Theadyn's van and trip log

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Well I've gone public... in terms of facebook, anyways. Let the judging begin.
Love the way you bulleted the issues that came up with your first trip! Good for those of us with no van traveling experience. You already realize this, but Imma gonna reminder you...these trips are for you! :cool: You are the Captain of that ship and what you say goes!!! Lol. As to anyone judging anything about it, just ignore them or give them a pleasant comment back, to many times I still get sucked into other peoples bs and I kick myself every time I realized it just happened again! Can't wait too hear more!
Wish me luck... the 2nd couple is coming to test drive and check out the RV today, they sound really interested. Even, in fact, she told me she was to already going to the bank but was held up (without even looking at it :D ). They don't live too far from where I am (unlike many of the calls I had gotten on it), I am hopeful.

Company this weekend.. I have the van positioned at other end of driveway, Kindle book charged and about 10 books left to read, battery packs are juiced up and ready, and have food and water... you know, in case I need to go hide, lol. Sometimes, a chicks just got to go recharge with a lot of people in her space for too long. I've got my hiding spot all prepared. Even a few beers in there in case I have to decompress. ;) My mom n dad are up here (they have a little place down south Texas, and a small place up here they split time in), and have said I could always come to their place an hour away should I need an excuse to get out of town. They really dug my lil van, thought it was cool as heck.

Am rethinking the interior setup and how best to utilize space. Always. haha Might make a box for cooking stuff that goes under bed, keep all together, pull out when needing to use it. Then transfer food stuffs to desk drawers, freeing up larger plastic bin for clothing. Am also going to go through the smaller plastic bins and purge or condense.

Also, need to put some netting on my sliding back windows. They removed them for the tinting. Plus make a set up for the front windows so skeeters can't get in when it's cracked. Another layer of foam on the bed. Might possibly look in to getting a deep cycle battery and do a simple setup, still looking in to that. Solar seems too hard to figure out with my fiberglass molded top, thought I'm still researching.

Oh!! and I learned how to recharge my own A/C yay! We had it cool for 10 days before it went out on us, which means slow leak. So now, I'll just go buy the stuff and recharge it myself when it's low or out. Put in a sealer, maybe it will seal it or at least prolong the time before it runs out.

Planning next trip, I'm thinking Kansas. Why? Because, it's not too far. It will be my first solo. There's nothing in Kansas (going to see The Big Well) so I want to cross it off my list. And the place I want to go is just under 3 hours from me, and coming back I'm going to hit the place for Oklahoma, Little Sahara, late hubby LOVED!!! that place. Will have 2 states done on that trip. And can do it in one day with just over 6 hours drive time total. Good little van run. :)
And I hate to talk about it, but feel I must... The porta potty thing.

It was great and did it's job very well.. but when it's just pee, sure does use a LOT of kitty litter to soak up and kinda a pain to dump all day. We stuck to public bathrooms best we could, but sometimes, just didn't work out.

So my next thinking is.. *gulp* dare I admit.. a female device plus a bottle or jug. Even going so far as to wonder if I could fashion that with a hose that goes to one of the holes we silicone over and can still get to... Use the potty for just #2 if ever needed. Possibly find one of those foldable potty chair things that can store easy and put an actual desk chair at the desk in place of where the potty now resides.

Oh, and just in case, if you are ever to go with another person and have to use said potty and want some privacy, here's what I did: Put up sun visors on front windows and side windows, put potty between front seats and closed the dividing blackout curtains. Voila'!! Instant private bathroom. I admit I did this a few times, even though it was just my daughter with me. But still!! haha not cool to have her see her mom sitting on a toilet, alright? :)
I didn't like the kitty litter in a bag thing either!

I ended up just using the bucket and some of the porta pottie chemicals, emptying it daily and rinsing well. It worked okay for camping trips.

You might want to look at a regular cassette porta pottie, they're not outrageously priced at W/M stateside.

I'm planning on one of the composting toilets if the Cdn dollar ever gets to a decent exchange rate...sigh!
My girlfriend uses a 3 pound Folgers coffee can and it works very well for her. Because it's plastic it squeezes to fit. After use she puts the lid on it and dumps it outside.
Shewees and a bottle. work great from what I have seen. Simple and the plastic that they are made of is incredible a small flick and no drops, best stored in a Ziploc.
Ah, the trials and tribulations of not being able to just go find a tree without having a foreign apparatus with you. LOL Until you get one of those you might try a wide-mouthed jug. You may find that, unless you are away from "home" the jug will work without the contraption. Now, to master keeping the different "goings" at separate times. ROFL Sorry, I've been practicing and it's challenging!!! :p
Here's what worked for me for 6 months: At Dollar Tree they have oval plastic containers (like you might put cereal in or maybe for kool-aid) with a gray top. I use the small size and ditch the top. The oval is narrow so it fits women pretty well. Then I pour the liquid from that into a large liquid detergent bottle. The detergent bottle can then be dumped appropriately when a toilet of any kind if available. I use the bag with litter method (I prefer the litter with baking soda) for non-liquid. I found that when I remove and fold up the kitchen size bag, I can then stuff that into a quart-size freezer bag and seal it.

Btw, Dollar Tree also has the cheapest (but decent) baby wipes (I think it is Snoopy brand).
WriterMs said:
Here's what worked for me for 6 months: At Dollar Tree they have oval plastic containers (like you might put cereal in or maybe for kool-aid) with a gray top. I use the small size and ditch the top. The oval is narrow so it fits women pretty well. Then I pour the liquid from that into a large liquid detergent bottle. The detergent bottle can then be dumped appropriately when a toilet of any kind if available. I use the bag with litter method (I prefer the litter with baking soda) for non-liquid. I found that when I remove and fold up the kitchen size bag, I can then stuff that into a quart-size freezer bag and seal it.

Btw, Dollar Tree also has the cheapest (but decent) baby wipes (I think it is Snoopy brand).

Good idea! I think I have one of those already, even, sweet!! We have a Dollar General here, it's decent. Sure wish it were a Dollar Tree, though, the closest is an hour away.
My van in now being called... Van Halen. Did I pick this out, you ask? Nooooo... I picked out Savannah. The old man started calling it Van Halen anyways, smiling, and now it has stuck. Kinda funny, kinda cool. Why not? Van Halen it is! lol
Second trip, here I come!!!

Plan: Kansas.
Places to hit up: In Kansas, Boot Hill, The Big Well, and then Boiling Springs in Oklahoma on the way back.
Companion: bestest friend from highschool. her beloved doggy and my lil Chevy doggy
Cost: fill up gas tank $65 (there's some in it already)
admissions x2 Boot Hill $20
admissions x2 The Big Well $16
admissions x2 Boiling Springs $0
lunch x2 >$20
dinner x2 >$20
Total out of pocket cost: $141
Miles driven: 400 miles
Days away: one day only
Leaving Hula Doll goal: on a cemetery stone in Boot Hill.. if they don't catch me, haha
When: I might have the RV sold, they are going to the bank tomorrow. Otherwise, it's just waiting on her days off, I'm flexible.

Leave out early, snack on granola bars and trail mix on the 3 hours drive to Boot Hill. Will keep water and such in small cooler also. Sneak a doll somewhere there, hopefully on a cemetery stone for someone to find it. Find easy lunch in Dodge City, probably take out as we'll have 2 little doggies. Then it's an hour to see The Big Well in Greensburg, KS. Doubt my friend will want to do all the stairs (she's larger and injured a knee few months back), but looking down the hole would be cool and reading the history of it, as well. Close enough to it, didn't want to miss it. From there, and hour and half drive to Boiling Springs National Park near Woodward, OK. I've been there years ago, the area is beautiful and the boiling springs is kinda neat to see. I figured it'd be a good place for the doggies to explore. Maybe grab some drive thru after and then head back the hour and half drive back home.

Why did I x2 the above?? Because, my friend is broker than me, wouldn't be able to go otherwise, it's a cheap trip and I get to spend time with my friend. She's excited to hang out, see things, and is tickled I'm cool with her letting her bring her most beloved mini greyhound doggy. I did threaten to do this trip solo previously, but my friend is cool with me making the plans, letting me go to where I want, she's just happy to be going. Besides, it's just a day trip. :)

I could take my lil car that gets double the gas mileage, but nahhh.. for the price of about $30 difference, not worth it. Besides.. wanted to do all of this in the van, dangit!! :)
Did some tweaking on the inside of the van yesterday. Posted bout it here: Just some different storage, more memory foam on the bed, and latching solutions for the drawers. Will have to get pictures for it today. I plan on getting out on the road today to make sure the drawers will stay closed with current set up.

Question for anyone: Does anyone use those wooden bead seat cover things?? I've never tried them before, but dang my seat gets hot sometimes, and I get sweaty. Not comfy long term driving. Looking for a solution. I do have a small tear on the drivers seat near the door, I'm imagining from constant in and out of previous owners. A bit of foam is missing. I've considered stuffing some more foam in and trying to patch it, but would not look too pleasant. Thinking of seat covers, though they are hard to find for these big tall seats. Hence, the beaded seat cushion question. Thinking it would keep me cool and cover up my patching attempt on the seat. Am also having to figure out the lumbar thing. It has ZERO support. I feel like I'm sitting in a big 'C' in that seat. I have a foam lumbar support I had in my car that I am trying, but it's so thick I'm almost up to the steering wheel when I get in. Can't move the seat back further due to the desk. I am considering cutting it in half, leather outter material be danged. Would work if I had something covering it. Just some musings.... :)
Hitting the road today for Kansas, will be able to cross that state off my list. It's 3am and I am wide awake.. *sigh* lol I will sleep tonight, I am sure. Lots of driving, lots of stuff to see, and a very high strung highschool bestie as my companion... Wish me luck!!
Just a wee bit freaking out.. And understand so much better now.

It seems that everyone that sees my van freaking loves it!! Like, they all want to go with me now, on my travels. Even though I currently live in someone else's 'sticks and bricks' house, pretty much my whole world is in there.

I stupidly, very stupidly, let a friend borrow my van. Heck, I got too many wheels, with the RV still here, my little Vibe and now the van. They were in need, I was trying to be nice. I thought it was just one day kinda deal. But now, it's 2 days later, and no answering when I call to find out where the heck my van is. This is a friend!! Am trying really hard not to freak out, I have other vehicles and there was no trip planned or anything. But my world is in there.

Here is to me *taking a pretend shot of something*, finding out sometimes friends can let you down, and feeling lost when your van isn't here.
I hope you get your van back ok! It's really bad when you trust someone close to you and they let you down like that. I've been there too. I let a couple friends use my van for a week. When I got it back, it was trashed! It stunk bad, garbage everywhere, my food was eaten up, numerous broken items, etc. Not even a thank you from them. Hopefully your situation will be resolved in a good way soon!
I hope things work out for you Theadyn. Update if you hear any news.
No way you can contact them by cell phone?? I'm a pretty generous person about most things but have never loaned an RV to anyone [except as guest rooms, in situ].   The main reason is that non-RVers haven't a clue and can easily foul things up.
Today was a mess... I heard from a person that is a friend of theirs. They located my van, drove it to where I live, very kind person. I have no idea how to make it up to them, they were trying to help me out. This 'friend' that borrowed it is no longer my friend. I can just never, EVER, loan this out anymore after this. Right now it's parked at my daughters house. Still can't believe things went down like this. I was trying to be nice. I have no idea what the inside is like, I'm afraid to look, honestly.

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