Well made the first trip, over 1400 miles, and still kickin'!!
Things I have discovered:
-I need some more cushion on the bed. It wasn't terrible, and I slept in it every night for 9 nights, but I did notice the hard plywood while lying on my side. Should be easy fix, just another layer of foam topper should work.
-Driving continuously is exhausting! Went with the daughter, and she just wanted to go, go, go. No stopping to check out things, she had her own agenda. So did my parents. So did my sis. I was just there, apparently. Lesson learned: Go alone, and don't plan on all your days with people that will take over your agenda.
-Having your vehicle die once when you stop makes for a nervous driver when coming to a stop after that. Didn't happen again, but it was always at the back of my mind.
-Don't trust someone with dyscalculia with the map and driving directions, lol! (It's like dyslexic, but with numbers) Poor kid, had me take 4 wrong turns and lots of out of the way side trips. Was all good, we didn't have a schedule and saw some things we might not have before.
-Didn't use the kitchen area much at all. I made tea a few mornings, but that was the extent of my using the cook stove. We were fed by others a lot, so I know this was unusual, and won't be like that every trip. Other times we ate dried or fresh. We did not miss any refrigeration, only opting to get something cold occasionally while using the restrooms at a few places, making it a treat. Kept plenty of water on hand.
-I took way more food than I needed.
-Getting your clothes out from under the bed was a hassle. Will be rethinking storage to make it easier.
-You can sleep two adults and two doggies comfortably in a bed crosswise at the back.
-You can charge just about everything we had to charge while driving all day.
-You can power a 12v fan to keep you cool all night from a jumper pack successfully, plus the noise of the fan drowned out other noise.
-You can sleep in a Walmart parking lot that isn't open 24 hours without having your window knocked on.
-Stress of driving and mechanical issues can cause the need for the emergency potty in the middle of the night. Very thankful I had it.
-There are decent people that are out there that will help for no reason. Older gentleman at the gas pump noticed something leaking from under the van at the same time I did, and laid on the ground with me to see what it was, then told me where I needed to go to have it looked at. (tiny gas leak at the top of the tank when I filled it.. mechanic said just don't fill it, lol)
-I got 15.7 mpg while doing 60-65 mph on the times I did fill up to check it.
-Some down time or 'me' time is absolutely important to maintain sanity, at least for me. Others don't like you hiding out in your van, even if you do.
-Having someone doing most of the return drive home can be a blessing.
-The beach is still crowded. But, hanging out while having to kill some time with a fan blowing the ocean breeze, seagulls singing, and a movie going was pretty dang closed to heaven.
-You appreciate long hot showers more.
-San Antonio at 5 o/clock can kiss my hiney! Over an hour in bumper to bumper was not cool.
-Your A/C might not last the whole trip.

-The van has seats that have zero lumbar support. Even my daughter was hurting after a bit. I already have a lumbar thingy in my car I will try on it's next trip.
-Your doggy might get sick and you need to find a walk-in vet place, and they will probably wayyyy overcharge you.

-Texas is way too big, lol!!
I did get to spread some ashes on a canal my hubby used to drive his boat to go fishing down from our house. Would have preferred to be alone, I don't like people seeing me cry. But it was the reason I was down there, and the place was pretty far from both places I was staying, so hands were tied on that one. I was having my dad drive the van to give me his opinion on it, so him, mom, me and the kid all hopped in it that day, and we wound up there. Really, really hate crying in front of people.
My daughter opted to leave a hula doll with a note at the beach a few blocks from my sis's place. Believe it or not, a guy I worked with for 4 years down there went to high school with the girl who found it. Small world!! She wrote on my blog, is going to put it on her dash.
There's a ton I haven't thought about, I'm sure. And pictures, of course!! Right now I'm just still recuperating, lol. Might take a week or more to get over that trip. I've been chillin' the last two days. Too much go go go and people non-stop in your face makes for a wore out Pammy, I tell ya!!
But I did do the first state.