Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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ArtW said:
I went by the storage me and jeanne shared yesterday to look for something I seem to have lost moving my stuff out after she died, and the storage owner has locked it up, so that takes care of the stuff I had in there lol

YOU ARE Taking the loss of your personal items way better than I would.  With the exception of what I've placed in the flea mkt. stall to sell I have been steadily giving stuff away.  A lot of it I had bought in the 7yrs I've been here, some I found and some I was given.  I'm sure I would have lost it complety to be locked away from things that belong to me.  Even if I had a sack of rocks in storage and I'm paying the fee to keep it there...who ever is being stoned the rock chunkers need to find their own rocks..... LEAVE MY ROCKS ALONE   :D

Gunny said:
I had no idea you or anyone else had to jump through all those type of hoops to get housing, or continue to get assistance. There is a sense of unfairness in there somewhere.

I know when Dallas suggested drug screening as a part of getting assistance it was met by every ACLU lawyer in Dallas. Housing should be fair and available for everyone without undue restrictions. I can understand an inspection a couple of times a year but hell, not try to find ways to throw someone out, try to find ways to help.

I hope your inspection goes well, smile, be nice even though it irks you and deal with it like I'm sure you have dealt with many things in your life.

Don't let the bastards win.



You are so right.   Once you're in public housing it's hard to get out.  I have several friends and neighbors who live on SSI benefits.  It's hard with a income of less than $800. a month to move.  Not when landlords want first and last months rent and then if you have utilities there could be hookup fees and deposits.  In 2009 at one Public housing I checked into my rent would be $300 + $300dep. on the apt and $300pet dep. and a none refundable $150 yrly pet use fee.  I asked the manager what about folks on SSI she said " we don't get to many of those".

 My best friend Frankie lived on $564 a mo in TX the only way she made it was she had a small ins. settlement that paid for some old cotton land in Ellis County and her hook ups and to move her 12x60 1970 something house trailer there.  When she moved there around 1974 her car blew up and my father-in-law sold her a mint 1963 Falcon for around  $250 he told her that the payments were "what you can & when you can.  He was a good man   :)  I miss them both.

AND THE GOOD NEWS IS>>>>>>>>>>The apt. Passed  :D   The bad news is the next INSPECTION is in JULY!!!!!  Now it's one every 3 mo + 2 others.  I still have to deal with random strangers coming in my bedroom for attic access to this row of 4 apts.   :( :dodgy: :mad:

I know you guys are probably as sick of hearing about this as I am of living it.  I do appreciate all the kind words and words of encouragement.

This will make clearing the apt even harder than clearing out the storage.  At the storage I don't have to be neat with my sorting & piling because no one will be sticking there nose's in my business!

My game plan for the next week is sort thru cookbook  and DVD/CD collections.  Also small decorative items.  Anything small and ez to handle I will price and take to the flea mkt.  I've let family know that If it doesn't fit in the Aliner/Safari it's going on the "go away pile".........speak now or forever hold your peace/piece   :D 

 The parts to complete {I Hope}} the repairs to the Safari are here! Whoopee!  I hope for no more do-overs.  So....Safari in the shop next week,,,,then Aliner to tire shop........both to L&K for more wiring...Safari back to Jim Whaley for alignment adjustment if needed,  it's already pulling to the right. 

I will continue to search and destroy............no wait........... that ain't right is it?     I mean sort, pack, give and sell anything that will not fit in a travelling life or just living in the Safari or Aliner.  

 Remember in the movie the Grapes of Wrath how the whole family went to CA with everything they owned either tied to or loaded on their truck?
:idea:   I wonder just how far out I can extend those van running boards....then there is that metal center section of the front bumper, could it support a carrier I wonder........Oh Yeah bolt on rails on the back doors too   :rolleyes:   My oh MY  the Bungee Queen is back   :p

Jewellann and the Q
Monday late afternoon Q and I worked at the storage units until 7pm.  Weekend was crazy with different situations pulling me every which a way. It's 1am Tues. now and I've been up since 7am on Monday with no "power nap".  I'm so tired I'm going to bed Queenie crashed about 15min. ago.  Watching me work seems to just tire her out.

:huh:  I cancelled Wed. this week.  I felt so bad and realized I'd "over booked" myself.  It was supposed to be Q & I at 5am storage,  after 10am flea mkt, 3:30pm DRs appt., followed at 4:30pm by a hair cut appt.   We spent the day at home and in bed,  we needed it!  I changed van repair to Friday

Today it's storage units at 8am 'til we can't stand it.....then home and drag stuff to flea mkt booth.  A little after 4am today Q decided I'd had enough sleep, so now the second load of laundry is spinning and chicken breasts simmering for homemade chick./rice and then storage units.

I could get a lot more down sizing done if I had a majik wand to put the rest of life on hold.   :) 

The kitchen is playing my song, time to do my "I don't wanna do this but I will unhappy dance" 
                                MUSIC WE NEED MUSIC UP IN HERE! :D

You have so much more patience than I do, I look at chaos and go through it like a buzz saw, donating or pitching everything! Including things I shouldn't, but I just can't sit still enough to sort and prioritize.
Jewelann, watch the over scheduling, it takes it's toll. As for music, this has a catchy beat and reminds me of my youth. ;)

Queen, somehow I start with the best intentions and end up tossing it all in boxes.
Jim - my honey should be a professional organizer, she can look at utter chaos, roll up her sleeves, wade right in, and have an organized system set up in short order. I see the same chaos, pick up a thing and stare at it, set it back down, get overwhelmed and start chucking.
jimindenver said:
Jewelann, watch the over scheduling, it takes it's toll. As for music, this has a catchy beat and reminds me of my youth. ;)

Queen, somehow I start with the best intentions and end up tossing it all in boxes.

O.K. You....I haven't watched it yet, however if this is some of your native Irishmen dancing the cotton eyed joe in kilts I WILL FIND YOU where ever you may roam   :D

Yeah me too.. I clicked thinking I was going to see kilts.... bummer

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Jewellann, I thought you were about finished, just relaxing and having a bon-bon or two?

Seriously, do you have a date to be finished?

Queen said:
pick up a thing and stare at it, set it back down, get overwhelmed and start chucking.

This is me
BUT, I have it on good authority I look smashing in a Kilt, or did, not too many years ago :D

Jewelann, the storage fees have not been paid the whole time Jeanne was in the rehabilitation center, AKA human warehousing facility, if they get back 1/2 what she owed them they'll be lucky
Gunny said:
Jewellann, I thought you were about finished, just relaxing and having a bon-bon or two?

Seriously, do you have a date to be finished?
I tried that, setting a date to have everything taken care of.  It just added another level of stress for me to deal with.  I'm a prime stroke candidate as it is.  

Sometime in July there will be another inspection where I live.  At least this time I know for sure it's coming.  So I'm not emptying closets, cabinets, dresser etc to sort thru them right now.  In the past I have suddenly gotten a warning letter of a upcoming inspection.  Then I either cram stuff back where it came from or put it in a storage unit.

 When we had a manager we always had a 2 to 3 weeks heads up, by law they are only required to send 48hr written advance notice of regularly scheduled inspections and repairs.   Twice this year they've just knocked on the door.  That's another level of constant stress for me.

 Twice in 2 different homes I've discovered that someone was in them while I was gone and stolen things including my Grandmother's 1922 diamond wedding band and 2 gold rings of mine, also money and other things.  That time my son was 6ys old and I'd lock us in the my van to sleep for over 4wks because I did not feel safe in my own home.

 Also during the 2mo my Mama/Grandmother was either in a hospital or nursing before she died another family member took things from our home.  That was in 1971 in 2004 I saw a picture hanging on a wall here in AL that had been hanging in our living rooms in TX all my life.  Now it's been passed to my sister. 

While pregnant with my son I lived right over a apt. where a friend was beaten and raped by a unknown person who was inside her apt. when she came home one night.  That was on E Carrol St in Dallas and my home was in Grapevine.  When I say "I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE IN MY HOME" I'm serious as Hell. Unwanted/uninvited/unwelcome people that is.

I'll just keep plugging away knowing that sooner or later it will get done and Q and I can at least make some short trips as shake down cruises's   :)


ArtW said:
This is me
BUT, I have it on good authority I look smashing in a Kilt, or did, not too many years ago :D

Jewelann, the storage fees have not been paid the whole time Jeanne was in the rehabilitation center, AKA human warehousing facility, if they get back 1/2 what she owed them they'll be lucky

I have a family member that paid storage fees for OVER 20 YEARS!! After a Divorce. It was opened up about 3yrs ago. There was a U Haul box truck rented and I and My Ranger did thrift store donation runs.  A lot of things had been destroyed by temp. variations and various critters, also a leak or 2 maybe.  I keep finding things I'd even forgotton I had!  :huh:

Txjaybird said:
... When I say "I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE IN MY HOME" I'm serious as Hell. Unwanted/uninvited/unwelcome people that is.

Agree with you 100% on this, Jewellann. Totally sucks when other people have keys to your home, we're in an apartment in IL right now and thankfully I'm home most of the time, the maintenance guys know it so never even try to come in... although I do see them going into the neighbors places frequently.

NO ONE needs to be in my place except me and my honey, ever. When we bought the condo in FL we had the locks changed, the association requires you leave a key in the office in case they need to get in for an emergency, umm, I OWN the damn place, you don't get to come in ever! If there's an emergency and I'm not there, just bust the window and I'll replace it later, but no one is going to have a key. Turns out it was an excellent decision as some idiots decided to have a board coup and the self appointed new president went and changed the locks of the office door and had access to everyone's place for about two weeks.
When I lived in higher crime neighborhoods I had my Uncle install those 1 face deadbolts in my doors, the kind that open only from inside
Management was not pleased
how do we get in the that's engaged?
if it's engaged, I'm home, you knock like a civilized human being, unless you want to see what I use for home defense
This was after the landlady walked in on me while I was in the shower (in HUD housing project)
I have this internal meter that I keep a close eye on.

  It tells me things like
:-/ ........It could be worse
:s .........I can deal with this
:huh: ...........WTF
:mad: ...........OH HELL NO

Since I posted last it's a wonder I haven't done something really drastic.    
:-/   SUNDAY....Opened the storage unit with the things I want to keep for now to find water in the floor going back nearly 4ft.  Swept the water out and closed the door.  It was starting to rain so I could do nothing else.  Nearly 2mo ago I reported needing a new door seal to 2 different guys that work there.  MONDAY.... I called the main office and the manager Hope came to my home to get the key to the unit and said she had the repair guy on his way.  Thankfully I had put most of my belongings to the back and had enough plastic crates and totes to elevate the things in front up off the floor when I first noticed the leak.   We've had flooding and a tornado watch since early morning so no chance to see what if any damage.  Of course this is one of the units that I do not have content insurance on.

:s SATURDAY..... I decided to  take a day off and do what I wanted to do & not what I needed to do.  Left home at 10am in the rain.  Went to Sadie's Flea Mkt in Dothan Al & bought fresh veggies and fruit, a pair of dangly earrings hand crafted from 4 Buffalo Nickles, visited with some vendors.  It Was Raining.  Went to FL. & IWR.  Bought that little inverter generator JID talked about at Home Depo & IWR.  Grocery shopped, took dinner and groceries to a friend for a visit.  Got home at 12am drove 30mph in heavy rains and high winds.   DID I SAY IT WAS RAINING??
:huh:  MONDAY...Safari in the shop 9am to 5pm = more parts ordered & nothing fixed.  On the way back to the shop yesterday the older guy who made the trade/cash deal with me [not Lon my mechanic] said we've about done all the repairs on the list we agreed to? I stayed cool and said not quite.  I did not say" If you had ordered the parts and stopped dickin' around I would not have brought it in 7 times for shorts in the lighting system, 5 times to replace or repair rear door handle/lock and 5 times to fix AC.  I know it's not lady like to cuss but DAMMIT all anyways!  I am so tired and frustrated and sick too.  Yeah Yeah Poor Pitiful Me :p
:mad: Monday....The new yard guy here in the apts  weed wacked my 70 something yr old neighbor lady's iris and canna lillies.  Then took out a 4x6ft brick bordered flower bed that I planted for a friend who has since passed away.  My sister went after him but it was too late.  Walt the new guy came out, looked at the lily's and elephant ears chopped up and scattered all over the yard and his porch.  My sister and I think this guy has just never had flowers and flower beds and borders explained to him.  I bet he has now!  I walked to the office to complain, my neighbors on both sides called.  The Housing Authority Administrator showed up.  She asked if any of mine had been damaged my reply was "no and it's a good thing".   I moved here 7 years ago and there was 1 stinkin' little bush.   Now I have a wild climbing rose, a confederate rose Hibiscus I started from a stick that grows as tall as the roof each year and numerous other lily's, iris, lantana's & many others. Most of my plants come from friends or neighbors.   My plants will be one of the hardest things to leave.

Tuesday...Today its been wake up at 7.30am by US Consul General : re destitute/stranded family member, out to wire $$ in the rain, rained all day so nothing accomplished at storage or Safari or Aliner.

  Queenie puked in the bed twice. Whoppee!  Poor baby, she gets upset when that happens so I have to give her some love and tell her it's OK while I'm hoping there's no more while she's in my lap. I have no dryer so there's linens hanging around with fans blowing on them. 

 Oh yeah I left out the plugged toilet that my plumber's snake got stuck in and I like to never have gotten it pulled out....I bet that's never an issue with a sack lined poop bucket  :D  Also the kitchen sink is stopped up too.  This place charges the tenant to unplug things.  Hit my Mom up for $35 on her toilet,  that's when I went out and bought the plumbers snake. Now I'm gettin' out the Liquid Plumber.
Then I'm making a big glass of iced t, and watchin' Stevan Segal kick butt!

Tomorrow Will Be A Better Day....Oh Please! Please! Please!  Thanks for listenin'.


ps my 30 day price quote at Renogy on my 200w starter kit with Adventurer what-cha-call-it ran out. I contacted Eric Bresler the salesman who helped me and even tho the sale is over and prices changed he still got me set up for only about a $5 increase.  I'll order it soon,  those $$$ I've saved for solar are untouchable unless Hell freezes over! Or some other catastrophe hits.  TJB & Q
:D :D WHOOPEE! Safari parts are here.  It's supposed to go in for a overnighter next Monday.  If I'm VERY VERY lucky I might get some storage help from someone close to me.  I'm not holding my breath, as not the first time if they are a no show. 

 Well at least Queenie is good company however she doesn't have much to say.  She has a crush on the new guy at the storage.   She wags her tail so hard it's a wonder it doesn't fall right off or become air borne :D  He is the first male human she has let near her that isn't a old friend or family member that she's known since she was a puppy.

Jewellann and the Q
I read this thread yesterday..enjoyed your style, and vicariously through your eyes experienced your up and down trials of working to move into the nomadic life. I am contemplating it too...tired of seeing money fly out of my hand each month for rent/utilities but also looking at the realities I will need to face at first...I will have to live in my Outback for some months till I can save enough money for a good used van( I am experienced camper and have tent etc.)and hope my car will last long enough to do that..running fine now but mechanic said some oil leaking on one side of head gasket. I will have to find homes for my kitty cats, ( very hard to think about that) considering keeping my bird ( do not know how difficult that would be) I also have chronic pain disorder that can flare very badly. So weighing pros and cons carefully.

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Jewellann, you are ever so gracious when dealing with so much. After 6 months of seeing a doctor that thought that take these pills and come back in 6 weeks was going to fix the ruptured and slipped disk in my back, she sat down next to me, patted my knee and said I am concerned that you are not getting better. I patted her knee right back and said that I was concerned she wasn't doing anything.

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