Second trip, here I come!!!
Plan: Kansas.
Places to hit up: In Kansas, Boot Hill, The Big Well, and then Boiling Springs in Oklahoma on the way back.
Companion: bestest friend from highschool. her beloved doggy and my lil Chevy doggy
Cost: fill up gas tank $65 (there's some in it already)
admissions x2 Boot Hill $20
admissions x2 The Big Well $16
admissions x2 Boiling Springs $0
lunch x2 >$20
dinner x2 >$20
Total out of pocket cost: $141
Miles driven: 400 miles
Days away: one day only
Leaving Hula Doll goal: on a cemetery stone in Boot Hill.. if they don't catch me, haha
When: I might have the RV sold, they are going to the bank tomorrow. Otherwise, it's just waiting on her days off, I'm flexible.
Leave out early, snack on granola bars and trail mix on the 3 hours drive to Boot Hill. Will keep water and such in small cooler also. Sneak a doll somewhere there, hopefully on a cemetery stone for someone to find it. Find easy lunch in Dodge City, probably take out as we'll have 2 little doggies. Then it's an hour to see The Big Well in Greensburg, KS. Doubt my friend will want to do all the stairs (she's larger and injured a knee few months back), but looking down the hole would be cool and reading the history of it, as well. Close enough to it, didn't want to miss it. From there, and hour and half drive to Boiling Springs National Park near Woodward, OK. I've been there years ago, the area is beautiful and the boiling springs is kinda neat to see. I figured it'd be a good place for the doggies to explore. Maybe grab some drive thru after and then head back the hour and half drive back home.
Why did I x2 the above?? Because, my friend is broker than me, wouldn't be able to go otherwise, it's a cheap trip and I get to spend time with my friend. She's excited to hang out, see things, and is tickled I'm cool with her letting her bring her most beloved mini greyhound doggy. I did threaten to do this trip solo previously, but my friend is cool with me making the plans, letting me go to where I want, she's just happy to be going. Besides, it's just a day trip.
I could take my lil car that gets double the gas mileage, but nahhh.. for the price of about $30 difference, not worth it. Besides.. wanted to do all of this in the van, dangit!!