The mitsubishi... It's time.

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No spark at all.
In all honestly I don't know, I think the ICM sends signal to the ECU(PCM) which sends it to the coil and the tach? I don't know this is way over my head. Which sensors messing up would cause no spark I also don't know, there's only 2 sensors below the head gasket, oil pressure and oil level I would think it would spark if either of those was bad, the rest are on the head, intake and exhaust,
There's 12.3-12.4v on the coil wire to the dizzy when the switch is in the run position, 10.something when cranking. with the old coil it was 11.7-12.1 in run. I thought it was supposed to be a lot higher voltage going across the coil wire
I think this might be one of the set-ups where even a bad alternator will cause no spark.

Next step is to pull any codes, something I should have done long ago. I know it's time to admit I'm in over my head but hopefully that computer will tell me enough to know what's wrong without having some stranger snooping around in my engine bay or having me probe holes in a bunch of wires.
Is it a hall-effect sensor in the distributor? Or just a mag pickup style? If it is a mag style, I doubt the ecm controls anything more than the spark advance. Your icm should contain the mosfet transistor that switches the coil to spark. Since it is a negative switched system, you can switch the ignition on (12v+ at the coil on one terminal), and take a test lead and ground the other coil lead (tap the wire against the block) you should have spark. If not then your coil is the culprit. Do you have a good multimeter? If your coil is good, more than likely it is the ignition module. Unless of course that is not getting power. Tell you what, if you want technical advice on what to check, message me and I will give you my phone number. I spent many years as a certified service technician, I am sure we can figure it out.
great offer from Baloo. take him up on it. I am not that familiar with Mitsubishis. on some vehicles the oil pressure switch controls the fuel pump, never heard of one controlling the spark, but you never know. like I said get ahold of Baloo. highdesertranger
Couldn't tell you if it's magnetic or hall effect, I want to say magnetic. My Craftsman multi meter's screen is half broken but works good enough. I might take you up on that offer.

It's throwing a code 15: motor position sensor(part of distributor) meaning there's an issue with it getting power, sending signal or I got bad distributor. Time to start testing wires.
the 4 Wires going to it are red, yellow, black and white
On the truck these wires are for
Black - Ground - is grounded
Yellow - Crank trigger - tested 0v in run, <3v while cranking also found out my soldering didn't stick very good on this one.
White - Cam trigger tested - 0v in run, <2.2v while cranking
Red - Power tested - ~12v in run
if I am not mistaking those trigger wires should be giving you a pulse. with an oscilloscope it would appear as a square wave, like what good old points would give you. it's basically a on off signal. maybe Baloo could tell you how to check these. highdesertranger
The injectors trigger when the distributor is spun by hand so the ECU is getting that signal I guess the next thing to check is the coil trigger wire, other than the main coil wire to the dizzy I have blue and black with a white line. Maybe I can get this figured out tomorrow so I can atleast limp down the road to the city park with free camping
What area of Colorado are you in? Not sure if I can be of help, but I'd like to if possible. I'm east of Monument and north of Colorado Springs.
I'm about an hour south of Grand Junction. The family event in Oregon is happening sooner than the date I was originally told so the van has officially missed the deadline of making the trip, even if it was running right now doing a proper break in, tires, possible alignment, etc takes time, as does a real shakedown. Oh well, there goes getting free gas, it will be much easier to deal with without the stress of a deadline. I'll continue working on it up to and after the little vacation while using the time I'm away to let some traps take care of the mice.
Today I moved everything into or onto the van in anticipation of towing it to storage or a shop but I was cut a deal by the management here and found out the family thing was nearly a week sooner than expected.
Well since the last post, I took that family vacation, got back decided to try a new battery(a bigger group 25), no such luck. I ordered an ECU for a slightly below average price Within a couple weeks of getting back, before the ECU arrived both my dogs got out of my uncles yard and were hit by a car, the female husky/shepard didn't make it and Charlie the brown mutt is still living life but with a fractured skull. The passing of her sent me into a bad depression for a while, doing some drinking and completely losing motivation in fixing the van...
Within the past couple months I've been able to get my TV mounted with a Cheetah articulating mount bolted to a 2x4, got an antenna, a Rosewill RMS-DA5600. Got the Renogy 100w mono crystalline kit the other day and set it up temporary, I need the exchange my battery because despite being on a battery tender since September it is shot, not holding more than 12.4v. The machine at the auto parts store says it's "towards the end of it's life" so I have to abuse it a little before they will swap me out, I will try getting it swapped for a group 27 starting battery since it's the same price they might go for it. I will be kicking grid power soon.


I'm sorry life has been giving you such hard knocks, those are very tough ones. It sounds like you are handling them abut a well as anyone could. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time--hopefully you'll come out on the other side soon. The day will come when it won't hurt so bad.

All the best.
Pair of Trojan T105s installed named Red and Blue. Gravity readings in both about an hour after ending the float charge came back as 1: 1.291 2: 1.286 3:1.291
I will take readings again in the morning after they rest all night.
Okay, resting voltage 12.88,i forgot to unhook the charge controller until 9pm so there's no way this is a true 100% charge but good enough goal to shoot for
Red 1, 2 and 3 all at 1.290, Blue 1 and 2 at 1.293 and Blue 3 at 1.295.

These are temp corrected and recorded with the OTC 4619.each cell checked twice, spun and tapped to release any bubbles.
Trojans and renogy panel are doing good, I already broke the hydrometer, I don't know how, I set it down next to the batteries and next time I picked it up it was broke, oh well. Me and another guy running off solar are getting F***ed on rent now though, back up to paying what we were with unlimited grid power, the meters they put in seem shady as well... Looking at alternatives, private parking, other vehicles to flat tow the van and boondock, and as much as I would hate to do it even putting the van in storage and pedalling around tent camping.
Now that I have a motorcycle again(one with family history that needs restored) even if I get the van running by the end of March I would have to get a trailer and hitch or pay to store the motorcycle, a truck/full size van flat towing the van with the motorcycle in the bed seems logical?
If I was to put the van in storage I could fit the disassembled motorcycle inside for storage.

I don't know, we will see what happens, right now I have to get this custom desktop computer fixed so I can get it off of my hood, sell it and pay back the money I borrowed to get the Trojans. I also need to get the panel mounted, I wanted to do a tilting mount using round tube and angle but that sh** is expensive.