Thank You Bob.

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Welcome to the CRVL forums Traveler! Glad you decided to join!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
You are very welcome Travelers Rest! Even though it sounds like a cliche, it really is my pleasure.
I second that!!! Thank you Bob and all the moderators for this wonderful site. Having run a website (since 1998) and attempted to run a forum several times, I know that it takes a great deal of work to keep a forum viable.

So hats off to all of you and to Bob for keeping this going.

Happy New Year!
All the credit goes to the moderators who make this thing work! And especially to the wonderful administrator who puts in hundreds of hours doing unseen and unknown work that keeps it all running.

Thanks so much to you all!

But you have to tip your hat to a wonderful crowd of great people who call this home. They honestly care for each other and want to help each other in any way they can.

To each and every one of you, thank you!!!
Thanks to all of you here. It is the people that take the time to post the info and answer questions that make this site such a joy to explore. Hats off to the Admins and Mods for sure, they know how to make it and keep it working. This is one of my most favorite sites to get the motivation I need to get out there and just do it! You guys rock!
Yes, A great big thanks to Bob and all his babysitters (moderators)... I may not agree with all decisions, but I respect them.