Never let someone borrow your home unless they are quite willing to move out of their home and let you borrow it for a while. Nah... don't loan out your home. They could buy your RV... cash in hand of course.
My daughter has discovered that several of her "friends" no longer wanted to be friends with her when they found out she couldn't take them the 75 miles (one way) to the doctor (they don't like the local doctors, the ones my daughter goes to because she can't afford to drive 75 miles one way just to see a doctor), or give them money, etc.
Her father and I did not believe in loaning friends/family money. We GAVE money if we had it. Our kids do the same. The deal was, we had money we would give it, no payback required or expected. When that other person was in a good situation and they were asked for a "loan" they could afford to give and not get back, to do so under the same terms as we gave. It is a very selfish thing. It made us feel good about helping someone without the worry of "will I ever see my money again". Plus it negated the "I owe you" embarrassment every time you saw the other person. Eventually we learned that few people really needed the money. Others just needed money to prevent them from adjusting their level of consumption. We had a friend who, when things were rough for him, we helped. When things were rough for us, he helped. Sometimes money, sometimes sweat, sometimes veggies from the garden. He was/is a real friend. Those are few and far between.
But I don't just give money to anyone (mostly because I don't have much to start with and what I do have is used to get the bus ready to leave). I do object to giving someone money who then eats out at a restaurant or buys booze/cigs. It's one thing if they forgot their money at home or forgot their lunch at home. If I have the money, I will help out. I understand things like that. Otherwise... if you ask for help, you should need the help. Doing without a luxury is not a hardship. I do without a lot of "luxuries". I'm cheap or frugal, depends on how you look at it. But don't ask me for money to buy cigs or booze. And don't beg money from me. I am not giving money to someone who drives a better car than me, wears better clothes than me and owns smartphones, etc. Harsh? Maybe. Selfish? Maybe. But I work hard for the money I make. I do without. If I need help, I either do without or I get help from my kids. I always pay my kids back. They know they can ask me for help anytime just like I know I can ask them for help.
But strangers and people that aren't my kids, I tend to freely (too freely?) give info and opinions. Time and money I have learned to be more selfish with. That is more precious to me than it is to others. Others do not know what I am not doing or doing without in order to help them. Nor is it any of their business.