Chevy G10 Conversion

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Thanks!&nbsp; <br><br>Just looking forward to getting some power installed so i can have a fan all the time.&nbsp; Hopefully my rent deposit and next pay check can take care of that...still means about 5 days ill have to sweat it out with just a little battery powered fan :\
I agree, NICE JOB! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> <br>-Bruce
Very nice, DazarGaidin. <br><br>Dang-it, I need skills like that! Chics dig a guy with skills. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I wish it was my skills, i just did all the grunt work, cutting, screwing, nailing, gofor-ing.&nbsp; Someone else told me what to do.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I'll bet the white roof will help a "lot" with the hot weather coming. Also helps make the vent not too noticeable. <br>I like it. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> <br>-Bruce
I went outside today in the hot afternoon to organize the storage and basically move everything in.&nbsp; I grossly miscalculated the storage space under my bed, and the containers didn't fit.&nbsp; I managed to place one big container under it, but had to lift the whole bed to place it.&nbsp; I moved stuff i wont readily use to that bin.&nbsp; I had 2 bins that were wider but they are only half so tall, and by taking the lid off one i was able to stack 2 under the bed.&nbsp; I had to sacrifice some of my books but i planned to scale them down later anyway.&nbsp; So everything seems to fit for the most part, but i was worried for a bit there and disappointed.&nbsp; <br><br>I was sweating buckets just doing this in the afternoon heat, and it made me worry.&nbsp; I stopped moving for a bit and grabbed my little battery fan, and it instantly felt much better.&nbsp; I am starting to think the heat wont be bad at all once i get the vent fan going and a direct fan on me.<br><br>2 days to go, till im out there for good.
Hi Dazar,<br><br>You must be soooooooo exciteeeeeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and maybe a bit, just a little bit scared <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;Two more days. This&nbsp;is so cool, you did it.&nbsp;Congratulations.<br><br>Your van is looking great, very nice set up. <br><br>Please let us know how you're making out.<br><br>Til then.<br><br>Nicole
Is that during the heat of the day? <br><br>If so, what was the outside temp verses inside van temp - how efficient was the vent, were you comfortable....... inquiring minds wanna know?<br><br><strong><span style="font-size: large;">DETAILS MAN!!!</span></strong> <br><br><img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
This is around 7 o'clock p.m. until around 10 o'clock so it wasn't too hot. There is also a storm at the time so it was raining and overcast so that kept it cool. i slept in the following morning at the park in shade...the heat woke me around 12 Which is Acceptable...i Plan to sleep for couple hours in the morning and sleep for couple hours in the evening when coolest Since I can't sleep at night cause I work.

I'm trying to find interesting stuff to do in between...ended up swimming at the lake
Today i drove like 200 hundred miles to get my batteries, on very little sleep.&nbsp; I almost didn't make it <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; I wasn't sure what i needed as far as wires and stuff to hook them up together and hopefully to my fantastic vent.&nbsp; Well some googling and following bobs article on solar I figured it out.&nbsp; I didn't have the right tools and couldn't find one that could do the bigger wires and i checked like 2 different local places....but i did find a more universal one that with some finagling and grunting got it to work.&nbsp; Its funny because after buying the wire, which i know isn't the best, and the tool and the ends....i found some all nice and done up at the pilot for about 5 dollars more than i paid overall.&nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; Oh well.&nbsp; <br><br> <br><br>I have the fan hooked directly to the battery.&nbsp; I was taking a risk (of hurting the fan) that following bobs diagram was enough, because i couldnt afford the volt meter to test it. Im pretty sure i should have the batteries hooked to a fuse box or something that you then wire everything to but right now its all i can afford.&nbsp; <br><br>Im sure today, for no reason he could understand,&nbsp; wrcsixeight shed a tear suddenly.&nbsp; Sorry my friend.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>And its getting hotter.&nbsp; I was extremely relieved when the fan cam on and seemed to be working normally.&nbsp; A charger is on the way, and once again the waiting game begins till next paycheck <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; I do plan to build a box for them...the current placement is temporary.<br><br><br><br>PS:&nbsp; There was an interstate battery distributer nearby.&nbsp; I figured what the heck, even if the batteries werent quite as good it might save me a lot in gas and headache.&nbsp; They had what they called deep cycle batteries, but for 110 + 12 core they had like a 70 AH battery.&nbsp;&nbsp; So half of that im looking at 35 ah the ones from sam's last nearly 3 times as long for less (little over 100 usable).&nbsp; He did say he had golf car batteries but they were over 200 a piece and i would need 2....which is a lot of cash. So, no way interstate.
Dazer. On the volt meter, go to Harbor Freight. They have one that I got for $2.49 on sale a couple of years ago. It's probably still under five bucks, less on sale. And this is July 4th sale time. It is a multimeter. At the time I bought 2 and gave one to my daughter.

Good luck.
Well they've gone up a bit since I paid $2.49 a couple of years ago.

They're on sale currently for $4.99. Everybody should get one. It's a no brainier at that price.

There is no case. I bought a cheap camera case that it slips into. I actually paid about the same price at Walmart as I did for the meter. Even comes with a battery, 9 volt.

Be sure and turn it off, it doesn't have an auto off.

But it's a great value for the price.

Here's the URL.
Gitin'er Done, Dazar! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Thanks!<br><br>That meter looks like a pretty decent deal, 7 dollar shipping seems rough though <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; Still probably cheaper than others though.&nbsp;
I wired a ciggy plug to my batteries and bought a roadpro 12v fan from the truck stop.&nbsp; I know its not as good as the endless breeze from fantastic vent but i was surprised how well it moves air on high, which i think only uses 1 amp.&nbsp; If it doesnt just break, i think its a good deal for 1/3 the cost.&nbsp; I stepped the wiring up to 14 gauge from 16 gauge that the plug came with...just to be safe.&nbsp; It was pretty easy to do...once i get the money to set up a closet for the electrical ill do it all neat and perty, but right now i just taped the wire up and tucked it here and there behind paneling.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ill add pics later, didn't have my phone on me.<br><br>Got a 400w inverter on the way, looking forward to being able to use my laptop in the van, tho later on i plan to get a 12v plug for it too for efficiency.
Wow I just read your whole conversion....thanks for sharing all you do, I have learned alot!&nbsp; Seems you are doing well in the van?
Its not bad....I think after living in there I'd do the conversion a little differently.&nbsp; I think even with me being so tall i would put the bed across the back, even if i had to sleep diagonal.&nbsp; <br><br>I think i am going to remove the doors i have on the cabinets and rig up sliding doors....there isnt enough room to open them unless i fold the bed and folding the bed isn't working out because the stuff i store under it.&nbsp; <br><br>But its definitely working out pretty good.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'd imagine everyone doing this wants to keep tweaking things <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
Hi Dazar,<br><br>I certainly agree with you on that.&nbsp; I'm always looking around and thinking of little things I could add or little changes that I could make that will work better.&nbsp; That's part of what makes it home.&nbsp; <br><br>Patrick