The Conversion of "Freedom" , our permanent bus home...

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Ha ha ! Yes indeed Patrick. Progress is finally under way, and that makes me happy as well. I spent a few hours today painting the cockpit of the bus, where I can lay the entry carpet on the stairs tomorrrow. So without further delay, here are the photos from today.


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The next steps in order are : Installing the entry carpet and trim, finishing the overhead light fixtures and installing them, framing out the bed frame, insulating the sleeping area/firewall, finishing the interior wall panels, and putting up the shelves which also contain the curtain rod set up. Not too much really !

I guess the next step will be putting in the new door and painting the exterior. If I could just find a stinking 31" wide full view door with sliding window and integral screen !
Hello again ! I have been working on the bus like mad, and haven't had a lot of time to update ... But update ! Ha ha ! I plan to have most of the basic interior work done in the next two weeks. The finsihed photos should prove interesting LOL. Then we will be moving on to painting the outside. I am just praying a Pressure washer will take the fading and cracking/peeling white paint off of the original yellow paint. I am NOT planning to prime. Just lightly sand the exterior paint, wipe it with Mineral Spirits and roll new paint over it. And I am WORRIED about doing this. I am losing sleep over hoping that white paint will come off ! LOL

But my 30 minute lunch is over, and I have to go back to making the hand made light fixtures for the bus ! Cheers
I gots to know. What is the exhaust pipe on the starboard side of the bus for? Electrical run perhaps. It looks like its 1 1/2" or so diameter. Lays in the corner made by the wall and floor in the last picture posted. :)

Great build you're doin' there.
Lostinspace said:
I gots to know. What is the exhaust pipe on the starboard side of the bus for? Electrical run perhaps. It looks like its 1 1/2" or so diameter. Lays in the corner made by the wall and floor in the last picture posted. :)

Great build you're doin' there.

Ah hah ! That "exhaust pipe" is a factory installed heater pipe run. It carries the to and return, hot water hoses from the engine to the heaters in the front of the bus.
Er uhm ... Today find me sitting at home, waiting for paint and stain to dry. Tomorrow I will be installing the remainder of the interior wall panels, and some much needed trim. I also hope to finish gluing down the entry way carpet up the stairs.

I have a few questions I thought someone may could help me with ...

I need to know if anyone knows a good place to buy decently priced skylights ?

And I need to talk to people about ideas for making velcro on interior screens. How in the world do you get the velcro to stick to bare galvanized metal ??? What kind of glue have you found to work well for this ? Because I seriously doubt the adhesive on back of the velcro is going to hold up to repeatedly being pulled off and on ....

So let me get this straight... You are watching paint dry today?

I made our interior screens to tip inward for opening/closing the window. I've seen too many RV screens laying on the side of the road.

This page shows how I made the "hinge".

Photobucket with all the pics starts on this page...

I need to make a plexi cover for winter. It will be held in place with rare earth magnets glued into the trim... once we get the trim installed. I suspect I will go over my $6K budget. things are getting more expensive.
Clan Graham said:
I need to know if anyone knows a good place to buy decently priced skylights ?

I'd try my local Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store.

Clan Graham said:
And I need to talk to people about ideas for making velcro on interior screens. How in the world do you get the velcro to stick to bare galvanized metal ??? What kind of glue have you found to work well for this ? Because I seriously doubt the adhesive on back of the velcro is going to hold up to repeatedly being pulled off and on ....

Go to a supply house for auto paint. Industrial Finishes, or Automotive Paint Specialties are 2 we have here, and I live in a pretty small town.

but, ask for the glue they use to hold on body panels. It's a 2-part black stuff that come's in it's own special gun/applicator (I think 3M makes it)...and it holds car parts together like concrete!! I'm sure your velcro will fail long before this stuff ever does!
it's a bit on the 'spendy' side...but pay now, or pay later....this stuff works!
Patrick46 said:
Clan Graham said:
I need to know if anyone knows a good place to buy decently priced skylights ?

I'd try my local Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store.

Clan Graham said:
And I need to talk to people about ideas for making velcro on interior screens. How in the world do you get the velcro to stick to bare galvanized metal ??? What kind of glue have you found to work well for this ? Because I seriously doubt the adhesive on back of the velcro is going to hold up to repeatedly being pulled off and on ....

Go to a supply house for auto paint. Industrial Finishes, or Automotive Paint Specialties are 2 we have here, and I live in a pretty small town.

but, ask for the glue they use to hold on body panels. It's a 2-part black stuff that come's in it's own special gun/applicator (I think 3M makes it)...and it holds car parts together like concrete!! I'm sure your velcro will fail long before this stuff ever does!
it's a bit on the 'spendy' side...but pay now, or pay later....this stuff works!

Ah yes ... I have used that extensively. Just never for Velcro LOL.
Hello again ... I apologize for the serious lack of photos lately. My camera has been borrowed for a while now, and I am getting it back tomorrow. This will allow me to update the photos and progress. Should be interesting. I hope to have the walls mostly done this week. Curtains and shelfs are next :cool:
And as promised .... new photos ! ... But still in the beginning stages. As you can see, we are now insulating the back area, over the engine compartment. And I am hoping to get the bed frame built this Sunday. We will be buying some more shelfs for the sides. We have the shelf supports to paint tomorrow. I have a LOT of Interior detail work left in the cockpit area.
And then ...... Next week we plan on buying the front door.

So what we have worked on since last update .... Front entry Indoor Outdoor Carpet. More side wall panels installed. Some stained trim installed. More painting. Custom overhead light fixtures, with 12 volt LED bulbs. And about 95% the bed area insulated. bus is better than Yos/Dec18th2_zpsf61f6858.jpg



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AND we also have the CURTAINS we have started !




Couple of more ....


Wow .... Upate time I guess. Not much progress since Xmas. My wife and I both came down with H1N1 Flu on Xmas Eve. I am just now starting to feel reasonable again, though very weak still. I plan on doing some simple interior painting tomorrow. And if my strength ever returns, I am going to start sanding the bus exterior.
so sorry you all have been sick, but glad to hear your on the recovery road. Happy New year.& get well soon.
Thanks guys. I feel for you Patrick. This is as sick as I have ever been, with the one exception of Pnuemonia, Pleurisy, two broken ribs, and a collapsed left lung at the same time 4 years ago. At one point I pled for death, with this Flu LOL.

Since I am making progress on the bus so slowly at this time, I figure I can at least type a bit on where we are right now .... As was predicted, the "high" I was riding about converting this bus, did indeed wane due to health issues, and Unemployment Benefits running out. The "reality" has indeed hit me full force now. BUT ... I am still completely dedicated to the project, and still feel excitement when progress is made. It is a fun and creative project, only dampenend via a SEVERE lack of current funds. If I am to be transparent, only the world's very best daughter is saving our arses now. She is hell bent on donating $4000 to us shortly, and says if I will not accept it, she will simply order the parts herself ... If I have very little else in this world, I cherish so dearly the pride I have in my immediate family. We still give until we bleed, at every opportunity to help our friends and family. And LOVE doing it. It brings us great happiness. But I must say : It is much easier for me to give, than to receive. So now enough from the heart ... Let's get to the goodies !!

When we receive the $4000 soon, we will be spending it in this way :

interior wood - $120
curtains - $100
exterior paint - $200
screens - $50
starting batteries - $180
electrical wiring and parts - $200
charger - $170
generator - $1000
mattress - $350
house batteries - $ 500
heater - $500

total - $ 3400

And I have no doubts, that I am probably under reality on some of the pricing ... sigh.
So I plan on doing some Interior finishing work in the next few days, IF my health allows it.
Bad news is : It has rained ALL week. No work on the bus. But tomorrow is supposed tp be nice, and Mon through Wed is as well. So look for new photos soon !
PastTense said:
Why would rain prevent you from working inside the bus?

We planned on painting. But not with 100% humidity.

We are just on a razor's edge right now, concerning if the H1N1 Flu we got on Christmas Eve is going to turn into Pneumonia, Pluerisy, or both ..... Or if we will ever start feeling well again. Since that is where we are health wise, I did not figure it would be good to get out and work in that air.