Tetanus Booster Shot

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May 4, 2017
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I just got my tetanus booster vaccine, and it's something to think about for you guys and gals out there on the road, especially if you are boondocking, outdoors, on open land or desert, forested areas, campgrounds etc.

Working with, and around, tools, knives, blades, nails, tent and tarp stakes, screws, etc, anything dirty that could cause a deep puncture wound, and in the outdoors, you never know what might happen.

We tend to forget about tetanus because it's rare, and preventable, and we also forget that we should get a booster shot about every 8 to 10 years. Sometimes the booster shot is combined with a diptheria vaccine and its called a Td booster or Td shot.

Tetanus disease, also called lockjaw, is rare, but if you DO get it, there is a 10%-30% chance you will die from it.

So boys and girls, ask about getting a booster shot if you are due for one, the next time you visit a doctor or clinic.
I got mine at a chain drug store. Rite Aid. I think it was $45. Tdap. Also protects any babies you visit from you having Pertussis.
I refused to get one the last time I was at the VA Clinic because they have now added an additional something to it that I do not want. They said I could not get just the tetanus booster, so I told them to keep it. Making my own health choices and practicing homeopathy has really worked out for me. Disease and medication free at almost 63. I have researched the path I take very carefully.

I realize that many do subscribe to traditional medicine, and this is good information for them as I know many people do forget, although it seems many don't get it until they actually have an incident.
Snow Gypsy said:
Making my own health choices and practicing homeopathy has really worked out for me.  Disease and medication free at almost 63. 

Yep, this goes for just about all the decisions we make. (well, except for paying taxes)

Smoking/not smoking.

Driving fast, driving slower.

Alcohol use.

Guns or not.

Motorcycles or not (oh heck yes!)

One-night stands....


So yeah good point, and that's why I said, "ask about" it....

If you are 63 and not taking any scripts you have definitely made good life choices and even chose your ancestry well!

tx2sturgis said:
I just got my tetanus booster vaccine, and it's something to think about for you guys and gals out there on the road, especially if you are boondocking, outdoors, on open land or desert, forested areas, campgrounds etc.

Working with, and around, tools, knives, blades, nails, tent and tarp stakes, screws, etc, anything dirty that could cause a deep puncture wound, and in the outdoors, you never know what might happen.
DON'T GET IT!  This isn't a shot it's a vaccine.  You don't need it.  A few years back I cut my hand on a rusty shopping cart.  I looked around for a "shot", but these vaccines are combined with several "other" vaccines.  I finally called my allergist who told me I didn't need it, that nobody gets lockjaw any more, and not to worry.  He was right.  Not only that, do you know what they're putting in those vaccines?  Many use aborted fetal cells, monkey cells, etc., etc.  I can list more if you want, but you should do your own research.  Guys, I haven't had any vaccines since I was a child, except for a tetanus vaccination when I was uninformed in 2000.  YOU DON'T NEED THEM!
The anti-vaxx stuff you find on the Internet is crap. There is NO medical evidence at all whatever that vaccines are harmful, and they are THE single biggest factor in the near-elimination of diseases that used to kill hundreds of thousands of people per year. The anti-vaxx movement is based on a single doctor who lost his medical license for using fraudulent data in his "research".

Most "alternative medicine" quackery is harmless, and just separates the gullible from their money. But anti-vaxxers KILL PEOPLE with their dumbfuckery. They are an embarrassment.
When I did telephone triage as an RN, if someone was injured in any manner that tetenus vaccine might be appropriate, if it had been more than 3-5 years, we recommended a new one. That seems too soon, but for many people, the time memory can get fuzzy. I've had that happen-I thought my last tetanus immunization was about 5 years previous, but when I actually counted, it had been more than 8.

You can get a booster within 72 hours of an injury. Tetanus is a horrible way to go. If you're anti-vaccine, you'll likely be lucky and never have a problem. The possibility is very slim of contracting it. In the time period of 2001-2008, the frequency of tetanus was 0.10 per million, roughly 35 cases in the US a year. To put it in perspective (per Hubby's quick and dirty number calculations in his head- he's a math teacher), you're about six times more likely to get tetanus than to win the Powerball. As an aside, you can't depend on herd immunity to help protect you with tetanus.

Your decision. I'm not willing to risk it.
XFILE36 said:
I finally called my allergist who told me I didn't need it, that nobody gets lockjaw any more, and not to worry.  He was right.

If nobody in the US is getting it anymore, it's for the same reason that nobody is getting polio anymore.  Everybody has been vaccinated for it.  Worldwide, some 59,000 people died from it in the third world in 2015.
I hope this stays civil.

I just wanted to remind those who are possibly out there in the boonies, working with tools, drills, saws, knives, blades, and other sharp items, that they might want to consider it IF they feel like its a good idea and its been many years since the last booster shot.

Same thing with a flu shot, a first aid kit, CPR training, full coverage vehicle insurance, or even medical insurance for that matter. Your choice.

I'm not saying you SHOULD...I'm just posting a reminder...in case someone has not thought about it for many years, like me.

I posted it because I care about some of you guys, I'd hate to lose somebody!

I was in for a checkup and the doctor asked me...I'm glad he did...its been probably 14 years since my last shot...

Anyway...that is all.
XFILE36 said:
  A few years back I cut my hand on a rusty shopping cart. 

Probably more chance of getting some other, human carried disease than tetanus, because tetanus is mainly caused by dormant spores in the soil.

Stepping on a rusty nail in your backyard is more dangerous as a tetanus point of attack than a rusty shopping cart at the local market.

So your 'allergist' was probably right to relieve your worries.
lenny flank said:
The anti-vaxx stuff you find on the Internet is crap. There is NO medical evidence at all whatever that vaccines are harmful, and they are THE single biggest factor in the near-elimination of diseases that used to kill hundreds of thousands of people per year. The anti-vaxx movement is based on a single doctor who lost his medical license for using fraudulent data in his "research".

Most "alternative medicine" quackery is harmless, and just separates the gullible from their money. But anti-vaxxers KILL PEOPLE with their dumbfuckery. They are an embarrassment.
lenny flank,

Wow.  No need to berate and call people names because they have a different opinion.  Now I can say you are foolish.  I take no vaccines and few medicines.  Some medicines, and notice I said medicines, not vaccines, are necessary.  Keep your monkey puss and aborted human fetal cells.  Is that really what you want to put in your body??
Optimistic Paranoid said:
If nobody in the US is getting it anymore, it's for the same reason that nobody is getting polio anymore.  Everybody has been vaccinated for it.  Worldwide, some 59,000 people died from it in the third world in 2015.
Don't even start with me.  My 4 year old sister was murdered by taking the polio vaccine which has been PROVEN to be contaminated with monkey cancer cells.  She got leukemia from it.   I will post two MUST WATCH documentaries when I locate the correct ones.
XFILE36 said:
DON'T GET IT!  This isn't a shot it's a vaccine.  You don't need it.  A few years back I cut my hand on a rusty shopping cart.  I looked around for a "shot", but these vaccines are combined with several "other" vaccines.  I finally called my allergist who told me I didn't need it, that nobody gets lockjaw any more, and not to worry.  He was right.  Not only that, do you know what they're putting in those vaccines?  Many use aborted fetal cells, monkey cells, etc., etc.  I can list more if you want, but you should do your own research.  Guys, I haven't had any vaccines since I was a child, except for a tetanus vaccination when I was uninformed in 2000.  YOU DON'T NEED THEM!
Any "shot" you get in order to prevent getting a disease is a vaccine. That is what a vaccine is.

The rest is crap. If any of those claims were true, you wouldn't be able to afford the shot. Those things add cost. Who do you think is paying for those additives?

Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Let's start with this whistle-blower documentary made by Dr. Len Horowitz: Watch it right away or upload it to keep and watch offline, because they are taking it down on Youtube for "copyright" reasons...
XFILE36 said:
Don't even start with me.  My 4 year old sister was murdered by taking the polio vaccine which has been PROVEN to be contaminated with monkey cancer cells.  She got leukemia from it.   I will post two MUST WATCH documentaries when I locate the correct ones.

I am sorry that we have hit a raw nerve. And I'm so sorry for your loss.

But thousands of people die each year from errors in treatment in the medical 'industry'...

And  thousands of people die in automobile accidents each year and yet we still drive our cars, they aren't going away either.

Hypothetically, I might lovingly recommend a new Corvette that I just bought...but if a family member of yours died in a Corvette accident, you might not want to ride in one, but I wont be giving up my Corvette based on that.
TY. It wasn't just some "accident". You're comparing apples to oranges. It was pure negligence and they KNEW the monkey cancer cells were in the polio vaccines, but they CHOSE not to inform the public. What they did was purely criminal and they deserve jail time or more. I know, I was like you before I woke up, so I understand.
XFILE36 said:


I know, I was like you before I woke up, so I understand.

Your welcome.

But I am not 'asleep' as you infer.

Let me tell you this:

My Dad was a (mostly) respected writer in the 60's and early 70's and he wrote many published articles about 'Death by Medicine' and iatrogenic diseases. Google the word 'iatrogenesis', you might want to know some of this.

This was all done before the internet or computers. This was done with pen and paper, with typewriters, and actual, bonafide, research at libraries, medical facilities, doctors offices, labs, morgues, clinics and scouring old book stores.
No one knew about this stuff back then....but he did, and I did, I was growing up surrounded by books, magazine article clippings, trips to the library and the publishers offices, days when he would be traveling to some far off place to gather more information, or make xerox or hand written copies of some newspaper article in a far-away newspaper archive room.

He is long gone now, but I still have physical copies of most of his articles, books, and published works.

So...in essence, you are talking to a man directly descended from a man who took paranoia and suspicion of the medical community to the extreme. Some of that, alot of it actually, carried down to me.

You might think a lot of things, but please dont think I am...'asleep'.

Again, sorry for your loss.
Wishful thinking doesn't prevent tetanus. I've seen animals die from it, and it's a horrible way to go. Tetanus is in the soil everywhere, in soil, dust and animal manure. Tetanus (Clostridium tetani) is a relative of food botulism (Clostridium botulinum) poisoning, and there are 50 to 100 cases of tetanus every year in the U.S. (most are people aged 50+). Tetanus can grow without oxygen in any puncture or cut that is more than 1/4" deep.

Anyone who doesn't want to get the vaccine doesn't have to get it. It's okay because it's not contagious. If you die, you die -- your decision. But it's a godawful way to die. When I was 12, the sister of one of my schoolmates died of it; they didn't realize what it was (on a camping trip) until the rigidity set in, and by the time they got her to a hospital, it was too late. Connie said she had nightmares for a long time afterward.

Fear the vaccine, or fear the disease -- we all have to make choices.

Looking around online, there is some indication that there is still a tetanus-only vaccine available, but it usually necessary for your doctor to special order it, and it may cost more. It is more common in other countries. Mexico?
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