Two weeks in the ambo!

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What an afternoon, making dinner now, got a new chair, much happier now!



Nice Baloo, thanks for all the updates. I'm so jealous you get to play with a crane. For some reason I've always wanted one. That picture of the business jets reminds me of an old friend who flies a Leer for the Air Gaurd. He mostly flies generals and congressmen around. Although he has done 2 tours in the desert flying film from the AWACS back to where ever they take it for analysis. I think I'll call him tomorrow and catch up. And I also thank you for your service.
masterplumber said:
Nice Baloo, thanks for all the updates. I'm so jealous you get to play with a crane. For some reason I've always wanted one. That picture of the business jets reminds me of an old friend who flies a Leer for the Air Gaurd. He mostly flies generals and congressmen around. Although he has done 2 tours in the desert flying film from the AWACS back to where ever they take it for analysis. I think I'll call him tomorrow and catch up. And I also thank you for your service.

Thanks for your support, so far this has been a great experience. There are a few changes for the ambo on the way, by nothing too serious. For the most part I am very happy with how it is working out. I also have found this log has become the highlight of my day, I look forward to sharing what is going on as well as reading comments. I actually find my self looking toward to the comments, makes me feel like I am not so alone on this adventure.
Time to start my day, here is what I see fort thing every morning.

LeeRevell said:
Think of the 'rolling home' you could build on that 8-wheeler!  :)

And you wouldn't have to think about weight at all!

Course, the mpg would suck big time... :D
Well the weather has finally cleared up, time to break in the new chair and relax with a good book!
Another day down, it was a good one in my opinion. The weather was better, work was tedious. The evening was relaxing and the new camp chair rocks! Type to you all in the morning!
Hard at it again, the national guard never sleeps! Tracking and balancing blades today on a few birds. Then it is clean ambo time!

What are you doing after the two weeks are up? Hitting the road in the ambo?
Nana4Twins said:
What are you doing after the two weeks are up? Hitting the road in the ambo?

I still have a regular job and a home to deal with, this was my test run. So far so good, I almost hate to go back to the rat race. Need to work for a few more solar panels and a manual gear box for the ambo.
Will you continue in Guard after you hit the road?  How do you figure to handle drilling status if you do stay in?
