KJ1H said:
I've mentioned elsewhere that part of my van plan is to bring my Kawasaki KLR650 with me in my travels. I can use the van as my home base and use the bike to explore the general area once I'm there. I call it "moto-glamping."
Who else out there brings a bike along for the ride? Any concerns locking it up at night? How do you deal with carving out precious space in your van for all the riding gear you (hopefully) wear?
To answer your questions,
Theft and security - lock, chain, cover and strap. Make it hard and lengthy process to remove bike if on exposed rack. Look at my threads to see my setup. Major factor is staying out of potential problem areas repeatedly. Use City data.com to determine crime in area
I used 6 600lb tie down straps. 4 under the cover and 2 over cover attached to roof + carrier. Extra support. More tied down, more trouble to steal.
Don't have a new pretty Moto to steal. Cover with a worn cover. I painted roofing acrylic on my cover for better sun and weather durability.
Hitch rack is the most efficient method.
To boost capacity, reinforce suspension (add leafs, air bags and or shocks), hitch area and or add support bars from frame to carrier which also makes the rack more stable.
Replace straps every year as sun fading will weaken them.
Extra space storage on roof. I built a full roof, plywood compartment bolted to the roof. :thumbsup:
Great place to easily mount solar panels.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Another option that I contemplated was tall Rubbermaid totes between Moto and back door.
Check out this guy's setup which loaded his Moto in his van.
Trailer is an option but with the downsides of costs- license, tires, fuel economy loss and loss of manueverability. Gain space of course.
I called it Moto touring with a mobile Basecamp.
PM should you have any specific questions or experiences that you would care to share.
Welcome to the brotherhood.