Got Smart wrote:
The sad truth is that fewer people today are getting ahead than before. And they’re getting ahead not due to their hard work or their education as much as their connections, their family’s socioeconomic status, and of course, just the plain luck of not getting horribly sick or getting into a serious accident.
Add in the number of employers that will lie to you, use you, and the scumbag lawyers that will rape you...
I worked hard all my life, even when in great pain. I had to feed my children. I paid my taxes. Now I find that I get less than a $5 increase on my SS, but do not know how much my insurance will go up next year.
I dont need this dose of reality driving up my blood pressure and giving me another stroke.
I just wanted to speak to the emboldened. I'd invite jonney38 to share his points of view on it too.
It seems that beyond the RV Living we are seeing a rise in today, there are a couple of other hitch hikers who are traveling along with it too.
The MGTOW (wouldn't call it a movement just yet) thing men are beginning to turn to as "wife and children" are also becoming economically burdening beyond economic practical feasibility. The virtues of staying "solitary" are driving some of the social relationship trends as well. It seems FWB is becoming the new "relationship" standard as the economy has bled so many away from their resources. (FWB = Friends With Benefits). The internet and the many Dating Sites has created a new standard where those who want to can
easily have an alternate social life while on the road.
The second, if one wants to drive their Van outside the USA, is the EXPATRIATE live style which is also growing. As I understand it, a person can become a resident of a more southern State that doesn't have a
personal Income Tax. Then they file to become an EXPAT (once they have found a job offshore) They will only be permitted to re-enter the USA up to 1 month of the year for whatever their needs or reasons. Thier
Federal income tax will start at $91, 500 from what I read in a Forbes Magazine addressing this topic. (No State Income Tax). Then they will have to pay into Social Security until they have earned $108,000 and then
they won't have to pay into it again until the next fiscal year. So if one were to travel to another country
where the dollar is stronger and they lived in their Van, RV, or Trailer as an EXPAT, they may prosper even more.
I've considered rolling all three of these into one.