !!!!
No, floors aren't done. Nothing but delays because I'm such a newbie at woodwork. Today I bought more powertools and I'm hoping that will solve my problem. Of course I've never used them before so I'm just winging it. I'll eventually put white paneling of some kind on my walls but for this first trip it won't be paneled or insulated. I'll be lucky to get just the floor done. I want white walls and woodwork to keep things light and cheerful. My other colors will be pink and green. Flower garden colors. Things guys might not think about.... the ambiance has to lift my spirits. At least that is the goal and I hope I don't end up with a cluttered mess instead as I know that's easy to do in a tiny space. ... especially for someone like me who is resistant to getting a storage space.
Gypsy108 said:
Thank you WanderingRose .... I think you’re right....the easy way out will make my life harder ...funny that ....

There is nothing easy about nomad life, especially if you have no reliable income, no marketable skills, and inadequate savings. Nothing at all. Most of those who go out unprepared don't last long. This is not a good lifestyle for those who can't get their sh*t together and are running away from themselves.
jeanmarie said:
There is nothing easy about nomad life...
Yes, i can see that it would take A LOT of preparation to transition into this lifestyle !   I will have some income without having to work...but i am marketable just in case i need to work....but i prefer not to...i want to retire...and finally enjoy life on my own terms and freedom from the 9-5 grind....i've always had my shit together & been responsible...didn't have a choice...if there's anything i'll be running away from it will be my alarm clock....lol
Gypsy108 said:
My plan is to work one more year to pay off my van ... but I know working for another year and other circumstances I’ll have to deal with will drain ALL my energy and I hate like hell to do this....but if I don’t my life will be tougher on the road and I’ll have less money .....should I stick it out this last grueling year or FUUK it ????

Try to pile up enough money for a long distance tow (unless you get AAA) major engine repair, and three months of your food and gas budget.  If we would have done that, we would have been a lot better off the first year.  And every time work gets on your nerves, just smile and remember, You are working for Yourself.  That boss guy or girl is just the person who signs the pay check, not your 'owner'.
Glass have full perspective - great that you have a job that will help towards a significant goal. If the goal is worth the effort, the means is to be cherished?
Rajendora1 said:
get AAA/ just smile and remember, You are working for Yourself.  That boss not your 'owner'.

plan on getting AAA/also my insurance covers towing, etc (?) i
i work for a slave driver...but i've been doing it for 13 years....so what's one more year of hell...lol....but yeah...change my attitude !!!!  Thank you Rajendora1  _/\_
Ticklebellly said:
goal is worth the effort, the means is to be cherished?

yes..great attitude ! (i hope it will be worth it !!!)  Thank you Ticklebelly !!
I've always been impulsive so disclaimer given.

How about a compromise...get a workcamper gig for 6 months a year till you're out of debt. A wealthy person is one who has all they need and I've found out I NEED much less than I thought if I am fairly content on the inside. If not, then I'm restless, wanting diversions, this 'n that to buy...today, a beautiful sunrise and sunset, the voice of nature, not having to do a damn thing I don't want to being able to do the same thing the next day is priceless. 

I think the lifestyle of minimal, mobile living in nature as much as possible (no RV parks for me), with solitude available anytime I want it is a dream life. 

Find your quiet spot inside...that voice can see past the fear and knows what's best for you no matter what others opinions may be


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MaTaLa said:
I've always been impulsive.
 workcamper gig for 6 months...
 the voice of nature... not having to do a damn thing. 
living in nature as much as possible....
solitude ...
Find your quiet spot inside...that voice can see past the fear and knows what's best for you no matter what others opinions may be

Yes...i struggle trying to control my impulsiveness...my impulsiveness really scares me...but i feel like it's the real me that wants to do impulsive things...the adult/societal/conventional side of me tries to control it...i have always been a rebel.. trying to conform because i had to keep my nose to the grindstone being a mother raising children, working and being around people in my day to day life....but they always thought i was a little strange and eccentric...i never really fit in...or never felt like i did...but i didn't really care either...most of my conformity was to make others happy...not myself...

It will take longer than 6 months to get out of debt...1 year i think will do it if i can discipline myself to stick with the plan...

The voice of nature has been calling me...i KNOW it's something i must do...i've been CRAVING for mother nature....but i can't enjoy it like i want because i am surrounded by society everywhere i go...i just want to be alone in solitude...not in nature with a bunch of other people jogging and walking around all over the place....I NEED SOLITUDE LIKE BREATHING AIR...I LOVE TO BE ALONE

i have NEVER camped alone.  I want to drive off into the sunset to some remote place..  have enough food to survive on for a long time ....and just BE ALONE WITH NATURE.
But i am somewhat afraid....but if i should die it would be my wish to just perish in nature alone...nowhere to be found...
But my social side wants to be with a caravan for a while.. until i acclimatize to the nomad life....and learn how to survive in a van...

Thank you MaTaLa  :heart:
@Gypsy108, you're welcome. I don't know your particulars but I was suggesting working 6 months a yr and nomading the other 6 for ever how many yrs it took to be debt free. Work part time on the road. Just trying to think outside the box.