How about some girlie type inspiration for your buildout?

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Would a woman be as uncomfortable in my earth toned interior, as I would be in those pastel pink and blue interiors?<br><br>I can appreciate the amount of work that went into making them look like that, and I know they were not made to make 'me' feel comfortable, but they are an assault to my eyes, and scented candles make me gag.
Hi Everyone,<br><br>Glad you're enjoying the post.<br><br>I lived in a stock decorated 40' motorhome for over a year and it really gets old.&nbsp; Luckily I had&nbsp;the Southern California&nbsp;Beaches to take my mind off it.<br><br>Some girls just like to feather thier nests in a girlie fashion.&nbsp; I'm&nbsp; a quilter and fabric is my life.&nbsp; Besides, I've had a whole house full of masculine, outdoorsy, country mountain furnishings and I'm ready for the frou frou.<br><br>While not uncomfortable in masculine surroundings - it's not my first choice.&nbsp; This van is , you guessed it, LADIES CHOICE!<br><br>If Pinterest was working, I'd link you over to my boards, but it seems to be down.&nbsp; Anther post, another day.<br><br>cb<br><br>
I agree with cb1504. I think most of us women live in more masculine or gender neural surroundings to be considerate of our husbands. Getting and decorating a minivan is my opportunity to go all out frou-frou.
Even though the frou-frou isn't <em>my</em> choice, I'm glad to see the originality and creativity that went into those interiors!&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>Isn't a 'frou-frou' interior a lot harder to keep clean, though?&nbsp; Camping in the desert, especially, a lot of dust gets in, even through tightly shut doors and windows.
Wow! I love these! I'm more outdoorsy and into bushcraft but I absolutely LOVE these! LOL Maybe I'm getting more girlie in my old age. lol
Nice collection. Really enjoyed browsing that foil pack cooking link and picked up some new ideas.&nbsp; Thanks!<br>Vickie
&nbsp;Good collection on Pinterest - you've really been doing some research! I'm looking forward to see how you decorate your van. There were a good number of female van owners at the RTR, some completed builds, some just in the process of building nice little rolling homes. I was really impressed with the ingenuity used to design, build and decorate them. None were very girly ( not my style either but I still enjoy seeing what can be done) but they were still beautiful and more feminine than the guy's builds.
I'm not a frou-frou/girly decor guy, but I do appreciate the effort and the wonderful eye that went into producing such art in a small home on wheels.

My preferred decor is plywood or rough-cut/hewn with the somewhat primitive mountain man motif, minus the "ego trophies" hanging on the walls. I want utility, not image/decor, and my usual choices are multi-purpose items. This, of course, means no carpet or pretty walls/curtains. I guess you gals would say "tasteless", which I don't mind. I want something I can use without fear of breaking it or ruining the pretty look/finish of it.

I suppose this will once-again go out the window if I ever end up with a significant other, as it doesn't pay to enforce my own tastes at the expense of a good relationship, but for now I'd like to drag my knuckles just a bit.... :)

Again, really nice decor shown in those pix!

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